How many friends and employees of Trump will go to jail before Trump is impeached?

its for your own good......left to your own devices you fuck so many things up......

it would not be given to a child like you. You are clueless and a Trumplestilskin. I can ignore you and get the same thing from Brietbart. Still can't admit Obama fixed a Republican destroyed economy can you? That is why you are a joke. You cannot even cede the blatant and obvious facts.
I'm sure that lib'ruls will still be hoping Trump gets impeached in 2025.....

Pffffffffffffffffffffft, that's just silly talk, we allow war criminals to wander free and floated a dominatrix torturess as head of the CIA. Don and all his cromies will be fine, just like Hillary. Same as it ever was.
it would not be given to a child like you. You are clueless and a Trumplestilskin. I can ignore you and get the same thing from Brietbart. Still can't admit Obama fixed a Republican destroyed economy can you? That is why you are a joke. You cannot even cede the blatant and obvious facts.

Obama fixed it for whom? The Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class?
Obama fixed it for whom? The Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class?
For nearly all. That is why the unemployment rate dropped so much. That is why the economy recovered. But the fact that it helped the plutocrats much more is undeniable. Trump is doing more of that. But then he is one of them, what did you expect? The wealth gap is at dangerous levels, even worse that during the Gilded age. It will be very harmful if we don't deal with it, but do not expect trump to do it. We have a worsening gap the next 2 years.
Pffffffffffffffffffffft, that's just silly talk, we allow war criminals to wander free and floated a dominatrix torturess as head of the CIA. Don and all his cromies will be fine, just like Hillary. Same as it ever was.

may I just say, it is a pleasure to have you here admitting just how stupid lib'ruls can many of your fellow party members hide behind a facade of innocence......
so you want to jail me for voting for Bush.........I guess the folks that called you a fascist were right.......

That would be nice, unfortunately your inability to understand what is going on does not disqualify you. Your response was diversionary. You are a fine example of how badly low information rightys "think".
How many friends, relatives and employees of Trump will go to jail before Trump is impeached?

I say 1200.

Faulty premise. He won’t be impeached by Republicans

And even if demalquedacrats win in November and impeachment, there aren’t enough votes in Senate to boot him

Get over it already
so you want to jail me for voting for Bush.........I guess the folks that called you a fascist were right.......

Whatever it takes to get you past the revulsion and self loathing you must feel for being a supposed Christian who turns the other cheek Republican style. LOL

Your party is presently so Satanic it almost make me believe in that type of shit. What the fuck in heaven and hell could possibly make a person
like you find a moral compass? You people are shit. Total human excrement. Sadly there are no eternal rewards and you are free to live a disgusting
filthy evil unethical compassionless life without other than consequence based on your breeding and the teaching of Jesus, who you supposedly revere.

I firmly believe Trump will never stand trial for any of this crimes. He will resign and flee to Russia (no extradition treaty with US), where he will serve as Putin's puppet President-in-exile that Putin can use to attack and undermine western liberal democratic institutions.

And Trump will go along with it because he can then play the victim, like he and his supporters love to do.

The sad thing is that 20% of Americans will still be loyal to him, even when he's Putin's puppet.
Whatever it takes to get you past the revulsion and self loathing you must feel for being a supposed Christian who turns the other cheek Republican style. LOL
Your party is presently so Satanic it almost make me believe in that type of shit. What the fuck in heaven and hell could possibly make a person
like you find a moral compass? You people are shit. Total human excrement. Sadly there are no eternal rewards and you are free to live a disgusting
filthy evil unethical compassionless life without other than consequence based on your breeding and the teaching of Jesus, who you supposedly revere.

Let's refrain from the extensive vocabulary descriptors and just call them what they are; Nazis. Every response to them should start, "Listen Nazi...". When you see them in public, refer to them as Nazis. Call your racist, Conservative relatives Nazis to their face. Tell their employers. Tell their neighbors. Tell anyone with two ears.

Let's make them go back in the closet. Let's make them afraid to put on their jackboots. Let's do what we did to Nazis 75 years ago. Let's make America great again.
Let's refrain from the extensive vocabulary descriptors and just call them what they are; Nazis. Every response to them should start, "Listen Nazi...". When you see them in public, refer to them as Nazis. Call your racist, Conservative relatives Nazis to their face. Tell their employers. Tell their neighbors. Tell anyone with two ears.

Let's make them go back in the closet. Let's make them afraid to put on their jackboots. Let's do what we did to Nazis 75 years ago. Let's make America great again.

Without anonymity you would last, at best, two minutes.
Without anonymity you would last, at best, two minutes.

Listen Nazi, when the time comes for you to change your stripes yet again, as you all did after Bush so you didn't have to be associated with all the things you supported that turned out to be terrible, you're not going to be allowed to. Part of identifying Nazis like you is to save these posts for later, so that when Truth & Reconciliation comes, when the Nuremburg-like trials begin, when the Reconstruction happens, your voice will be marginalized and you'll be excluded from the national conversation.

Then you can flee to Russia and follow in the footsteps of your Orange Fascist leader. How ironic would that be; Conservatives spent years telling us Russia was the bad guy, then turn right around and support a country run by a former KGB officer because he makes you feel better about being underachieving, entitled white trash.