How great the USA would have been minus a right wing

Hello T. A. Gardner,

Yes, very much so.

If Nazis are left, today's American Nazis didn't get the message. They all voted for Trump.

This is a false equivalence coupled with a non-sequitur. Whether France was better off still under a monarchy or not, the Left took over in the revolution and in most ways drove France into the ground. First, they sought all those they thought might oppose the revolution and murdered them (the Terror for example). They then turned on religion hoping to stomp it out entirely. At every turn, the heads of what government was in place sought to increase their totalitarian grip on the country.

Things didn't get much better once the revolution was firmly now the new government. Defending the revolution took precedence to all else and society was turned to making weapons and raising an army for that purpose. This is in good part because much of the rest of Europe was against the revolution in France to begin with. What ensued was nearly two decades of warfare in what might be described as close to a world war (that's because fighting did occur in the Americas, Asia, and Africa along with Europe--Napoleon took Egypt for example).

I don't think the average person's life in France was bettered by that.

The average French citizen has it better than the average American so I don't see how the outcome was so bad. The French have free health care, free child daycare, paid sick leave, paid time off for having a baby (both parents,) do not work as many hours per year as Americans, they have more paid vacation, guaranteed vacation and retirement, and they live longer than Americans. What is so bad about that?
Hello T. A. Gardner,

No, bringing up Trump in a discussion about the origins of the US and whether it would have been better off without the Right through all of its history is pretty much textbook TDS, especially when those bringing it up want to make it central to their argument.

It's not just about the origins. Trump is the leader of the right. It's not a derangement syndrome to talk about Trump when talking about how the right has affected our country. Good grief.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

It's not just about the origins. Trump is the leader of the right. It's not a derangement syndrome to talk about Trump when talking about how the right has affected our country. Good grief.

The United States has existed for over 200 years. Trump was president for four of those. The country didn't collapse into ruin because of it. It is insane to argue that somehow Trump in just four years turned the country upside down. He didn't create an open civil war. He didn't wreck the economy. He didn't pack the courts adding new justices.
Yes, he is a total asshole, but that doesn't mean he ruined everything.

Biden? We have, for all intents, open borders and a president that is IGNORING immigration law. That's a violation of his oath of office. Driving the country into economic decline by a bad choice of foreign policy, energy policy, domestic policy, and increasing regulation. His handling of foreign affairs has China threatening us, N. Korea shooting missiles again, the British and French pissed at us, and most other nations thinking he's a joke of a president. Come on man! The French yanked their ambassador to the US for the first time in history!
The economy is tanking. Inflation is rising. The employment rate is falling and the only reason the unemployment rate (U30) is going down slightly is people have stopped looking for work. We've become dependent on foreign oil again just as we had gained independence for the first time in more than 75 years. He's talking about court packing and removing the filibuster in the Senate to get his way because he doesn't have the votes in Congress to do it by persuasion of his goals.
Biden's done more in 10 months to wreck the country than any President since LBJ, another one-term vice president.
The very things that would enable it to thrive for, educationally, culturally, ecologically, etc. have been stymied and/or destroyed by the right. That is the sadness and shame of it all...the "what could have been." A decimated potential.

well, I guess another continent with a british like government structure would ensure global dominance and decimate individual freedom for it's entirety
Hello T. A. Gardner,

The United States has existed for over 200 years. Trump was president for four of those. The country didn't collapse into ruin because of it. It is insane to argue that somehow Trump in just four years turned the country upside down. He didn't create an open civil war. He didn't wreck the economy. He didn't pack the courts adding new justices.
Yes, he is a total asshole, but that doesn't mean he ruined everything.

Biden? We have, for all intents, open borders and a president that is IGNORING immigration law. That's a violation of his oath of office. Driving the country into economic decline by a bad choice of foreign policy, energy policy, domestic policy, and increasing regulation. His handling of foreign affairs has China threatening us, N. Korea shooting missiles again, the British and French pissed at us, and most other nations thinking he's a joke of a president. Come on man! The French yanked their ambassador to the US for the first time in history!
The economy is tanking. Inflation is rising. The employment rate is falling and the only reason the unemployment rate (U30) is going down slightly is people have stopped looking for work. We've become dependent on foreign oil again just as we had gained independence for the first time in more than 75 years. He's talking about court packing and removing the filibuster in the Senate to get his way because he doesn't have the votes in Congress to do it by persuasion of his goals.
Biden's done more in 10 months to wreck the country than any President since LBJ, another one-term vice president.

Oh good grief X2.

We could only be further apart if you supported Trump.

The right has completely misunderstood our priorities and been totally co-opted by big money. The only thing that separates us from third world levels of poverty are government assistance programs instituted by the left. If the right had not been kept in check by the left we would have shanty towns outside of every American city with humans living in squalor like rats.

None of what you claim is so bad about President Biden is of his doing. And some of your claims are just flat out false altogether.

It sounds like you've been listening to nothing but the farthest right wing slant. Your perception of our political situation could hardly be less accurate. Don't you realize how extremely slanted those right wing disinformation sources are?

It's kind of funny the MAGA people want an America from a time when everyone got their news from the same three sources, but they only get their news from highly slanted sources. I would absolutely love it if we could return to a situation where everyone got the same news.

The things you right wingers believe just simply are not true.
The difference between the left and the right in America is that the left still listens to the real news, the same news the right used to listen to as well, but the right now consumes nothing but often fake and always highly tailored right wing slanted news.

And the right has a terrible habit of consuming flat-out lies about the left. It is only expected that the right hates the left, hates government, hates immigrants; because the right is spoon-fed a constant disinformation campaign which tells them the left is horrible and trying to destroy America.

I always have to wonder why nobody on the right ever stopped to consider why the left would want to destroy their own homeland.

It makes no sense, but telling all these lies is shocking and does sell a lot of advertising; and that is the whole point of it. They don't care what they say as long as it is provocative enough to capture attention long enough to hit 'em with a commercial.

The right is totally duped by corporate media. That is why Tucker Carlson has $18 million. And how much is Bill O'Reilly worth? How about Sean Hannity? Alex Jones?

How about those TV evangelists? No money in what they do? Or do they just get filthy rich spewing BS.

The right is totally transfixed by a constant stream of mind-control.

They are hooked on a very bad habit and it is tearing our nation apart at the seams.

When the news diverged from everyone getting the same story to mainstream and right wing, that is when civility and mutual respect left, and Congress stopped functioning. Early 80's.
The very things that would enable it to thrive for, educationally, culturally, ecologically, etc. have been stymied and/or destroyed by the right. That is the sadness and shame of it all...the "what could have been." A decimated potential.

This is a trick question right? Because without a right wing there would be no America.

(I’m assuming you don’t think the slave owning white supremist founders, who fought the revolution not for freedom but rather to preserve slavery, are liberals.)
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Oh good grief X2.

We could only be further apart if you supported Trump.

The right has completely misunderstood our priorities and been totally co-opted by big money. The only thing that separates us from third world levels of poverty are government assistance programs instituted by the left. If the right had not been kept in check by the left we would have shanty towns outside of every American city with humans living in squalor like rats.

None of what you claim is so bad about President Biden is of his doing. And some of your claims are just flat out false altogether.

It sounds like you've been listening to nothing but the farthest right wing slant. Your perception of our political situation could hardly be less accurate. Don't you realize how extremely slanted those right wing disinformation sources are?

It's kind of funny the MAGA people want an America from a time when everyone got their news from the same three sources, but they only get their news from highly slanted sources. I would absolutely love it if we could return to a situation where everyone got the same news.

The things you right wingers believe just simply are not true.

Latest Biden blunder... I won't pin this one on him personally but he is the president so he gets the blame, is that Turkey just ended diplomatic relations with the US (along with 9 other NATO and European nations) and looks like they're going all in with Russia and China. Bad news for the West and US.
Latest Biden blunder... I won't pin this one on him personally but he is the president so he gets the blame, is that Turkey just ended diplomatic relations with the US (along with 9 other NATO and European nations) and looks like they're going all in with Russia and China. Bad news for the West and US.

Bad news for fascists like yourself. You really have no idea what is happening in Turkey.
Latest Biden blunder... I won't pin this one on him personally but he is the president so he gets the blame, is that Turkey just ended diplomatic relations with the US (along with 9 other NATO and European nations) and looks like they're going all in with Russia and China. Bad news for the West and US.

The envoys, including those from the seven European nations, Canada and New Zealand, as well as the United States, released a letter earlier this week urging the Turkish government to abide by a ruling of the European Court of Human Rights and release the philanthropist, Osman Kavala, who has been held since 2017 despite not having been convicted of a crime.
Latest Biden blunder... I won't pin this one on him personally but he is the president so he gets the blame, is that Turkey just ended diplomatic relations with the US (along with 9 other NATO and European nations) and looks like they're going all in with Russia and China. Bad news for the West and US.

Turkish Opposition Begins Joining Ranks Against Erdogan
With an eye on elections, six parties are working on a plan to end a powerful presidency and return to a parliamentary system.

ISTANBUL — Turkish opposition parties are presenting an increasingly united and organized front aimed at replacing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and even forcing early elections in the coming year to challenge his 19-year rule.

As they negotiate a broad alliance among themselves, the leaders of six opposition parties appear to have agreed on turning the next election into a kind of referendum on the presidential system that Mr. Erdogan introduced four years ago and considers one of his proudest achievements.
Turkish Opposition Begins Joining Ranks Against Erdogan
With an eye on elections, six parties are working on a plan to end a powerful presidency and return to a parliamentary system.

ISTANBUL — Turkish opposition parties are presenting an increasingly united and organized front aimed at replacing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and even forcing early elections in the coming year to challenge his 19-year rule.

As they negotiate a broad alliance among themselves, the leaders of six opposition parties appear to have agreed on turning the next election into a kind of referendum on the presidential system that Mr. Erdogan introduced four years ago and considers one of his proudest achievements.

So? What's that got to do with Erdogan tossing out the embassies and ambassadors of 10 Western countries?

Turkey Threatens to Buy Russian Fighter Jets

Erdogan is moving Turkey towards Russia and China

Disappointed by the US, Turkey cautiously looks to Russia
Erdogan is meeting his Russian counterpart in Sochi, as the split between NATO allies Turkey and the US grows.

Erdogan is repressing and imprisoning his opposition and strengthening his grip on the country. Lame protests won't stop that.
The very things that would enable it to thrive for, educationally, culturally, ecologically, etc. have been stymied and/or destroyed by the right. That is the sadness and shame of it all...the "what could have been." A decimated potential.

There isn't a nation in the history of man that ever prospered under progressive Marxist ideas about Government.

There isn't a nation in the history of man that ever taxed it's way to prosperity.

There isn't a nation in the history of man where the citizens prospered being dependent wards of the government.

History is littered with the failures of progressive centralized controlled nations.

Find me just one to prove me wrong. You can't.

The notion that we should pass a massive $5 trillion progressive wish list of programs designed to empower one party and create a nation of dependent wards of the state as being a great idea can only be supported by the uneducated, those with ZERO historical knowledge and ZERO understanding of human nature and basic economics.

Putting a trillion into the proper perspective of what a gargantuan number it is and how stupid Democrats who throw it around like it were pocket change are:

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into perspective in one of its releases.

A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the StoneAge.
A billion days ago no-one walked on two feet on earth.
A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government spends it.

One million seconds is 11.5 days.
One billion seconds is 32 years.
One trillion seconds is 32,000 years.
In other words the 17 trillion-dollar federal debt, denominated in seconds, equals 544,000 years.

Something to THINK about.