How is Venezuela getting illegals into the US

You CRETIN ! Yes, they would/should need a VISA to FLY (across US national borders) into the US LEGALLY, but none of the 320,000 illegal aliens flown into America by the Biden Junta had Visas THEY JUST PRE-BOOKED THEIR FLIGHT FROM VENEZUELA (etc) TO THE US USING A POXY "Majorkas-inspired" cell phone App (the "CBP" cell phone App). There was/is no need for legal documentation (like a valid Visa) in order to fly from Poert-au-Prince in Haiti to Colombus, Ohio. When you disembark at Colombus City International airport, you automatically have TPS stautus which mean you have official leave to remain in the US for 2 years without the threat of deportation, along with the right to work. Actually, you have indefinite leave to reside in the US because the the TPS you have is periodically extended by the government. TPS is granted on the principles of a 1952 law was intended to authortise "humanitarian parole" in the US to foreign nationals wishing to enter America on account of URGENT humanitarian exigencies (such as being at high risk of serious harm or death because you have been caught up in a bloody civil war in some shit-hole like Syria or the Congo. Finally, the 1952 law stressed that applicants for humanitarian parole in the US would be assessed on a "case-by-case" basisThe other criterion in the 1952 legislation was that a foreign national could be granted humanitarian parole in the US if their being in America would realise a "significant benefit" for the public. that hen they disembarked at US international airports. This was totally ILL-FUCKING-LEGAL. But do you think the Biden DOJ would ever do the right thing and step in?

No, of course not. Because what you don't seem to understand, DICKHEAD, is that the ENTIRE Biden administration is "rotten as a chop" - nothing more than a gang of political mobsters The Biden Junta is totally and completely corrupt and lawless, there has been nothing like it in any advanced, Western nation in the past 200 years ! First we have President Joe Biden. Biden is a corrupt, pathological liar who was always, purly, a cynical machine politician Kamala Harris, a dumb, anti-American, political whore who lacks any moral compass. Now let me list, at random, some members of the current Biden cabinet, that pop into my head right this moment (that is, without even an instant's contemplation). So, here we go...(1) ALEJHANDRO MAYORKAS (Sec DHS) Mayorkas is a lying cunt - ( a toxic, little Cuban psychopath with zero in the way of a human moral conscience) -who has already been impeached by the House. He is personally responsible for so much of the grief and human tragedy that has descended on the American people since 2021,mass, unrestrained and unvetted illegal immigration across opened Southern Border I believe he should face capital punishment (2) ANTONY BLINKIN (Secretary of State) Blinkin is a creepy, soy "male", with a unctious, "cringey" manner. He is also very slippery and has a rat-like cunning..Blinkin played a critical role in the infamous scandal that was the"Spies Who Lied" letter, which took place in the weeks before the Presidential election of 2020. Midway through October of 2020 a national newspaper published "smoking gun" emails that had been found in the hard-drive of Hunter Biden's (i.e. Joe Biden's dissolute son) computer. The emails published directly linked Joe Biden (at a time he was serving as Obama's Vice President)and his son to a corrupt Ukrainian businessman. The Biden campaign panicked, knowing that Joe Biden had, indeed, been involved in corrupt business dealing with foreign was the prime driver behind the infamous "Spies Who Lied" letter in 2020. Antony Blinken was the senior advisor to Biden's 2020 campaign when the story of Biden's involvement broke in the national media in mid-October that year, and he knew that knew that the so-called "Lap-Top from Hell" had to be neutered, asap The only way to do this was to destroy the credibility of the any material from the lap-top (emails, texts, images,etc) that provided evidence of Joe Biden's involvement in political corruption had to be shut down fast, before it's contents eroded Joe Biden's chances of winning the Presidential election in November.

Blinkin managed to concoct a dirty trick that would work - at least for the time being. On the 17th of October, Blinkin reached out to a former assistant Director of the CIA under the Obama administration, named Mike Morell. Morell was a flake with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and a Clinton Democrat ass-licker. In August of, 2016, he had written an Op Ed for "The New York Times" in which he endorsed Hillary Clinton :sick::sick:. In the same piece, he attacked Donald Trump, stating that Trump "was unqualified for the job of President, and may even pose a threat to national security". The Op-Ed was obviously the wor

Although Mike Morell did all of the footwork in respect of drafting the open letter and chasing up the 51 Intelligence Community signatories, it is clear that he was put up to this dirty trick by Blinkin. It was Blinkin who initially contacted Morell to prey on Morell's reputation as a "Trump Deranged", partisan Democrat( and generally unhinged moron/flake) that he could manipulate into organising the notorious open letter.. Morell himself admitted (in sworn testimony before the Judiciary Committee in April, 2023) that he had no intention of writing any statement exhonorating Joe Biden until Blinkin contacted him on the 19th of Oct, 2020; and that it was Blinkin who had triggered the intent in him to carry out the dirty deed.
(3) JAKE JEREMIAH ("Jake the Snake") SULLIVAN (National Security Advisor - NSA) Jake Jeremiah Sullivan is another crooked slime-ball in the Biden Cabinet who was a master architect of the Trump-Russia Collusion hoax and assisted Hillary Clinton perpetrate and broadcast a vicious, and dastardly political smear against President Trump known as the infamous "Steele Dossier." Sullivan is a low-life, mendacious gutter rat . (4) ADMIRAL, DOCTOR, RACHEL LEVINE (ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF HEALTH). Also at Cabinet level in the Biden administration we have the charming Admiral, Doctor Rachel Levine. Admiral Doctor Levine is female transgender person. She appears as a bitt- ugly middle-aged woman with a wig of straggley blonde hair and dressed like Mama Cass. She also sports a pair of lacklustre, false breasts and the double-chin of an overweight middle-aged male. Dr Levine speakes with a high - pitched, faux-feminine,, vocal tone. I do not know for sure, but I think Dr Levine is a re-op trannie (i.e. "she' still has not has her "twig and berries" removed. But Admiral Doctor Levine is not just a pretty face in DC's corridors of power, she is also an ardent advocate for granting minors to undergo gender affirming therapy (puberty - blockers, male/female hormones and surgery (the sergical mutilation/removal o genitalia, mastectomies, etc) without parental consent. Only a fucking maniac would make such an argument. But that's what the modern-day Democrat leadership is I guess, - a collection of psychologically/psychiatrically disturbed and profoundly immoral and narcissistic "human beings."


The whole idea of extending the CBP One cell phone App was to facilitate the import of mass numbers of illegal (undocumented) aliens into the US by air.

Just between January and December 2023, the official figures state that some 325,000 illegals were flown into American airports. But we will never know the exact number of illegals that have been flown into the US over the Southern Border since the air ferrying program began and the current date. Not, that is, with Mayorkas running the show (!)

The who purpose of secretively flying illegal aliens in from: Haiti, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela, Columbia, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador (NB: all of these nations are DIRE "shit-holes) was to resettle as many of them as possible them in electoral swing states in America. And this is actually what has been happening. I do not have the link to hand, but I can assure you there are official Government statistics published. showing an extraordinary (and relatively sudden) increase in the percentage of illegal (undocumented) aliens contained in the populations of each of the 8 main swing states.

Before I continue. With respect to vetting. When the illegal immigrants disembark from their plane after it has landed at one of the 43 US airports that are used in the program, they are met by a CBP agent for vetting. The "vetting" conducted is a superfical 2-3 minute process that is not performed in good faith. It's basically......

CBP: "Hi, I'm Jake and you're Pedro. Am I right?

PEDRO: "Si Senore.

CBP: Now Pedro, I need to ask you, have you ever been a member of a terrorist organisation" ?

PEDRO: No, Senor.

CBP: WEll in that case, Welcome to America, Pedro ! Congratulations !! :love::love::love::love::love:

Although the aliens have flown into America illegally, when they arrive, they are granted 2-year Temporary Protected Status (TPS) which protects them from deportation. TPS also allows the right to work in the US, as well.

The idea the Democrats have is to get these illegals on a fast track to citizenship so they are able to vote in local, state and federal elections. This is because when they are eligible to vote, they will almost all vote Democrat. They will not vote Democrat because they give fuck (they don't) about political ideology, etc, but because they have parents and other family back in their home country they want to bring to the US, and the one thing they DO know about American politics is that the Democrat and NOT the Republicans, are the party to vote for here. Also they know that the Democrats are the party of free stuff (free education, free healthcare, public housing, unemployment benefits, SNAP and all the rest of the funds and resources and benefits that are provided by the local, state and federal social welfare system) that many immigrants from poor, third-world nations rely on after they arrive in the US.

So, the grand plan the Democrats have is to pack the 8 electoral swing states with enough Democrat-voting immigrants from: Haiti; Venezuela; Cuba; El Salvador, etc to turn them all reliably "Blue." If that were to happen, America would become a One - Party state in the same way that California is, where the Democrats have a Super-Majority.

If Trump were to lose the Nov 2024 election, it's very possible that the Democrat's swing state strategy could become a reality. If it did, it would signal the end of the American republic.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the LOYAL TRUMPER Hound !!
Excellent…one hundred percent.
Ditto. But you must remember that our little Nazi Dog from Down Under (allegedly) isn't really interested in a rational, fact based debate. He just wants a platform and just enough attention to do his lame Goebbels wanna-be act.

You have to wonder why a foreigner would spend so much time and effort pushing sheet wearing blather in America? I say the boy needs to get out more, get a hobby and some therapy.

And life goes on.
Here, dummy:

NEW YORK (WABC) -- The NYPD is investigating a string of robberies targeting people in Times Square - and they believe nearly two dozen young migrants are behind the crimes. Some of the suspects are as young as 11 years old, and their ages, police say, allow them to get away with the robberies.19 hours ago

NYPD says migrant children behind several violent crimes ...

Took you long enough! Yep, the incompetence of the NYPD, local juvenile court systems and fmr. Mayor Bloomberg's stupid ass restructuring of the Times Square area into a people congestion nightmare have let these little SOB's carry on for months now (since the summer). And you'll note the end of the report tells that this type of crime de-escalating. Sadly, stuff like this comes and goes in waves in NYC over the decades. The immigrant minors under little to no supervision is just the latest incarnation.

That being said, I'm still waiting for the Nazi Dog to provide proof like you did of his screeds. Maybe your dim witted self can pick up the slack for him? If not that makes him a bit of a liar, and you his enabler.
Here's a point to ponder; if that asshole Abbot had NOT pulled the "dump the immigrants on the libs" stunt, these type of gang incidents may have been greatly reduced or virtually non-existent. Abbot could have been a national hero by saying, "Here's a thought: I'll get on the phone and call up other governors to have a press conference where it'll be proposed to strategize with all the US governors of major cities in every state as to who can handle how many immigrants? Vetting centers can be set up, coordination with the federal gov't agencies, it could work!"

Instead we have the current mess. Just saying.
Yesterday Donald Trump claimed that crime was down 72% in Venezia. He claimed that Venezuelan prisons were almost empty because criminals were being ‘bussed into the US.’

How does this work exactly? What are the logistics? How are they getting in? How do these buses get across the border. How are these individuals convinced to to the US. How many have entered the country?

Maybe those who believe this can explain it. I don’t believe it because I don’t see how it’s possible? What has been the statistic regarding reduced population in prisons. Convince me with numbers and logic.
There is this thing called the Darien Gap. It is an area of no roads that means it is impossible to drive a bus from Venezuela to the USA, or even to Mexico. Every now and then, you hear of someone driving a motorcycle off road through the Darien Gap, but never a whole bus.

Many people do not know about the Darien Gap, but many people should not be President.