how do you explain that worlds safest cities ban guns ?

I really am sorry you came up short on the IQ lottery bro.

And then he doubles down, beautiful, didn't anyone ever tell you personal insults on an anonymous vehicle only makes you look silly, plus it is a dead give away that you have run out of content
And then he doubles down, beautiful, didn't anyone ever tell you personal insults on an anonymous vehicle only makes you look silly, plus it is a dead give away that you have run out of content

I don't see you making such a claim when your fellow liberals do it, which is nearly every post. japan and singapore both make guns almost completely illegal swords too

Can you explain why they are not the United States of America that has a documented history of defending the world from fascist type nations such as Japan with GUNS? :bigthink:

I think that it might have something to do with the reality that the United States "prohibited" Japan from personally owning weapons under the reconstruction declarations following WW2.....under the operation code named OPERATION BLACKLIST when the US Military occupied Japan up until Sept. 8, 1951 when the San Francisco Peace Treaty between the 2 nations was signed.

Conclusion: Japan was denied personal weapons under terms described by the US Military. Me thinks that it had nothing to do with civilian "Safety" but everything to do with the fact of Japan's historical use of weapons in occupying their neighbors in the region.
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Probably cause I'm not in that thread, I usually bail when the personal insults fly, no reason to stay

"That thread"? You mean "this forum".

Are you actually going to deny that liberals don't routinely deride conservatives as low IQ folk? Seriously?
The states with the toughest gun laws include California, NewYork, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut and Massachusetts. How are those strict gun laws working out?
It is very difficult to compare the United States with other countries like Japan. Different cultures and attitudes.
They banned handguns in the United Kingdom ever since a school shooting in the 90’s.
However they find other ways of killing each other.
United Kingdom has had a number of terrorist attacks over the years including the concert bombing last year.
If not by gun it will be a boom, knife or vehicle driving into a crowd of people.
Government will not protect me. Give me something to protect myself.
Another one that has to have everything explained to him umpteen times, Chicago is a twenty minute car drive from Indiana, any entrepreneur with a car trunk can undercut any attempt at gun regulation, and that is how you explain Chicago

The usual nonsense. Dallas, with almost no gun control, is the safest city in the U.S. Your 'entrepreneur' would have to be from Indiana. And that still doesn't explain why Chicago has more violence than any city in Indiana.
The Japanese have a culture where personal responsibility and respect toward others is highly valued. This is 100% opposite of most of your ilk who are followers of the Democrat Party.

Of course, Japan has a suicide rate that exceeds our combined homicide and suicide rates.
They banned handguns in the United Kingdom ever since a school shooting in the 90’s.
However they find other ways of killing each other.
United Kingdom has had a number of terrorist attacks over the years including the concert bombing last year.
If not by gun it will be a boom, knife or vehicle driving into a crowd of people.
Government will not protect me. Give me something to protect myself.

Terrorist killings are done by mugs following ISIS because they lack contact with Islam or by the Provisional IRA paid for by Yanks. What has this to do with the discussion?
The topic was how gun bans namely Japan keep us all safe. UK has a gun ban and people are not safe.
Didn’t you read the starting post.