How Feds control this country?

yeah that darned sleep wave works even better on the elderly too. damn bassids keep dosing the oldsters at the local rest home.
heck those oldsters are sitting around napping all over the place.

I think it is a plan to reduce the costs of keep the elderly alive and save SSI and medicare.
I like to believe that kathaksung is the result of some top-secret LSD military experiment gone horribly wrong.
If she is for real, I have no idea how to take her. with a tranq gun and straight jacket i would suspect.
Oh, the difficulty of a federalist style conservative trying to reconcile the past with the future.

For me its very simple. Andrew Jackson opposed the National Bank, therefore I support it. The Fed has really managed to screw up the economy on three major occassions now: The first twenty years that it existed (deliberate inflation and stuff like that which are recurring once more), the 70's, and now.
For me its very simple. Andrew Jackson opposed the National Bank, therefore I support it. The Fed has really managed to screw up the economy on three major occassions now: The first twenty years that it existed (deliberate inflation and stuff like that which are recurring once more), the 70's, and now.

Yep that is right, deregulate and turn em loose, it was working so well before the feds bailed em out wasn't it ?
I like to believe that kathaksung is the result of some top-secret LSD military experiment gone horribly wrong.

The military used to own a brothel, and they'd secretly dose the customers with LSD and watch them from behind a one-way mirror as they went crazy as they were having sex.

It was called operation Midnight Climax.
Yep that is right, deregulate and turn em loose, it was working so well before the feds bailed em out wasn't it ?

I'm guessing the Bank worked better simply because it was primarily run by private entrepreneurs... But yeah, corporate bailouts are really gay and bad for the economy. We'd all be better off if failing corporations would just die already and be replaced by better ones.
I'm guessing the Bank worked better simply because it was primarily run by private entrepreneurs... But yeah, corporate bailouts are really gay and bad for the economy. We'd all be better off if failing corporations would just die already and be replaced by better ones.

but in america only the small individuals and businesses are allowed to go out of business.

We only think BIG in america.
I am pretty sure that if the feds were really doing this huge conspiracy against anyone who talks about legalizing drugs all of us would be in the shitter right now.

And if they wanted to, they could do it a hell of a lot easier than what Kath is saying.

I've seen this guy on other forums though - it seems we've finally been deemed important enough to catch the infection. Feel proud Damo.

I would be kimcee, enough said.
17. They killed President Kennedy

After I found I became the murder target of law enforcement agency, I visited D.A.'s office, DEA, FBI, Federal attorney's office.... .But they denied any involvement. Some government department suggested me to ask for help from local police department. Local police department said they need solid evidence such as gun, bullet. But how could I hold microwave in the air if they shoot it next door. I could only complain this to people I knew.

I had a customer whom came every half year or so. One Saturday, she came to buy something. I talked about events happened recently and expressed disappointment about system. She didn't say anything and left.

Next day, I was surprised to see her coming again. She didn't buy anything. She simply talked about the murdering issue I told her yesterday and left right away after leaving a word:" So what, they even killed President Kennedy."

I was shocked. Obviously she was coming to deliver the word of scorn and intimidation for FBI. There was no DEA when JFK was assassinated.

18. Portable Microwave shooting instrument

I often went to library. Sometime in 1992, I began to feel dizzy and hot after I was there for half an hour or so.
What I could do was to move away and left. I was very depressed. They even killed President Kennedy, what was I? I knew I could die anytime.

In early 1993, I bought 100,000 life insurance and I put my wife's name in 'grand deed' of the house. To
fill the application form, I went to the registration office of supreme court where they offered typewriter for public use. There was almost no people when I got there. I chose the typewriter in the middle position. The old typewriter was hard to handle especially I had many errors to correct. I looked around to see if I could change for a better one. I found both sides were occupied by black girls. Then, I felt dizzy and hot,same feeling I had in library. I looked back. There were several people lined up behind me, waiting for typewriter. The man headed the line had a duffel bag. He put the bag between us with one end towards meand the other end towards him. It's strange to place the bag in that way because it obstructed people walking across. People used to put bags beside them. I knew what happened and hurried finishing the form.

I felt sorry for the two black girls. They were placed in positions to assure no other people being suffered from microwave radiation. I saw them smiled at each other. They might think they worked for law enforcement agency, but they would not know how dangerous the situation they were in.

19. Alleged murder of Ron

Ron was a white man. He was a hardware seller. Like me, he had business both in Berryessa and Galt flea market. His selling space in Galt flea market was several spaces next to me. I was familiar with his face, but rarely talk to him. I even didn't know his name then.

One weekend, in Berryessa, I went to his space to buy a pair of rack. He asked for 16 dollars. I didn't buy because in Galt market, another seller asked for only 12.

On Tuesday I bought the rack from the other seller. When it was time to knock off, Ron drove to my space. He parked his van, looked at me, obviously intended to talk to me. I was still unhappy with his higher offering, so I went on packing up and left him alone. He stayed for a few minutes. Found I having no intent talk to him, he left.

Weeks later, a seller asked me," Do you know Ron was dead?"
"Which Huang?" I wronged the pronunciation because I thought she talked about a Chinese. "The hardware seller." I knew a Mr. Huang selling hardware but she said it was not him. Next day, she asked me about "Huang" again. I really didn't know. I wondered why she was so interested in that topic.

Next week, when she saw me, she talked about "Huang" again. She said it was a white man, and his name was Ron, not Huang. White man, I immediately remembered the scene before Ron's death. I asked her how did Ron die. He was only about in his 50's. She said Ron collapsed while walking along: a heart attack. I had experience of microwave killing then(the result is like a heart attack). And that Tuesday when Ron parked his van at my space, I had thought : He blocked the view of law enforcement agency's surveillance camera. (I thought law enforcement agent had surveillance camera in opposite space)But this should not be the reason for killing. Maybe his strange activity caused suspicion? He parked his van at my space for a few minutes, than left without a word. Only I knew he was trying to sell me the rack. And this too, should not be a reason to kill. I recognized the ruthless only later when I had more experience.

Sometime later, there was a hardware store opened at the entrance of Berryessa flea market. It was a very hot spot. People said that it was Ron's widow's. I had a feeling that it was a compensation for Ron's death. From continuing question, they found I didn't know much of Ron. I didn't even know his name before then.

20. Video camera surveillance

In about 1990, there was a TV detective series 'Columbo' in which Peter Folk acted as Lieutenant Columbo who resolved many murder cases. One story was about two College students. They installed video camera and gun inside car's engine room to monitor and shoot through vent of radiator. I had that story in my mind.

Sometime after drug case I noticed the sellers opposite my space put their cargo van headed to me. Both in Berryessa and Galt Flea Market. Watching the black vent hole, I remembered the 'Columbo' TV. If there was no gun, there was a surveillance camera at least, I thought. To avoid being oversensitive, I walked all over the two markets to see how sellers parking their cars. People used to park their car inside space, parallel to the pathway so they could use front space to do business. No, no people parked cars like my opposite sellers'. It occupied useful front business space. It blocked coming customers' view sights too. That's why when Ron parked his van at my space, I thought it blocked the surveillance camera.

21. Alleged murder of Mrs. Churchill

Mrs. Churchill was a seller in Roseville Flea Market (near Sacramento). She bought porcelain figuring from me in Galt wholesale market. She was about in her 50's when she was dead.

One day in 1993, she asked me if I would sell all of a figuring item to her friend. The item she talked about was in hot sale. And her friend, I thought, was an undercover agent. The man was a porcelain figuring seller whose space was near entrance and was not far away from me. At first I had worried about he might be a competitor. I relaxed later when I found he had little business because his price was much higher than me. He used to sit there leisurely watching people. He sometimes even left his business alone, walked around chatting with other sellers.
I was once puzzled how he could make living on it, then with experience I was aware of that he might be an undercover agent from his business location and business attitude. (Agent likes to be at entrance so they can monitor all people)
So when Mrs. Churchill talked about the deal, I was certain he was an agent.
After the drug case, I noticed my customers were intimidated. They reduced purchase from me, someone stopped buying from me. Hot item would draw new buyers as well as old ones. That would have increased law enforcement agent's work of investigation. Buy all was the best way to avoid excess work. From my side, I didn't care. Business was business. You had it if you paid for it.

That night when I had supper, I told my wife:" An undercover agent bought a figuring item all."

Next Tuesday, I delivered the merchandise to the man. Then, Mrs. Churchill came.
When she asked me to give her a chair for sitting, I noticed she was very sick. I had
a puzzle that day "Why did she come when she was so sick."

Another week passed when a lady told me Mrs. Churchill was dead. Apparently my word touched off the killing. They thought Mrs. Churchill let out the agent's identity. The agents didn't play their role well, they never examine themselves, but owe their failure to other people. I recognized them through my own observation. What I knew(or maybe I should say: I thought) then in Galt flea market, there were seven sellers who were undercover agents. As a matter of fact, there were much more. After I returned from China, a seller told me that there were suddenly a lot of space vacancies in Galt flea market. It was very unusual because it was October, the best month for Christmas merchandise wholesale. (Tuesday Galt flea market is a wholesale market) It must be the result of withdrawal of undercover agent. They didn't care of business at all. And empty spaces were more than forty. I was surprised to learn there were so many secret agents involved.

It's a pity that Mrs. Churchill did nothing wrong, but being killed just out of suspicion. And most ridiculous thing was she was killed by those whom she thought working for. The lady who informed me the death of Mrs. Churchill talked about the death time and again. Just like what they did when Ron was dead to detect if I had any particular relationship with Ron or Mrs. Churchill. I could only say, "I'm sorry to hear that. I lost a good customer". Or do they expect me to say, "Oh, yes,through her death I now have no doubt they murdered Ron too. They don't need any evidence, suspicion is enough." or "Through her death, I realize that 'Miranda law', 'due process' ,'democracy' are just false cover. The real USA is a Mafia country full of extortion, private punishment, torture, and murder."
I never knew flea markets were such hotspots of intrigues and so dangerous.


Someone needs to take their meds.
22. Fluorescent lamp killing (1)

In about 1992, Flea market administration installed fluorescent lamp in our container storage room. After I had experience of microwave radiation I thought there might be something in fluorescent lamp and tried not being there alone.

In 1993, one early morning, with no customer coming yet, when I was preparing to set up booth, I felt a strike. A cold feeling went through all over my body, I could not breath and my heart seemed stop beating. After a while, I recovered and saw my helper, a teenage boy, huddling to himself, holding his head with arms. He was so painful that he could not answer my question. What in my mind was they almost killed a boy. At the same time, my neighboring sellers yelled, 'no light, black out." Obviously, a device in fluorescent lamp caused a radiation which drew large amount of current, touched off the fuse box and cut off the power supply.

I think the device developed a high voltage which forcing the ionized gas particle shoot out like a radiation. Which hurts human's brain, make it lose control of organs such like breath and heart beats. Later, I met such fluorescent lamp murder attempt several times.

23. Fluorescent lamp killing (2)

In 1999, I was forced to go abroad. In Bandon, Indonesia, I lived in Hotel Puduraya. It was a low price hotel where people shared bathrooms. I found the bathroom near my room was locked for more than one hour. When it opened, I noticed it lit with fluorescent lamp. And it was the only room lit with fluorescent lamp in hotel. As I always kept alert on that kind of lamp, I used the bathroom in other side.

Next day, someone cut water supply to all three bathrooms on the other side. Leaving no choice for me. I tried hard all over the hotel, and luckily found one in storage area. It was a dirty one with wet floor and broken door. But for me the most important thing was it lit with a bulb. When the undercover police who watched the bathroom ( I thought he was also the man control the killing device.) saw me back finished bath . He angrily stood up, ran to storage area checking the bathroom they missed.

Such conditions happened several times in Indonesia. The police there learned the technique from their U.S. partner.

24. Fluorescent lamp killing (3)

In April, 2000, I went to Viet-Nam. An article in newspaper aroused my attention. It said there would be a solar storm in following days and that ionized gas particle hit the earth would cause stroke of neurasthenic people. Since fluorescent lamp was lit by ionized gas and my complain about isotope money, microwave killing was regarded by someone as X-files. Besides, it's typical law enforcement agents' way to pre-propagate a natural decease to cover their attempt murder. I thought there would be another fluorescent lamp murder attempt.

When the bus took me to the hotel in next city, Hoi An,(In Vietnam, foreigners have to take charted bus line and been sent direct to hotel) the staff showed me a room in a closed area. I noticed the bulb light didn't work. (In Vietnam, hotels for foreigners meet certain standard,they used to equipped with both bulb light and fluorescent lamp.) The staff said I had to pay more for another room. I paid more.

Then I went Ya Trang. Same thing happened with a room in closed area and broken bulb light waiting for me. The staff said there was no other room. I went out, found another hotel easily with right equipment.

The following city was Dalat. There I was refused by five hotels before found one. This time there were plenty of rooms and all rooms equipped only with fluorescent lamp. For the third time, I was led to a room in a closed area. Since there was no choice, I insisted to get a room along the crowded street. I opened the window when I used lamp so light could reach people on street. Next day, hotel manager told me to move out. The reason he used was the hotel was booked in advance. I pointed out that he was lying because the staff of hotel offered a discount rate if I could stay longer just the day before. He turned out a police face and said, 'You have no option.'

I knew what would wait for me and left for Ho-nai to complain all this. To my surprise, the officer there told me to go to China even though he knew I was a US citizen. And he, too, said there was no option.

Question and answer

1. Someone asked that I claimed the government has been attempting to kill me through strange means for many years. Because in a seeming democracy they can't use more direct methods. And fairly many people have been killed by those same agents, simply for being friendly to me or being in wrong place at wrong time. If it was so easy to kill those people, I should have been dead now.

I am lucky enough survived. Rarely people can do that. That's the point I put at the very beginning. High tech. weapon kill without trace, and black-box practice of law enforcement agent endanger US democracy. Little people know these advanced murder weapon. Little people can do same thing like I do. I sleep behind metal plate. Moving when I feel headache. Avoid driving individually in car. Even when I was forced to travel in south-east Asia, I brought with me a lead protect apron( the one therapist wear in X-ray Lab) and a big fry pan. (not for cooking, but for protect from microwave radiation.) And those dead people, no one would have dreamed of being killed by those they thought cooperated with. (If you read carefully my posting) And the reason is only suspicious or simply: knowing the truth. Consider President Kennedy and his family member's suspicious death. And how many people involve in the case died mysteriously. And now since I expose my experience in internet, they are trying to frame a big case against me and those who know my story.

2. Question asked: that I have included Indonesia, Viet-Nam, and China in the group that is participating in harassing. This means that two nations that are the most aggressively hostile to the U.S. are joining with the U.S. to persecute. It seems logically inconsistent.

This is same question once puzzled me for sometime. I got the reply when I read such news.

(1) Several years ago, Mr. Kim dai cheong( Now South Korea Premier) was in election campaign. South Korea State intelligence Bureau decided do something against him because they once had tried to assassinate him. (The plot stopped by CIA) They paid several million dollars to the State Security bureau of North Korea. Then North Korea told media that they had supported Kim Dai Cheong financially to defame him. At that time, everyone knows that North, South Korea were two hostile states, much more hostile than US and China or Viet-nam now. Yet secret police had their own deal.

(2) Another example is: Years ago Taiwan purchased military vessels and fighters from France. Now the new elected government investigating bribe scandal in that purchase. They found a large amount of commission was to Beijing for exchange of no opposition. Everyone knows China and Taiwan's relationship, yet secret police had their own operation rule. As a matter of fact, the more hostile in outward, more deal inside. Cross murder deal, money for arrest deal.... and a frame case would become believable under such coverage.