How do you determine who is illegal?


Pathetic coward...
I guess that the mods will decide, if anyone reported it.

I recall one guy, @RB 60, getting dinged for a 12B for saying something similar about NAMBLA.
Ms. Edwina suddenly disappeared after her NAMBLA remark. Presumably to check her bank account and make a donation Ă  la Lesion Lameass. LOL
there are so many court recognized pre-conceptual stops that law enforcement are allowed to use, it would be relatively simple to find out a lot of the ones here illegally.

profiling is almost impossible to use effectively for anything

both the left and the right are HUGE about having IDs for their least favored activities. Drivers licenses, Gun licenses, etc. Government regulations can be made, enforced, and upheld as Constitutional to make it so that ONLY people here legally can obtain these.

In the most favored aspects of the war on terror, domestic and abroad, detainment is not only allowed, but encouraged. the courts will appreciate consistency in it's application. So, if a person cannot prove that they are a citizen, they will remain incarcerated until they can prove otherwise. A government custodial advocate can then be assigned to said detainee to investigate and prove the persons place of origin and legal status.
Nobody will be detained simply for failing to prove they are a citizen, there would have to be more than that…. Unless we abandon or amend the Constitution.
Ms. Edwina suddenly disappeared after her NAMBLA remark. Presumably to check her bank account and make a donation Ă  la Lesion Lameass. LOL

lol you think you're scary or impressive, do you? You're just a joke poster, like most commies, especially those trying to claim to be 'libertarians' when it's obvious they aren't.
It looks like a 12b violation.

It looks like a perfect description of many 'libertarians' and their 'logical' processes. Ditto for many 'progressives', who by the way love Harry Hay. But, since your ilk is desperate to ban people who make you cry ...

Harry Hay is the founder of gay liberation. This lovely interview with Hay by Anne-Marie Cusac was published in the September 1998 issue of The Progressive magazine. Then-editor Matt Rothschild called Hay "a hero of ours," writing that he should be a household name.

Want to know what else good ole Harry the 'Progressive Hero' is famous for?

Which is no surprise; Marxists are also big on raping kids too, and good ole Harry was a card carrying member of the Communist Party as well. Check pages 4 and 5 of this special issue ...

David Thorstad was a founder of NAMBLA, also a commie, and of course NAMBLA was a proud founding member of the ILGA.

How's that for your fake 'violations' claims? Documented facts usually are very left wing unfriendly, eh?

There, now you can wet your diapers and cry for censorship of real facts, like commies and deviants always demand. Maybe threatening to hold your breath and turn blue will result in prompt action for your sniveling.
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Nobody will be detained simply for failing to prove they are a citizen, there would have to be more than that…. Unless we abandon or amend the Constitution.
you say that, yet MILLIONS and MILLIONS of citizens have been ok with people being detained for mere suspicion of terrorism or less.............just during my lifetime, and yours, we've seen numerous exceptions given to the government by the courts to ignore the Constitution. I don't see how you can say that failure to determine citizenship is the straw breaking that camels back......unless you're showing your bias?
you say that, yet MILLIONS and MILLIONS of citizens have been ok with people being detained for mere suspicion of terrorism or less.............just during my lifetime, and yours, we've seen numerous exceptions given to the government by the courts to ignore the Constitution. I don't see how you can say that failure to determine citizenship is the straw breaking that camels back......unless you're showing your bias?
There would have to be a good reason for suspicion of terrorism. Posters on this very thread, suggested that simply not speaking English would be enough. Those people obviously do not care about the constitution
There would have to be a good reason for suspicion of terrorism. Posters on this very thread, suggested that simply not speaking English would be enough. Those people obviously do not care about the constitution

Obviously neither do illegal aliens and their enablers, so you don't really have anything there, just projection. Suddenly leftist 'sanctuary cities' don't like them either.

Why don't Democrats rush to sponsor them? You can then brag about how tolerant and loving you are.
There would have to be a good reason for suspicion of terrorism. Posters on this very thread, suggested that simply not speaking English would be enough. Those people obviously do not care about the constitution
no, there does not have to be a 'good reason' for suspicion of terrorism, at least in the eyes of government. If you were a real prosecutor, you'd know this. I would agree that simply not speaking English is not a good reason. IF there is suspicion, within the Constitutional framework, and government/law enforcement cannot ID that individual.............they can, and have, detained people until they've been able to identify them.
Still trying to find where 'not speaking English' was my only criteria. Maybe there is a shadow board I'm not allowed access to where sniveling left wingers can edit peoples' posts.. My Mexican neighbor has ID out the wazoo, for instance.
I guess that the mods will decide, if anyone reported it.

I recall one guy, @RB 60, getting dinged for a 12B for saying something similar about NAMBLA.

We know you did report it, being desperate to get people banned who don't kiss your ass, lol.

And you recall nothing, you're just babbling again. You just can't read well from all that drug abuse in your past.
It's the mod's call. Not yours or mine. We can only report the violation.

If you see a guy who appears to be driving drunk on the road and call a cop, it's their call to do something about it or not. You can't legally do anything.

In the case of 12B, the history is that there was some sort of legal problem in the past. Fucking lawyers, amirite? Scumbag shysters are amoral gunslingers for hire. This explains why the rule is written as explicitly as it is compared to other rules.
What violation, Sybil???
Under what grounds do you ask someone?
Are we going to use profiling?
How do you determine someone entered illegally?
How do you prove where someone was born if they will not even tell you their name?
It is actually very simple to do.

1) First you prevent non citizens from getting any sort of welfare benefits. No public schools, nothing.
2) Then you enforce E-verify across all 50 states

The self deportation will begin immediately

You are welcome
there are so many court recognized pre-conceptual stops that law enforcement are allowed to use
LMAO!!! I think you might mean pre-textual, not "pre-conceptual." Pre-conceptual would be before conception, so right before having sex without using birth control. I suppose if you are in a public location, the police are allowed to stop you from having sex, but that is not really germane to the topic.

Pre-textual stops have been blown out of proportion, and they still cannot catch many people here illegally. It is a complex decision who is here legally and who is not.