Diversity Makes Greatness
Hello T. A. Gardner,
If Nazis are left, today's American Nazis didn't get the message. They all voted for Trump.
The average French citizen has it better than the average American so I don't see how the outcome was so bad. The French have free health care, free child daycare, paid sick leave, paid time off for having a baby (both parents,) do not work as many hours per year as Americans, they have more paid vacation, guaranteed vacation and retirement, and they live longer than Americans. What is so bad about that?
Yes, very much so.
If Nazis are left, today's American Nazis didn't get the message. They all voted for Trump.
This is a false equivalence coupled with a non-sequitur. Whether France was better off still under a monarchy or not, the Left took over in the revolution and in most ways drove France into the ground. First, they sought all those they thought might oppose the revolution and murdered them (the Terror for example). They then turned on religion hoping to stomp it out entirely. At every turn, the heads of what government was in place sought to increase their totalitarian grip on the country.
Things didn't get much better once the revolution was firmly now the new government. Defending the revolution took precedence to all else and society was turned to making weapons and raising an army for that purpose. This is in good part because much of the rest of Europe was against the revolution in France to begin with. What ensued was nearly two decades of warfare in what might be described as close to a world war (that's because fighting did occur in the Americas, Asia, and Africa along with Europe--Napoleon took Egypt for example).
I don't think the average person's life in France was bettered by that.
The average French citizen has it better than the average American so I don't see how the outcome was so bad. The French have free health care, free child daycare, paid sick leave, paid time off for having a baby (both parents,) do not work as many hours per year as Americans, they have more paid vacation, guaranteed vacation and retirement, and they live longer than Americans. What is so bad about that?