How long until libs admit Obamacare is a failure?

Will liberals admit Obamacare is a failure?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • They will, but will blame Republicans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They will, and insist we need single-payer

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don't see that any of us have much choice but to do just that. OTOH, don't you feel that all of us are being played for fools when Obama just lies as he did today?

Free! Really? The machines are 'free'? The technicians are donating their time? The radiologists? When you find your premiums going up, along with the deductibles, you begin to understand Milton Friedman.

Just for starters.


I give time for responses to direct questions, usually a day or more.

Christiefan though has repeatedly responded to others, while not commenting on my post, where I agree in part. You don't feel Obama lied? The quotes were from the official whitehouse source.

I give time for responses to direct questions, usually a day or more.

Christiefan though has repeatedly responded to others, while not commenting on my post, where I agree in part. You don't feel Obama lied? The quotes were from the official whitehouse source.

Annie, I'm having some sort of trouble with the site, people I've been talking to are now showing up as on ignore. I notified Damo and am waiting for his response. I haven't had time to research your question yet.
Reading title only, I would say 2010. Left Wing voters never wanted Obamacare. The polls showed it. And even the ones that did wanted a single payer system, not the agreement system we have today which is set up for failure.

This being said, one of Obama's top ten donors was "Healthcare". Yet the Right continues to think that "Corporations are people".

Citizens united is the driving force of everything wrong in politics today. Yet, like gun regulation, the flaws were spotted but the Right Wing wants MORE of the problem. They voted against background checks and they voted for citizens united. Hell, they are fighting for a more advanced version of Citizens United today!

Anyone not stupid in politics knows that the current GOP is the Corporate party. And Democrats are falling into the Citizens United valley. The rich control the Government. This is FACT. Do some research on the Federal Reserve and it's proven. They aren't "Illuminati" they are simply big corporations.
Kind of amazing. First week in and we heard that in states like Iowa only 5 people had gotten through to enroll, with national numbers in the single digit thousands.

Now, two weeks later, without any major improvements to the software, we're supposed to believe that number is now 500 times what it was? lol.

By June it'll still be a mess, Obama will be blaming the Jews, and the left will be mouthing along with him.'s just how they roll.
I hope it's a huge success!
Millions of millennialist like threedork & water skid marks
Will sign up, as not to be embarrassed with there dates.
Thanks slackers
Obama likes to say his team is the most transparent administration in history — but on the Obamacare website debacle, it’s been more like they’ve been holed up in the bunker.

He owned up to the fact that the federal enrollment website “hasn’t worked as smoothly as it was supposed to work” — probably the understatement of the year.

Administration officials still couldn’t give any sense of how extensive the problems are. They wouldn’t say who’s being drafted for the “tech surge,” and they didn’t give even a ballpark prediction of when the site might be working.

Many of the concerns, however, keep coming back to the Obama team’s inability to give more precise answers - an odd and ironic predicament for an administration that prides itself on openness.

Before the Oct. 1 launch of open enrollment, the administration wasn’t sharing much information about the website, with Congress or anyone else — other than assuring Congress that it would be ready.

Before the launch, Obama spent a lot of time talking about how buying coverage would be as easy as shopping for flat-screen TVs online. Now, he has to convince Americans that picking up the phone is okay, too.
Kind of amazing. First week in and we heard that in states like Iowa only 5 people had gotten through to enroll, with national numbers in the single digit thousands.

Now, two weeks later, without any major improvements to the software, we're supposed to believe that number is now 500 times what it was? lol.

By June it'll still be a mess, Obama will be blaming the Jews, and the left will be mouthing along with him.'s just how they roll.

He will blame the sequester, the shut down, Ted Cruz, ILA, Grind.

Anyone but himself.

And remember if you are 26 you can stay on your parents plan.
Conservative America's supposed hatred for National Health Care got Lincoln elected?

Boy HOWDY that is one powerful brand of stupid you are sporting there, son!.

Conservatives dont hate National Healthcare you brain dead twit; they hate Democrats sinister and underhanded efforts to force Government mandated healthcare on all of us against our wishes which will lead to shortages in care, doctors and higher costs.

The brand of stupid you are selling is of epic proportions.
Kind of amazing. First week in and we heard that in states like Iowa only 5 people had gotten through to enroll, with national numbers in the single digit thousands.

Now, two weeks later, without any major improvements to the software, we're supposed to believe that number is now 500 times what it was? lol.

By June it'll still be a mess, Obama will be blaming the Jews, and the left will be mouthing along with him.'s just how they roll.

It's killing you that the system is beginning to work out the glitches and catch up. Faux also quoted 476,000, guess they sold out to the "Obamabots" just like the rest of the MSM, huh.
It is a train wreck. With that said, I dont believe we should go back now. I disagree with a great deal about even the IDEA of govt-provided/controlled health care but do believe that there needs to be a way to protect people from the huge medical and hospitalization costs that they have no option to avoid in the event of catastrophic accident or sickness. There are no controls over those costs and they can bankrupt any middle or lower income family (the majority of Americans) no matter how much insurance or savings they have. That does not help society, that just drags it down further IMO.

I think we should now move forward and see what works and what doesnt and change it as we go.

I'm not saying this is a pleasant or good situation....just one that we now need to work thru and improve. There are lots of unpleasant things that we have to deal with, like divorce or abortion, that end up being better for individuals and society in the long run. (heh, this should be good).

This is IMO.

There were and are better ways to deal with the bolded part of your statement; but Democrats don't care about solutions. They only care about political power which they can maintain by turning every American into a dependent ward of the Stare.
But their real and ultimate goal is a European style Universal Government Care which will achieve their goal of turning the American sheeple into dependent wards of the State.
How long until libs admit Obamacare is a failure?

How about we wait until it's been fully implemented plus a couple of months to gather statistics? Foolish concept to you righties, I know.

We've been waiting five years for an economic recovery; how's that working for us?