Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Agreed, but, IMO, she broke the rule. Notice how quickly she fled the scene of the crime.I believe suggesting rules were broken when they were not, weakens the rules. I think it is a good rule, but Ms. Edwina did not break them.

Still, members are free to file a complaint whenever they see what appears to be a violation. It's up to the mods to decide if a violation has, indeed, occurred. It takes all three mods to temp or perm ban a member. Since it takes a consensus, it usually takes 48-72 hours to see results, if any.
A member who keeps reporting people for frivolous reasons, like Toxic habitually does, is often ignored.
Donations seem to help ameliorate any adverse consequences as Lesion Lameass often proves. LOL