How I'm here


Worst gambler ever
The history of how I'm here is as follows:

In late September of 2003, I entered into my url "" and stumbled acros a lively and animated debte. Over the course of the next year I became very identified with capital "L" libertarianism and started webcamming with Care. I then met Damocles at a bar and got bombed with him.

Then, started to tank, and SR picked up the slack, so I joined He had a great lively board, awesome members and no moderation. Then he introduced the idea of a security council, which I embraced. But no sooner did he embrace it than he started reading, on the board, other people's IM's.

Then, my man G started this board, and most of us are still here. And we can be here and dig it here because there is nothin but a board here.
The history of how I'm here is as follows:

In late September of 2003, I entered into my url "" and stumbled acros a lively and animated debte. Over the course of the next year I became very identified with capital "L" libertarianism and started webcamming with Care. I then met Damocles at a bar and got bombed with him.

Then, started to tank, and SR picked up the slack, so I joined He had a great lively board, awesome members and no moderation. Then he introduced the idea of a security council, which I embraced. But no sooner did he embrace it than he started reading, on the board, other people's IM's.

Then, my man G started this board, and most of us are still here. And we can be here and dig it here because there is nothin but a board here.
and i will never forget those days cutie pie!

i pretty much have the same path as you! started in december of 2003, started ym'ing with you and immie and buster, moved to fp when politics. com went down, then moved to jpp when the crap hit the fan at fp! now i am playing at another site, but you all and this, will always be what i consider home, with my cyber family!

OK guys.

I'm going to introduce a radical concept.

I GOOGLED "politics". I assumed that if I typed "" into the URL I'd get porn. Pretty much that way with any obvious URL.

For about 5 years I pretended I was 18 until I became 18. Whenever I first came on, I kind of played socialist, but I never really believed the government should own everything.

Then we all got annoyed at that stupid guy, so we went with SR. I got elected to the security council, realised how pointless it was, got kind of bored after people couldn't stop whining about the trolling of CK, so I came over here. Warren followed me. Midcan, like the snob he is, really and truly refuses to give up on the site.
Man, Beefy, I really hated you whenever I first got on
i think you admitted to being 15 when you first got there, or at least to me you did? BUT are you saying you were 13 then? and ARE YOU REALLY 18 now? holy crap, am i getting old! i have enjoyed seeing you change your political stances over the years....

Adam Weinberg's progression too! he was 18 or 19 when i first met him at Po;

I viewed but never posted there. Then watched the move to Fullpolitics and became more intriqued. So I started posting as the revolutionary biker pirate that was captjack. The site started to tank while I was deployed so I packed up and moved the S.S. Ballbuster over here. And have been kicking ass ever since.
I typed in politcal chat in the fall of 2003 and was the first hit so I went to it and started my chickenscratch typing of a word or two at a time because I could not type (had not done it since junior high). I had to have somewhere to fume because of what was going on.

I then followed this basic group of people from site to site while trying many ohters. This was the one group of people who seemed like home. I still try others but like Care said this is the best site out there. Say whatever you want and see what others say.
It's kind of funny, we've still got the same basic community after all of these years. Kind of stuck together. But, then again, we have lost a lot. Like, maybe half of the people, during the changing of sites and in between periods.

I wonder who's going to be the last one left. O_o
The history of how I'm here is as follows:

In late September of 2003, I entered into my url "" and stumbled acros a lively and animated debte. Over the course of the next year I became very identified with capital "L" libertarianism and started webcamming with Care. I then met Damocles at a bar and got bombed with him.

Then, started to tank, and SR picked up the slack, so I joined He had a great lively board, awesome members and no moderation. Then he introduced the idea of a security council, which I embraced. But no sooner did he embrace it than he started reading, on the board, other people's IM's.

Then, my man G started this board, and most of us are still here. And we can be here and dig it here because there is nothin but a board here.

Since I have no idea who the owner is I feel a bit like one of the cast members of Zardoz.

I also don't know anyone here - either in a cyber-manner or in real life. But that's okay because I'm a misanthropic bastard. However if you were ever in a bar in the US somewhere and a drunken, loud-mouthed Australian was anywhere near wasn't me. I never let my side down when I travel, even when I get off my face.
Damocles is the owner.

SR is the owner of the dead "". Howard (Baher?) was the owner of, but he didn't talk on the forums like the others. He'd just post stupid polls every now and again and we'd all laugh at his idiotic rants that he'd post front page.
Damocles is the owner.

SR is the owner of the dead "". Howard (Baher?) was the owner of, but he didn't talk on the forums like the others. He'd just post stupid polls every now and again and we'd all laugh at his idiotic rants that he'd post front page.

Thanks for the info.
It's kind of funny, we've still got the same basic community after all of these years. Kind of stuck together. But, then again, we have lost a lot. Like, maybe half of the people, during the changing of sites and in between periods.

I wonder who's going to be the last one left. O_o

Yeah, remember "ihateconservatives", "thef0rk", "rushisanass", "truthseeker"? There were some others as well. Its good to see magpie floating around here from time to time.

I wish wanderingbear would come around from time to time.
Yeah, I was pretty much a dano for libertarianism. Just blindly married to it.
And BOY! were you! Just a Dano jr.....almost pulled me and Immie in to it too!!!!! Thank God better heads prevailed!!!! hahahahahahaha!

How did i get here?

I'm afraid i'm another of the crowd. Strangely enough i used to talk about politics in a sober and serious manner. It was wartime and we were all as stoical as hell with our ration books, I.D. cards and iraqi agents hiding in the drains.

I joined the great long march to and retreated into the off-topic section, where all us cool kids used to hang out with our leather jackets on our backs and a roll-up behind our ears, whilst we flicked through dirty magazines making clever comments and wishing some real ladies would come along and let us touch their bras and that.

After the great schism i turned up here after Damo promised me a car.
How did i get here?

I'm afraid i'm another of the crowd. Strangely enough i used to talk about politics in a sober and serious manner. It was wartime and we were all as stoical as hell with our ration books, I.D. cards and iraqi agents hiding in the drains.

I joined the great long march to and retreated into the off-topic section, where all us cool kids used to hang out with our leather jackets on our backs and a roll-up behind our ears, whilst we flicked through dirty magazines making clever comments and wishing some real ladies would come along and let us touch their bras and that.

After the great schism i turned up here after Damo promised me a car.

Bloody hell, I didn't know Michael Palin was a member :D

As for promises, it used to be ponies, now it's cars. They grow up so quickly....
How did i get here?

I'm afraid i'm another of the crowd. Strangely enough i used to talk about politics in a sober and serious manner. It was wartime and we were all as stoical as hell with our ration books, I.D. cards and iraqi agents hiding in the drains.

I joined the great long march to and retreated into the off-topic section, where all us cool kids used to hang out with our leather jackets on our backs and a roll-up behind our ears, whilst we flicked through dirty magazines making clever comments and wishing some real ladies would come along and let us touch their bras and that.

After the great schism i turned up here after Damo promised me a car.

Damo's a con artist! He promised you a car did he? Well, he promised me my picture on the front page of JPP with the banner "Posting Home of Internet Legend DARLA" over it.

Look at the home you see anything or does it look as empty as your driveway, hmmm?