How long until libs admit Obamacare is a failure?

Will liberals admit Obamacare is a failure?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • They will, but will blame Republicans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They will, and insist we need single-payer

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We've been waiting five years for an economic recovery; how's that working for us?

It's killing you that the system is beginning to work out the glitches and catch up. Faux also quoted 476,000, guess they sold out to the "Obamabots" just like the rest of the MSM, huh.

Wow, in 3 weeks that would be the number of people that filled in enough info to actually move into the stage of hoping to compare policies. That's not an Enrollment figure, that the government refuses to release:
I personally believe that there are not enough companies willing to offer policies on the "exchange", and that's the real reason bbehind having a shitty website.
Wow, in 3 weeks that would be the number of people that filled in enough info to actually move into the stage of hoping to compare policies. That's not an Enrollment figure, that the government refuses to release:

Daft wasn't talking about actual enrollment until he moved the goalposts. Maybe you didn't notice but I did.

"Considering the Obama Politburo won't even tell us how many people have signed up, gathering statitistics will be a bit tricky, dontcha think? "

Followed by my post:

"Administration officials say about 476,000 health insurance applications have been filed through federal and state exchanges..."

Followed by Daft's post:

"Kind of amazing. First week in and we heard that in states like Iowaonly 5 people had gotten through to enroll, with national numbers in the single digit thousands.
Now, two weeks later, without any major improvements to the software, we're supposed to believe that number is now 500 times what it was? lol."

I guess you and I will have to disagree on whether applying on the website translates to actual enrollment in a plan.
Daft wasn't talking about actual enrollment until he moved the goalposts. Maybe you didn't notice but I did.

"Considering the Obama Politburo won't even tell us how many people have signed up, gathering statitistics will be a bit tricky, dontcha think? "

Followed by my post:

"Administration officials say about 476,000 health insurance applications have been filed through federal and state exchanges..."

Followed by Daft's post:

"Kind of amazing. First week in and we heard that in states like Iowaonly 5 people had gotten through to enroll, with national numbers in the single digit thousands.
Now, two weeks later, without any major improvements to the software, we're supposed to believe that number is now 500 times what it was? lol."

I guess you and I will have to disagree on whether applying on the website translates to actual enrollment in a plan.

Not you or I, rather the actual folks involved:; insurance companies; and Sebelius.

In remarks in the Rose Garden, Mr. Obama acknowledged serious technical issues with the Web site, declaring that “no one is madder than me.” He offered no new information about how many people have managed to enroll since the online exchanges opened on Oct. 1. And he did not address questions about who, if anyone, might be held responsible for the failure.

Of course, the beauty of the whole thing is the abundance of irony.

Private sector health insurance can't address our needs so government has to step in.

Government can't even get a website up and running at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars, so they have to go back to the private sector to get the website operable.

That private sector, of course, being the same one that couldn't handle health care.
There were and are better ways to deal with the bolded part of your statement; but Democrats don't care about solutions. They only care about political power which they can maintain by turning every American into a dependent ward of the Stare.
But their real and ultimate goal is a European style Universal Government Care which will achieve their goal of turning the American sheeple into dependent wards of the State.

See the bold: destroys all your credibility. The next sentence is a joke if you actually believe it as well.

A dimwit who thinks this chart indicates recovery. Of course, you are too dense to comprehend that we have 1.2 million fewer participants in the workforce currently than when Obummer came into office.

Historically; this is the WORST recovery from a recession in our recent historic memory.

But alas, you're a painfully stupid uninformed dullard who thinks this recovery is actually a recovery based on the talking points you've been fed by this Administration.

I am willing to bet that you think the unemployment rate is actually coming down regardless of the reality it is an indication of vanishing workforce due to discouragement and giving up looking for a decent job.

I am willing to bet that you think the 148,000 jobs being created are not mostly low wage and part time jobs.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.
See the bold: destroys all your credibility. The next sentence is a joke if you actually believe it as well.

Another dullard comment from the dullard class; that facts destroy one's credibility.

The Democrat party needs low information dullards like you to stay elected; yay you.
Was Obamacare an elaborate, designed-to-fail ruse to give liberals an excuse to nationalize health care?

No; Democrats are really THAT stupid and wouldn't be able to plan anything that elaborate.

What they did know, and admit to, is that what was contained in the legislation was irrelevant because it was only intended to have a political outcome illustrating how much Democrats care more than anyone else on the planet for those in need.
I'm all for improving Obamacare! Let's got to work on it. We will not go back to the old way!
A dimwit who thinks this chart indicates recovery. Of course, you are too dense to comprehend that we have 1.2 million fewer participants in the workforce currently than when Obummer came into office.

Historically; this is the WORST recovery from a recession in our recent historic memory.

But alas, you're a painfully stupid uninformed dullard who thinks this recovery is actually a recovery based on the talking points you've been fed by this Administration.

I am willing to bet that you think the unemployment rate is actually coming down regardless of the reality it is an indication of vanishing workforce due to discouragement and giving up looking for a decent job.

I am willing to bet that you think the 148,000 jobs being created are not mostly low wage and part time jobs.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

So much for my taking everybody off the ignore list and giving them another chance. 100% wasted effort. You'll be going on again as soon as I get the settings fixed.

You don't have the slightest idea how to consider and argue viewpoints other than your own on this forum. You're just an angry, hostile, classless piece of shit.

And I mean that in the nicest way possible.