How do you determine who is illegal?

It is actually very simple to do.

1) First you prevent non citizens from getting any sort of welfare benefits. No public schools, nothing.
2) Then you enforce E-verify across all 50 states

The self deportation will begin immediately

You are welcome
Won’t happen
Nobody will be detained simply for failing to prove they are a citizen, there would have to be more than that…. Unless we abandon or amend the Constitution.
MAGAts have already proved they are willing to abandon the Constitution to get their way. They are terrorists and, anyone sworn to the Constitution, is a traitor for advocating overthrowing the Constitution.
It is actually very simple to do.

1) First you prevent non citizens from getting any sort of welfare benefits. No public schools, nothing.
2) Then you enforce E-verify across all 50 states

The self deportation will begin immediately

You are welcome
Won’t happen
If you don't make it happen then violent idiots like Teflon Don will become violent and start shooting or otherwise assaulting anyone who is brown or black just like Pat Egan AKA Patrick Thomas Egan, a racist fuckwit who is about to go to buttfuck prison instead of a mental hospital.

DENVER (AP) — A Colorado man is facing possible bias-motivated charges for allegedly attacking a television news reporter after demanding to know whether he was a citizen, saying “This is Trump’s America now,” according to court documents.

Patrick Thomas Egan, 39, was arrested Dec. 18 in Grand Junction, Colorado, after police say he followed KKCO/KJCT reporter Ja’Ronn Alex’s vehicle for around 40 miles (64 kilometers) from the Delta area. Alex told police that he believed he had been followed and attacked because he is Pacific Islander.

After arriving in Grand Junction, Egan, who was driving a taxi, pulled up next to Alex at a stoplight and, according to an arrest affidavit, said something to the effect of: “Are you even a U.S. citizen? This is Trump’s America now! I’m a Marine and I took an oath to protect this country from people like you!”

Alex, who had been out reporting, then drove back to his news station in the city. After he got out of his vehicle, Egan chased Alex as he ran toward the station’s door and demanded to see his identification, according to the document laying out police’s evidence in the case. Egan then tackled Alex, put him in a headlock and “began to strangle him,” the affidavit said. Coworkers who ran out to help and witnesses told police that Alex appeared to be losing his ability to breathe during the attack, which was partially captured on surveillance video, according to the document.
Trump is not deporting US citizens, Wally. Mexico has no choice. Illiteracy.
No country has to take anyone, so Mexico does have a choice. Beyond that, Mexico has zero, or negative net migration with the USA, so we are not even talking about their citizens for the most part. They definitely do not have to take another country's citizens.

The Mexican education system has large numbers of Americans in it now, because so many Americans have been deported to Mexico. They are having trouble learning in Spanish. They also have large numbers of Central Americans who have immigrated to Mexico. Taking in our immigrant problems would be a sacrifice for them; one they do not have to make.

There are immigrants that other countries refuse to take back. They are held until either the other country takes them back, or they get paroled in the USA. When trump decided not to parole, that meant there were concentration camps that had to be setup to take the extra prisoners. If he does it again, it will happen again.
No country has to take anyone, so Mexico does have a choice. Beyond that, Mexico has zero, or negative net migration with the USA, so we are not even talking about their citizens for the most part. They definitely do not have to take another country's citizens.

The Mexican education system has large numbers of Americans in it now, because so many Americans have been deported to Mexico. They are having trouble learning in Spanish. They also have large numbers of Central Americans who have immigrated to Mexico. Taking in our immigrant problems would be a sacrifice for them; one they do not have to make.

There are immigrants that other countries refuse to take back. They are held until either the other country takes them back, or they get paroled in the USA. When trump decided not to parole, that meant there were concentration camps that had to be setup to take the extra prisoners. If he does it again, it will happen again.
Where are the concentration camps, Walter?

Gulags springing up everywhere.

Too funny, Walter.

Walter-“Beyond that, Mexico has zero, or negative net migration with the USA…”

Mexican Immigrants in the United States

1735949741577.png › article › mexican-im...

Oct 8, 2024 — Mexicans are the largest group of immigrants in the United States, accounting for about 23 percent of all 47.8 million foreign-born residents as of 2023

Walter, are you drunk?
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What is to keep them from deporting you then?
This sounds like desperation, Walter.

Illegals without documentation will be deported. The wall will be built. The border will be secure…a good thing, right, Walter?

It happens all over the world.
MAGAts have already proved they are willing to abandon the Constitution to get their way. They are terrorists and, anyone sworn to the Constitution, is a traitor for advocating overthrowing the Constitution.
If you don't make it happen then violent idiots like Teflon Don will become violent and start shooting or otherwise assaulting anyone who is brown or black just like Pat Egan AKA Patrick Thomas Egan, a racist fuckwit who is about to go to buttfuck prison instead of a mental hospital.
You are hallucinating again, Sybil.
No country has to take anyone,
They certainly do.
so Mexico does have a choice.
Mexico has no choice. Neither does Argentina.
Beyond that, Mexico has zero, or negative net migration with the USA, so we are not even talking about their citizens for the most part. They definitely do not have to take another country's citizens.
No one said they did, Wally. You are hallucinating again.
The Mexican education system has large numbers of Americans in it now,
Mexicans are Americans, Wally.
because so many Americans have been deported to Mexico.
Mexico is in America, Wally.
They are having trouble learning in Spanish.
You really think the Mexican educational system sucks that bad, eh?
They also have large numbers of Central Americans who have immigrated to Mexico.
Then Mexico can deport them.
Taking in our immigrant problems would be a sacrifice for them; one they do not have to make.
They have no choice.
There are immigrants that other countries refuse to take back.
They have no choice.
They are held until either the other country takes them back, or they get paroled in the USA.
There is no parole for deportation, Wally.
When trump decided not to parole, that meant there were concentration camps that had to be setup to take the extra prisoners. If he does it again, it will happen again.
Deportation is not concentration camps, Wally.