How long will Trump supporters burn in hell for their sins?

Try it, tough guy.

Already done.

So when you try to claim Trump wasn't a "True Conservative", or that you never supported him, or that he's a RINO, or whatever reason you give to pretend you didn't support him, all those excuses will sink to the bottom of the bay.

And when you switch IDs to avoid embarrassment, it will only be a matter of time before your true nature shows and you reveal yourself to be Dark Soul masquerading as someone else.

We've seen the same play run twice the last 10're not running it with any success a third time.
I do not wish hell on you. I would do anything to protect you from the punishment you are going to receive from captain buggarpanties and the red nosed reindeer. I'm just warning you.

This means exactly the same to me as what you actually wrote, because it has exactly the same support in reason, logic, history, fact and science.
^ Triggered, lol

See the thing with you is that you've lived a life free of any responsibility and accountability; you've been coddled, entitled, privileged, and insulated from any consequences for being who you are.

That shit will change really fucking quick, and you're not agile enough to pull off another re-brand like stapling teabags to your face or putting on a red hat.
How's that working out?

Oh, terribly, like everything Trump's ever done.

Your lifeboat's on fire too.

It's bringing attention to the fact that China hasn't joined the Global Family, ... and is in effect a 'Ethno-State' that plans on bringing it's 'One Party Rule', 'Censorship', and 'disrespect of Individual Liberty' to Global Eminence.
How's that working out?

Oh, terribly, like everything Trump's ever done.

Your lifeboat's on fire too.

American chip maker micron stock has gone from 60 to 30 since Trump's saber rattling bullshit. Thanks dumpypants the fat orange clown.:rolleyes:

What? But they're all going to heaven!! With god for eternity. What's more they think these are END TIMES and are 'dying' to get to heaven. (Pun intended). Trump somehow is a catalyst to this BIBLICAL certainty and was put here on earth to prepare for it's end (first horseman of the apoclypse, ANTI-CHRIST--those who DON'T support Trump and hate him are the ANTI-CHRIST) and a whole bunch of other BULLSHIT I don't understand.

They're batshit crazy. CLINICALLY, they all sound depressed to me and 'want out' and can't wait.


Oy vey!

Trump is winning on everything he touches, and you triggered nut-bags just can't stand it, denial, prozak, and misery

you've been whining non stop for two years

It's bringing attention to the fact that China hasn't joined the Global Family

1. Is this something people weren't aware of, that China exists?

2. Who cares?

3. Bringing attention to a problem by deliberately creating problems at home doesn't solve anything; it just creates more problems.

4. What is the relevance to "bringing attention to" something arbitrary and ambiguous?

5. What does "Global Family" mean?
and is in effect a 'Ethno-State' that plans on bringing it's 'One Party Rule', 'Censorship', and 'disrespect of Individual Liberty' to Global Eminence. not imposing tariffs on China that harm; domestic soy bean farmers, one of the most profitable companies in the world, and the stock market, the rest of the world will ditch their democratic institutions for China's? Why would they?