How long will Trump supporters burn in hell for their sins?

See the thing with you is that you've lived a life free of any responsibility and accountability; you've been coddled, entitled, privileged, and insulated from any consequences for being who you are.

That shit will change really fucking quick, and you're not agile enough to pull off another re-brand like stapling teabags to your face or putting on a red hat.

LOL OK tough guy.
LOL OK tough guy.

The thing you fear most isn't socialism, or democrats, or illegal immigrants, or's irrelevance.

If you had to exist in a state where you weren't accommodated, I doubt you'd be able to handle it.

So that need for accommodation would manifest itself in pipe bombs or a mass shooting.

That's the path you're on.
1. Is this something people weren't aware of, that China exists?

2. Who cares?

3. Bringing attention to a problem by deliberately creating problems at home doesn't solve anything; it just creates more problems.

4. What is the relevance to "bringing attention to" something arbitrary and ambiguous?

5. What does "Global Family" mean?

By 2050 China will be the Economic Power in the World.
They will impose their 'One Party Rule', 'mass censorship', and the dismissal of 'Individual Freedom'.

Other than that, you have nothing to worry about. not imposing tariffs on China that harm; domestic soy bean farmers, one of the most profitable companies in the world, and the stock market, the rest of the world will ditch their democratic institutions for China's? Why would they?

Global Economic Dominance.
By 2050 China will be the Economic Power in the World.

That's a long ways off and a lot can happen between then and now, specifically the demographic problem China faces. Right now, China's workforce outnumbers its retired...but that trend will flip on itself in less than a generation, and China will be facing an entitlement crisis because of their stupid "one baby" rule. Remember when we had all those Boomers retiring and they weren't yet replaced by younger workers in the work force? Well, they are now and Millennials are the largest generation currently working. China's problem is much longer-term than ours, and their current working population will not be replaced 1:1 in the workforce...the replacement will be less, which means China will have an entitlement problem.

That's not even factoring in the housing crisis that will hit China in the next global downturn.

China does not have long-term leverage because of its aging population and smaller generation entering the workforce.

You think way too narrowly and too small.
Global Economic Dominance.

You just said that was China's goal, so why would that be anyone else's?

And how does harming domestic workers, driving down the market, and bailing out farmers accomplish anything with relation to China?
That's a long ways off and a lot can happen between then and now, specifically the demographic problem China faces. Right now, China's workforce outnumbers its retired...but that trend will flip on itself in less than a generation, and China will be facing an entitlement crisis because of their stupid "one baby" rule. Remember when we had all those Boomers retiring and they weren't yet replaced by younger workers in the work force? Well, they are now and Millennials are the largest generation currently working. China's problem is much longer-term than ours, and their current working population will not be replaced 1:1 in the workforce...the replacement will be less, which means China will have an entitlement problem.

That's not even factoring in the housing crisis that will hit China in the next global downturn.

China does not have long-term leverage because of its aging population and smaller generation entering the workforce.

You think way too narrowly and too small.

They will import your grandchildren to work the low level jobs. (like we do Hispanics and Europe does Muslims)
You just said that was China's goal, so why would that be anyone else's?

And how does harming domestic workers, driving down the market, and bailing out farmers accomplish anything with relation to China?

The Western World has Economic Power today. It spreads it's Values and Culture around the World.
As that shifts, so will the Values and Culture.
They will import your grandchildren to work the low level jobs. (like we do Hispanics and Europe does Muslims)

So they will capture and enslave white children like the racist white man did to blacks?

You sound fucking stupid.
bottom line...…...the racist white man always fears he will be treated like he treats others.

when are going to rid the world of them?...…….they are a disgrace to society. UGHHHHHH
bottom line...…...the racist white man always fears he will be treated like he treats others.

when are going to rid the world of them?...…….they are a disgrace to society. UGHHHHHH


that is the key

right now these idiots fall for whatever fox and Rush tell them