How Feds control this country?


New member
My American nightmare

New high tech weapons such like radiation material, microwave kill people without trace, leaving death look like heart attack, blood cancer, etc.

In 1991, because an acquaintance was arrested for drug smuggling, I was under surveillance by law enforcement agent. They used isotope money as tracer which hurt my health badly. After I complained this I found I was frequently under microwave radiation which cooked my blood, solidified them to form clog, caused severe chest pain. As pressure intensified,I could not bear the torture of EM wave, I went abroad in 1999. There I still was under surveillance of local police. On Mar. 22 2000, attempts of frame me up to a drug case forced me seeking political asylum in Thailand.

What made an U.S. citizen drift abroad and ask for political asylum? The black box practice covered criminal activities of U.S. law enforcement agency. New high tech weapons enable them to murder people without being aware of. To prevent U.S. become a fascist country, an independent organization which can check the conduct of law enforcement agency is necessary.

It was a big case ten years ago.

I was a seller in San Jose Berryessa Flea Market. I sell porcelain figuring. On Sept. 1990, a lady, named Mrs. Chen, came to my stand, saying that she was an importer of porcelain. I bought some merchandise from her because she offered a good price.

On June. 1991, Mrs. Chen was arrested for drug smuggling. The newspaper titled: " Heroin bust called U.S. record".(See San Jose Mercury, 6-21-1991). There was a lot of harassment since then. I was followed, bugged, business turned downward, etc..

1. Psychology intimidation

According to newspaper, the heroin container arrived in on May, 1991. Mrs. Chen was arrested on June 22, 1991 when they opened it. During that one month waiting period, I was stopped by police for three times.

The first time was on Monday, in downtown San Jose. A police car sirened. I stopped, officer came forward, asking me if I knew why he stopped me. I said I did not know. He said that I was speeding. He gave me a ticket after talked to microphone . I didn't argue because I had not notice my speed at that time. But I knew I could not be very fast because it was on 7th Street where the traffic light set for 30 miles. That means if you driving at 30 miles you meet green light all the way, if you past 30, you hit a red light.

Next day was Tuesday, I went to Galt Flea Market early in the morning and arrived there about 6 a.m. The town was still asleep. No people or vehicle in sight. I was stopped by a sirening police car. Same question asked and officer told me I did not stop fully at stop sign. I was very depressing. To my delight, the officer coming back after he talked to microphone, said that he would not give me a ticket.

Within a week, there was a third time. It's inside San Jose Flea Market. Everything repeated. Officer said I was speeding at 15 miles against 5 miles limit. I had worked in Flea Market for 7 years and drove in same way, never had a problem. So did other sellers. The officer smiled at me at last after talked to microphone. Let me go without a ticket. I was so impressed because if they cited me in late two stops, I would have lost my drive license.

Weeks later, Mrs Chen was arrested. Even then I didn't relate two events together. Until about two months late, an article in newspaper touched my mind. It said police sirened signal when a man violated traffic rule. The man did not stop but speeded away in panic. Police searched his car and found drugs. Three times stopped by police within a week happened in time just the heroin container arrived in Mrs. Chen's warehouse. So it was a psychology intimidation test for me. There were many of This kind of harassment late. But compare to isotope money and microwave radiation and fluorescent lamp killing, it's nothing.

2. Infra-scanner, surveillance behind wall

I sell porcelain figuring. After a while, there were quite amount of broken one accumulated. That day, I was sticking the broken part back by using a glue gun. I switched on power so glue stick melted, ready for working. While I was doing my work, my tenant came in to get some food in refrigerator.(I rented out two upstairs bedrooms and shared kitchen with my tenants.) When I worked on second lot, he came again. For the third time, he was rushing down. This rose my attention. I noticed it happened just seconds after I switched on the power. It looked like that was the heat touched off his strange behavior. So I did an experiment. I packed up everything, sitting down, switching on the power of glue gun. Within seconds, he reacted as what I expected. He was embarrassed when he found I was smiling at him and explained that he was hungry. I smiling because I had the feeling a scientist had when making a discovery. The agent found the figure in screen had lit something and thought I was smoking marijuana, order my tenant to check. My tenant, knew nothing about infra-scanner, only reported I was repairing porcelain figuring. None of them was aware of it was caused by an electricity heated glue gun.

Several months later, when I repairing another pile of porcelain, same thing happened again. My tenant felt uneasy as I watching him going up and down. That in last rush down he held an underwear high and explained he was going to wash it.

Later in a newspaper article, a lawyer said it was fascist to use infra-scanner in surveillance. So I know the instrument name. And it is so sensitive that they can use it to discover corpse buried under ground from helicopter. (For the corpse which is just died with residual body temperature)

Infra-scanner can be used to watch people behind wall. If it turns on people, then clothes mean nothing. People become nude. The strange thing is,in a country which is so emphasized on privacy, almost nobody mention it. Media rarely talk about it. Most people even don't know it. In San Jose Mercury News,(Feb 21,2001. pg.18A) there's an article: "Lawyer says police use of Thermal Imagine violates reasonable expectation of privacy" As a matter of fact, they use it 10 years ago already according to my experience. Outwardly, U.S. is a democratic country. Inside, it is tightly controlled by secret police. Although you can easily ridicule President, you rarely hear a voice criticize federal law enforcement agency. Waco is a controversial issue. Many people think FBI's action is murder. What's the result? Nobody takes responsibility. People are intimidated.

3. ISOTOPE MONEY (How agent find cash savings at your home)

I talked about these harassment to people I knew.
A man whom I thought was delivering the word for FBI, said that I should cooperate and suggested me to write check instead of paying cash in trading. I followed his advice. As I didn't go often to the bank, I started to put big notes (100's and 50's) in my left rear pocket of my jeans. Several months later, I couldn't move my left leg. Found the source of pain was at my left hip right beneath the pocket where money kept, I moved the money away and recovered. suspecting it was radioactive money, I stopped to pocket big notes. About 5 months later, my wife planed to visit her parents in China. I started to save money for her trip on my left rear pocket, thinking it wouldn't hurt if just for a short while. But this time, only a few weeks, same thing happened again. I only recovered after taking the money away. Realizing law enforcement agent using radiation material as tracer, which hurt my health badly, I complained but only saw something more serious happened. Microwave radiation is one of them.

By the way, because I am an naturalized U.S. citizen with limit vocabularies, I used word radiation money all the time, until last Sept. I went to Santa Clara D.A.'s office to tell them I worried about a frame up against me. Investigator Tom Johnson used the word 'isotope money'. Then I knew this word. So government knows it. They just deny they use it because it is criminal.

Tracking and wiretapping

At first, I wondered if they would follow me like in movie. Really they did. Different vehicles cross tracking me insistently. And I also noticed that when the original vehicle turned away, the drivers always talked something to a microphone. Then another replacing vehicle soon appeared. After I told this story to other people, I have not seen this scene any more. They bugged my talking and improved their communication. Though I still could identify some vehicles with characters.

4. Burglary and flooding

In San Jose flea market, there were three other people selling same porcelain figuring as me. They are brothers from Viet Nam, named Qian. We bought same merchandise from importer Mao(not Mrs. Chen whom was arrested in drug case).

After drug case happened, the youngest one's house was burglarized. Several thousand dollars cash was stolen. Sometime later, the old brother's house suffered a flooding. The old brother couple was taking a tour in Europe then. The water pipe inside the house broken, and walls soaking in water for days and at last collapsed. Insurance company paid the damage. 'What a curious coincidence.' I thought.'The water pipe broke when people are in vacation.' At this time, I found law enforcement agent use isotope money. So I thought Qian brothers, too, are the victims of law enforcement agent. If so, there should be a third time for young brother.

As I expected, he was hit twice. First, his merchandise was stolen. Then, he had a flood in his house too. He seemed knew it was not a coincidence. Said:'It's all right, anyway, I got a new carpet from Insurance company.'

From my opinion then, government commit more crime than anyone else. And people have to pay the cost. At least they have to pay more insurance fee.

5. Microwave killing

At that time, each Tuesday I went to Galt flea Market which took two hours' driving to get there. I was very sick after driving. I felt dizziness, hot and thirsty. Sometimes there was a chest pain. At first I didn't relate it to driving because chest pain always happened hours later after driving. I worried the new symptoms, but knew nothing what caused it. I noticed an article in newspaper said FBI Lab developed new technique of using microwave as a weapon.

Then in a Tuesday, I was very sick on my way home that I stopped driving for a while. That night, when I was watching TV, my neighbor, an old Taiwaness lady, visited us with a woman. When I turned my sight from TV to them, I found the woman was watching me too. Just at that moment, a severe chest pain attacked me. With eye to eye, I was suddenly aware of it was microwave that sickened me so much. There was no side window on my cargo van, and thus it acted as a microwave oven. After two hours slow cooking (low radiation of microwave), I felt hot and thirsty and the blood cell would die and gradually solidify to form clot, when the clot moving to the heart, a heart attack happened. The procedure took a few hours. It solved another question in my mind. I used to arrive home at 5 pm. At night, I watched eight o'clock's TV. My neighbor always visited us at this time. Puzzled me that "Why she always harasses us at this golden time? She should be more interested in Chinese series than me." Now I knew she was sent to see the result of microwave experiment, to see a heart attack. Next day I went to a metal shop and bought metal sheet to shield the engine cover and instrument panel. It worked. I didn't feel hot and dizziness any more. So when I felt headache at night, I used metal sheet to cover me while I slept.

The condition lasted until 1999 when it became worse. During daytime when I was home alone, I had severe headache and toothache which at last forced me left U.S. on March, 1999.
I have a prejudice towards supporting the existence of the Fed, because Hamilton and Washington supported the National Bank while losers like Jefferson and Jackson opposed it. That said, it has done quite a bit of harm to the economy at times by depreciating the value of the dollar...
The best way to see if I am that kind of man in above indruduction, better read my journal story (this thread) and have your own judge. If Feds takes that much care, even started a dictionary definition, then it may prove what I said are truth. They are afraid of it.

6. Looter and scapegoat

After I suffered from two hits from isotopic money, I asked myself:" Why they used that kind of money on me, an innocent man?"

In 1993(or 1992), my family had a reunion. I told them how my health was hurt by isotopic money. Within a week, my youngest sister's house was burglarized for three times. First time, some Asians broke into the house, stole a safe box. After my sister reported police, they came again, this time brought with a black man. On third time, that black man came alone. And this time, someone reporting police, black man was arrested and finally convicted. Obviously, my talking of isotope money touched off the burglary. I have three sisters and one brother along with their spouses. Most of them are employees of some company or government except my youngest brother-in-law. He is a successful businessman who is a distributor of brand name electronics such as Sony and Panasonic. He was the one possible having cash at home and he was the one to be burglarized. And the case is a typical FBI's. The real thieves never caught. Thus , the safe box would never recovered. But the case is over. Because there was a scapegoat, a black man. There should be a record in San Francisco P.D..

I never touch drug. So isotope money must be paid by undercover agents in normal business. What is their purpose? I puzzled for a long time, could not believe that government was a looter.

7. Alleged murder of Ernie

I thought a man selling frame paintings was an undercover agent because he always set his booth at street cross next to my house and next to my selling space in Flea Market on week days. I found law enforcement agent used to set their surveillance next to suspect and spot where they can monitor all people. So when people said the painting seller paid $6,000 to bid for entrance space(for only 3 months' week-ends), I thought Ernie would have trouble because he made undercover to pay a high cost. Ernie was a supervisor of Flea Market. He held selling space. Sellers had to pay undertable money beyond normal rent to get them. It was said some hot spaces cost $10,000. Several months later, people said Erney died of a stroke. He was about in his 40's. Though I don't like him and thought he would have trouble, I didn't expect he would die.

It was until I have the experiences of isotope money and microwave radiation, I realized it was money which leading to his death. No doubt he had a lot of cash, which was the target of looter. Microwave ray shooting could make the death look like a stroke. (blood in brain).

8. FBI's profit

Everything shows that law enforcement agent use isotope money tracing if you have cash savings at home. But how could they steal from innocent people?

Later I learned from 'National Geography' (1961, June) In article " FBI: public friend number one ". ' Mr. Hoover prides upon the "profit" it shows annually. During fiscal 1960 the FBI received $113,600,000 in operating funds. Fines, savings, and recoveries of stolen property and contraband in cases investigated by the FBI amounted to $142,822,244, or $1.25 returned for every dollar invested by the taxpayer.' It's that 'profit' chase makes FBI a looter. It's that black box practise makes FBI closed and untouchable and new high tech weapons killing without trace makes them ruthless. How do you expect them be in justice while their purpose is pursuing 'profit'?

We need an independent commission to check the conduct of law enforcement agency, or otherwise America is ruled by a government mafia.

9. Estranged friends and customers

Like ordinary people, I have friends. Some of them are in China. We kept communication by letters, At least an X'mas card a year. Usually they mailed me the card first. Because it was busy for me before X'mas. After X'mas I began to return the late greeting cards. The turning point was the year's end of 1991 when drug case happened. For the first time I found I didn't receive card from friends. So I wrote them first.

Then I found my retailer customer(I did wholesale business in Galt flea market) were intimidated. Someone didn't show ever. The others came to buy just like to fulfill a mission. They hurried away instead of having a friendly chat like before. Bit by bit, I realized people were intimidated. What's your reaction if law enforcement agent came to investigate your friend in drug case. I began to understand why my friends were reluctant to respondent and stopped to writing to them. My wife's was influenced too. We used to have a bunch of X'mas card before 1991. Now it's only two or three pieces. One of them is even a routine business card from insurance agent. You can see how law enforcement agent destroyed normal relationship of people.

10. The death of old people

My daughter had three playmates at that time. They knew each other in the park next to us. They lived in same street. After the drug case, (about in 1992)the girls' parents moved away with them, Leaving three old people in their houses. The three old people are: grandma Lin, grandma Huang and grandpa Huang. It's unusual because in Asian' tradition, working parents used to let grandparents foster children. The girls age were 3-5 years old then.

Then on March 1999, I left for South-east Asia because I could not bear the torture of EM wave. (Although I don't know exactly what kind of wave they are using, electric-magnet wave is the best word for it. Microwave is one kind of it.) Within months after my leaving, all three old people died. It seems that they will eliminate those who know my story. I worry about those young people's lives if their death could not been explained as old. I'm afraid law enforcement agent will frame them in some case,(drug case is the easiest one) and then kill them in custody by the hands of gang members in jail.

11. Helicopter Surveillance

At that time, every Tuesday I went to Galt flea market. I got up at The way I took were highway 680, 580, 205, 120 and 99. Highway 205 is a straight road. You almost can drive with eyes closed . And it used to be 5 am when I was on it. It was still dark and there was rarely other vehicle. To break monotonous I sometimes study the star in the sky. I noticed the brightest star in sky was the one I faced to. I thought it might be Venus.

One day on highway 205, I picked up a broken piece of porcelain, threw it out from my right side window. Since the window was half opened, I stretched out a little bit to the right. Just for seconds, a van caught up and drove parallel with me. The driver watched me for a minute or so, then drop back behind about hundred feet away. Maybe he wanted to see if he knew me, I thought. But when I threw another piece of porcelain out. He caught up with me again. Strange, I decided to have a test. I made a throwing movement, for the third time, the van rushed forward rapidly and driving parallel with me for sometime. Obviously, my action touched off the van's unusually movement. But how could he see me? It was dark and he was always behind me. The van was full of cargo and people could not see through from behind.

Than another Tuesday on highway 205. I still had that puzzle. An article came into my mind. In "Readers' digest", a girl talked about her experience of night flight. She said a friend gave her a night vision goggle, "the whole world became green" and she could see clearly from the sky. I watched the bright star in dark sky, found it was the only star shinning that night. It was a cloudy day, no other star in vision. I was suddenly aware of this was not a star. It was night flight light of helicopter. I stared at it for a long time. Thinking of someone was watching me there with night vision goggle, I smiled. The star suddenly jumping out off my vision. It reacted at my smile. After a while, I stretched forward, throw tinted glass, I could see the star hang there. In a position where they still could see my hands on steer wheel.

When I got to Galt. It was six o'clock. The sky turned into grey white. I looked up, saw a helicopter rising higher and higher, than disappeared in vision. I then knew I was under 24 hours surveillance and they even could see my smile face at night.
Then I found my retailer customer(I did wholesale business in Galt flea market) were intimidated. Someone didn't show ever. The others came to buy just like to fulfill a mission. They hurried away instead of having a friendly chat like before. Bit by bit, I realized people were intimidated. What's your reaction if law enforcement agent came to investigate your friend in drug case. I began to understand why my friends were reluctant to respondent and stopped to writing to them. My wife's was influenced too. We used to have a bunch of X'mas card before 1991. Now it's only two or three pieces. One of them is even a routine business card from insurance agent. You can see how law enforcement agent destroyed normal relationship of people.

I am pretty sure that if the feds were really doing this huge conspiracy against anyone who talks about legalizing drugs all of us would be in the shitter right now.

And if they wanted to, they could do it a hell of a lot easier than what Kath is saying.

I've seen this guy on other forums though - it seems we've finally been deemed important enough to catch the infection. Feel proud Damo.
I have a prejudice towards supporting the existence of the Fed, because Hamilton and Washington supported the National Bank while losers like Jefferson and Jackson opposed it. That said, it has done quite a bit of harm to the economy at times by depreciating the value of the dollar...

The National bank is a very different animal than the Fed. One is owned by the people, the other by a banking cartel. One is Constitutional, while the other is not.

What do you think about the theory that the sinking of the Titanic was intentional, in order to kill Isa Strauss, Benjamin Guggenheim, and John Jacob Astor -- three powerful opponents to the Federal reserve system? The Fed was established one year after the Titanic disaster.

What do you think about the theory that the sinking of the Titanic was intentional, in order to kill Isa Strauss, Benjamin Guggenheim, and John Jacob Astor -- three powerful opponents to the Federal reserve system? The Fed was established one year after the Titanic disaster.

Kathaksung doesn't respond to questions. He just rambles.
I've been reading his theories on his homepage. This guy is something else...

He seems to blame the Feds for his loss of connection to his family and friends.

What do you think about the theory that the sinking of the Titanic was intentional, in order to kill Isa Strauss, Benjamin Guggenheim, and John Jacob Astor -- three powerful opponents to the Federal reserve system? The Fed was established one year after the Titanic disaster.

If you think so, don't apply it on me.


12. Mind control EM sleep wave (1)

When I talked about microwave killing, some readers asked if that is a mind control pulse wave. I went to the web site they gave me. The neuro-electrical magnet wave which imitate brain wave could produce Microwave hearing,forced speech, etc. I don't have that kind of experience, or maybe they have applied it on me but I didn't know. Because it is hard to tell which is natural or caused by remote control frequency weapon. But I do know there is an EM sleep wave which is vastly in use by law enforcement agent.

It was in 1992. One Tuesday morning on my way to Galt. On highway 205, a strong sleep desire fell on me. It was a straight highway, so I tried to drive with eyes closed a little while. But once eye closed, it's hard to open my lids again. I had to fight against drowsiness with extraordinary effort. Then I turned on to highway 120. It was a narrow road with only one lane each way. In dim, I suddenly found there was a dark shadow before me. it was a big truck with a trailer. It stopped on road and started to move when I approached. The sudden lit of tail lamp was so bright red, like in my hands' reach. I made an emergency brake. The cargo in my van rushed forward with inertia, bang hit the front window glass . I could hear the crack sound of porcelain. Luckily I didn't hit the trailer. It was only inches away. My body was wet all over by sweat. Strange for me, such a big scare didn't drove sleepy away. I fell into drowse again until there was another emergency brake. I found the truck driving at only 30 miles per hour. Sometime later, when I opened my lid, I found the truck sped away. It's the end of 120 and we would turned into 99, a busy highway where he could not drive at 30 miles any more.

Later when I had the experience of microwave radiation and other related suffering, I gradually realized there was a sleep wave. But at that time, though it was unusual, I only attributed this to sleepy. Who knew there was a mind control EM sleep wave?

13. Microwave ray shooting and EM sleep wave(2)

I was able to be aware of microwave killing due to a newspaper article. It said FBI's lab developed a tech

that they could shoot and penetrate iron plate in distance by microwave ray. By then I knew they could watch people behind wall by Infra-scanner already. And if they shoot microwave ray behind wall, it's really dangerous for innocent people. Unfortunately, this fell on me soon.

One midnight, I awoke with bitter headache. "They are shooting with microwave ray. I must find something to cover me." I alarmed myself. But before I could do something, an irresistible sleepiness overcame me. I fell in sleep again. This scene repeated several times that night. I always fell in sleep after awakening by headache.

Next day, the headache was so severe that a slight movement would cause suffering. It lasted several days. I thought there was an internal hemorrhage or swell in my head. With great fear, I gathered a lot of metal plates, iron cabinet in my bedroom and slept behind them at night.
Though I was once puzzled how could I go sleep while having heavy headache, I was still didn't aware of there was a sleep wave then.

14. EM sleep wave (3)

I used to sit on a sofa where I could watch TV as well as reading. That day about 5 p.m, when I was reading newspaper, a sudden drowsiness fell on me. It was so strong that I went to my bedroom right away. Once laying on bed, there was no sleepiness at all, not a little bit. That really puzzled me. I went back to sitting room and sitting on sofa, immediately, sleepiness grasped me again. This time I recalled two events happened before. The drowsiness feeling were so similar. They were all deep and irresistible.

I was in panic. What was that? I knew they were using radioactive material and microwave. It seemed that it was a ray with limit field, because my bedroom is just a few feet away and I could not feel it there. I guessed it was a kind of microwave with different frequency and worried it might hurt my brain because it restrained my mind so deeply that I couldn't help to go sleep. On the otherhand, it was a pure feeling of drowsiness, no pain, no dizziness, only extraordinary strong desire to sleep. If I hadn't have above experiences, I would never know its existence. How could you tell it from a nature one.

15. EM sleep wave in China (4)

In 1993, I abandoned my job in flea market. In July 1994, I went to China. I was tired to sleep under the cover of metal plates in U.S. My friends in China stopped communication with me so I knew Chinese police were cooperative with U.S.A.'s, but I thought they would not use high tech. weapon against an innocent man.

I lived in my uncle's home. It was an apartment on third floor (toppest floor) in the building. In August, I heard a noise on roof. People said someone was installing a commercial billboard there. I saw workers erect power transmission lines on roof. A few days later, about 7 o'clock in the morning, I was chatting with relatives when I felt a sudden feeling of sleepiness. I saw my aunt quickly fall in sleep. Other relatives said they were going to bed and back to their bedroom. I was very familiar with this - a sudden, irresistible sleepiness. Later that day I told them about the sleep wave. They didn't believe me. I understood because it was so natural that even I myself would not believe if I hadn't the experience.

This was the only time I felt they use it in China. I think they didn't expect I know sleep wave. When they found I know the secret, they gave it up. The work on roof was postponed. The billboard was never installed. Next year on May, when I left China, the metal shelf installed on August was still there, rusted.
Since then I knew the sleep wave can be a field which influence many people.

16. EM Sleep wave (5)

In 1996, I learned what is sleep wave from a book named 'CIA' (Chinese edition).

It said in July 1987, former Soviet leader Gorbachef flied to Thamalhan, a KGB base, to see an experiment. It was a tiger in the cage. The tiger was irritable. Dr. Chernianko pushed down a button. Within seconds, the furious tiger laid down as gentle as a cat.

Doctor told Gorbachef they successfully handled animal's sentiment by controlling it's brain nerve with remote control electrical wave.

CIA got the information and found Pentagon had first developed such technique. Military Intelligence Chief, general Ackerman was alleged delivering the secret to Soviets. Ackerman was shoot to death several days later. Pentagon announced he died of heart attack.

I immediately realized this was EM sleep wave.
The wave imitates human's sleep wave in brain. It's so natural that you can't tell if it is artificial. Nine years ago I could tell it because it was a sudden, strong feeling. Now they improved their technique. In same sofa I recently often gradually fell into drowse when I wrote article (for post in internet) in daytime. Only at the movement I would get into sleep, I'd realize same thing happened again and moved away. In other place, I never feel sleepy. I think I would never have known there's a sleep wave if they had used that improved technique(gradually go in sleep) nine years ago.