How Long Does a Queen Last?

So you agree with the notion that your Royalty is, for some reason, superior to you legally, socially and culturally, by an accident of birth?

Stop trying to put words in his mouth, that is a Yurt trait and you are far above him in every respect. What he is trying to say is that they provide incredibly good value and cost peanuts, as I said previously around one pound per person per year. If we had a republic we would probably have ended with that fucking crook Blair as president, fortunately he has fucked off and is making squillions toadying up to various shady characters around the world instead. The Queen comes from a generation when service to the nation and duty were not dirty words, she is loved because she is a constant in an otherwise fucked up world full of self serving politicians.
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In case someone questions Low's use of the word "Republican" in regard to Darla, I think he meant it in terms of "small r republican" and that she lives in a republic and subscribes to "republican philosophy." As Jefferson declared in his Inaugural to a massively divided America, "we are all federalists, we are all republicans."
Fear not. As I explained at the top this was an extract from an American's writing, not mine. I put it up to show just how much money is brought in by Whisky Liz, Phil the Greek and their inbred progeny.
I'd rather have her and 7000 million quid (yanks would say seven billion... just shows they have no idea of the worth of money!) than a president in power because he came from corrupt riches and whitened teeth.
Choose Lizzie or Mitt the tit?
Somehow I can't see British tourists flocking to see any of their presidents let alone leaving their hard earned wages at American souvenir stalls.

Mitt the tit, nice one. :good4u:
There follows an extract from the work of one of your own:

Don’t forget their huge indirect golden goose: tourists.

Annoying though they might be to the locals by blocking the tube and refusing to stand on the right, they dump buckets of money on the UK to see the sights, travel ludicrously short distances by public transport, and generally act silly a long way from home.

Sure not everything they come to see is royal, but the most expensive stuff is.

And who are the biggest spenders? The Yanks.

After they’ve finished buying maple syrup and cheap, pharmaceuticals, Tijuanaian professional services and illegal pharmaceuticals, where do they go next?

The United Kingdom.

Americans fly across an ocean to see a land filled with Castles that aren’t plastic.

And why do the Americans think Frances castles are so boring and stinky and the UK’s castles so awesome? Because real monarchs still use them.

The tower of London is so stunning to visitors because the Royal Crest on the Yeomen Warders Uniform is real. It’s not a lame historical re-enactment or modern LARPing.

It’s the embodiment of the living, breathing queen.

Everywhere you look she’s sprinkled fairy dust on banal objects to make them magically attractive to tourists.

12 million of whom visit every year spending 7,000 million pounds.

Which suddenly makes those direct profits look like rather small change.

But perhaps you don’t care than the monarchs are a perpetual GOLD MINE for the UK. You’re a Republican and you dislike like the royal family because of their political power. After all, the government gets all its right to rule through the crown, not the people.

And yes, I’ll grant you that back in the head-choppy days of yore, this was a legitimate concern, but the modern queen isn’t a dangerous political lion but a declawed kitten.

Her powers are limited to a kabuki theater act of approving what parliament wants to do anyway.

Remove the royal family from government and fundamentally nothing would be different except now you wouldn’t live in the magical United Kingdom but the rather dull United Republic of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. A.K.A URESWNI for short. Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

But, maybe I’m wrong – perhaps the queen is a political ticking time bomb, just waiting for her chance to declare random wars and devolve parliaments for the lulz.

But until that day comes.

God save the queen.

We have the same thing, in every State.
Here in AZ, we call it the Grand Canyon. :)
Stop trying to put words in his mouth, that is a Yurt trait and you are far above him in every respect. What he is trying to say is that they provide incredibly good value and cost peanuts, as I said previously around one pound per person per year. If we had a republic we would probably have ended with that fucking crook Blair as president, fortunately he has fucked off and is making squillions toadying up to various shady characters around the world instead. The Queen comes from a generation when service to the nation and duty were not dirty words, she is loved because she is a constant in an otherwise fucked up world full of self serving politicians.
Again, you're missing my point. I mean no disrespect to the Queen personally or any of her family (well ok...Charles is a bit of a trip) it is the concept of "royalty" or "aristocracy" that we don't understand. This notion that via an accident of birth that someone could be innately superior to you. Oh granted we have our own monied aristocracy who think their ous feces don't smell but that's a pretension and not a legaly recognized status.
Fear not. As I explained at the top this was an extract from an American's writing, not mine. I put it up to show just how much money is brought in by Whisky Liz, Phil the Greek and their inbred progeny.
I'd rather have her and 7000 million quid (yanks would say seven billion... just shows they have no idea of the worth of money!) than a president in power because he came from corrupt riches and whitened teeth.
Choose Lizzie or Mitt the tit?
Somehow I can't see British tourists flocking to see any of their presidents let alone leaving their hard earned wages at American souvenir stalls.

That's because the British still feel the pain of having their ancestors kicked out of the US.
It just brings back to many painful memories. :)
That's because the British still feel the pain of having their ancestors kicked out of the US.
It just brings back to many painful memories. :)
Hardly. The North American colonies were certainly of significance for raw materials for ship building and fur trading. It was also a significant market for their manufactured goods but that was a drop in the bucket compared to their East India trade. We were small potatos compared to that. In fact the sugar trade out of the Carribean was worth more economically to the Brits then all of North America.
Again, you're missing my point. I mean no disrespect to the Queen personally or any of her family (well ok...Charles is a bit of a trip) it is the concept of "royalty" or "aristocracy" that we don't understand. This notion that via an accident of birth that someone could be innately superior to you. Oh granted we have our own monied aristocracy who think their ous feces don't smell but that's a pretension and not a legaly recognized status.

So what about all those families in New England? The Rockefellers, Roosevelts, Kennedys, Bushs, Astors and the Vanderbilts to name a few.
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I once saw the Queen in person while on a bus tour in London (well, more accurately, I saw the Queen not while on the bus tour. We stopped and got off the bus and she got into a car and was driven away right past us and we, along with a throng of others, saw her waving as she was driven by). We were doing the bus tour thing and drove past some important historical building or government office or some such and apparently there is a particular flag that is flown whenever the queen shows up some place important like that. (Personally, I had no idea that the Queen had her own flag). The tour guide was doing her typical routine (I imagine it was her typical routine. I was only on the tour that one time so I really have no basis for saying whether it was typical or not) and she suddenly got extremely animated and excited upon spotting the Queen's flag. She stopped the bus (or, more accurately, she asked the driver to stop the bus and he obliged) and we all got off and we saw the Queen. It was pretty exciting stuff. I've never seen any president live and in person (though I have had the honor of meeting Joe Biden and his hair plugs) but I have seen the Queen.
I once saw the Queen in person while on a bus tour in London (well, more accurately, I saw the Queen not while on the bus tour. We stopped and got off the bus and she got into a car and was driven away right past us and we, along with a throng of others, saw her waving as she was driven by). We were doing the bus tour thing and drove past some important historical building or government office or some such and apparently there is a particular flag that is flown whenever the queen shows up some place important like that. (Personally, I had no idea that the Queen had her own flag). The tour guide was doing her typical routine (I imagine it was her typical routine. I was only on the tour that one time so I really have no basis for saying whether it was typical or not) and she suddenly got extremely animated and excited upon spotting the Queen's flag. She stopped the bus (or, more accurately, she asked the driver to stop the bus and he obliged) and we all got off and we saw the Queen. It was pretty exciting stuff. I've never seen any president live and in person (though I have had the honor of meeting Joe Biden and his hair plugs) but I have seen the Queen.

May I touch your hem!?
I once saw the Queen in person while on a bus tour in London (well, more accurately, I saw the Queen not while on the bus tour. We stopped and got off the bus and she got into a car and was driven away right past us and we, along with a throng of others, saw her waving as she was driven by). We were doing the bus tour thing and drove past some important historical building or government office or some such and apparently there is a particular flag that is flown whenever the queen shows up some place important like that. (Personally, I had no idea that the Queen had her own flag). The tour guide was doing her typical routine (I imagine it was her typical routine. I was only on the tour that one time so I really have no basis for saying whether it was typical or not) and she suddenly got extremely animated and excited upon spotting the Queen's flag. She stopped the bus (or, more accurately, she asked the driver to stop the bus and he obliged) and we all got off and we saw the Queen. It was pretty exciting stuff. I've never seen any president live and in person (though I have had the honor of meeting Joe Biden and his hair plugs) but I have seen the Queen.
Kewl. I've never seen a live Queen. I did get to see one US President. I saw Jimmy Carter in the Quad Cities when I was a teenager and he was touring down the Mississippi in the Delta Queen.
So you agree with the notion that your Royalty is, for some reason, superior to you legally, socially and culturally, by an accident of birth?

No I wouldn't. They have a similar function to that of your Disneyland, but with class.
Fear not. Unless Low starts driving a late model pick up truck, moves into a double wide, gets a tattoo of the confederate flag, start drinking Budweiser and marries his 13 yo cousin, you have nothing to fear. :)

That'd mean he'd turned into Dixie, wouldn't it?