How many friends and employees of Trump will go to jail before Trump is impeached?

No hate, just disgust that such horrible thieves are in charge. I don't hate them for being bigots and wanting the plutocracy. I blame the voters who are too stupid to see what they have done, even now.

You failed badly here. To heal oneself, you must first admit the obvious.
Listen Nazi, when the time comes for you to change your stripes yet again, as you all did after Bush so you didn't have to be associated with all the things you supported that turned out to be terrible, you're not going to be allowed to. Part of identifying Nazis like you is to save these posts for later, so that when Truth & Reconciliation comes, when the Nuremburg-like trials begin, when the Reconstruction happens, your voice will be marginalized and you'll be excluded from the national conversation.

Then you can flee to Russia and follow in the footsteps of your Orange Fascist leader. How ironic would that be; Conservatives spent years telling us Russia was the bad guy, then turn right around and support a country run by a former KGB officer because he makes you feel better about being underachieving, entitled white trash.

I'm reading GWB's book now. What a great guy!

BTW great example of TDS by you.
BTW great example of TDS by you.

Just wait. Because that's where this train is headed. Trump doesn't have the balls to stand trial for anything, and because he's a classic bully, he will flee to the safety of Russia where he will be Putin's puppet President-in-Exile, serving as a propaganda figure for Putin to use to attack the fundamentals of western Democracy. And you'll support Trump the entire time. But he won't care about you. So your life will get terrible, and his will remain unchanged. He'll leave you holding the sack of crap, and you'll try to pawn it off on others, but no one will take it. It'll probably end up consuming you and that will manifest in you snapping and shooting up a crowd of people before turning the gun on yourself.

That's where you're headed.
Just wait. Because that's where this train is headed. Trump doesn't have the balls to stand trial for anything, and because he's a classic bully, he will flee to the safety of Russia where he will be Putin's puppet President-in-Exile, serving as a propaganda figure for Putin to use to attack the fundamentals of western Democracy. And you'll support Trump the entire time. But he won't care about you. So your life will get terrible, and his will remain unchanged. He'll leave you holding the sack of crap, and you'll try to pawn it off on others, but no one will take it. It'll probably end up consuming you and that will manifest in you snapping and shooting up a crowd of people before turning the gun on yourself.

That's where you're headed.

Double down on TDS now. Too funny!
As to your premise, Trump will never be impeached, and will serve two full terms.

Trump will flee to Russia the second an indictment, subpoena, or impeachment proceedings are filed.

Trump, like his supporters, is a gigantic chickenshit who will flee accountability.

He will run away to Russia where he will serve as the perfect Putin puppet President-in-Exile. And the FSB will use internet trolls to propagandize that, and people like you will believe them. That's why we need to doxx all of you once this is over.
You failed badly here. To heal oneself, you must first admit the obvious.

Your lack of knowledge is what you made that poor unsubstantiated post. You are a hater. I am not. I feel sad for those who back trump because he is a user and he uses you like kids. Now on the border, he is using kids. trump is a nasty ,petty man and the sooner we get him out, the better we will all be. The hate is yours. When the nasty people like CFM and Trurh Deflector posted, I ended up putting them on ignore because i don't want to get in the gutters with haters. I don't feel the anger. just sadness at what you rightys have done to America by following a conman.
Your lack of knowledge is what you made that poor unsubstantiated post. You are a hater. I am not. I feel sad for those who back trump because he is a user and he uses you like kids. Now on the border, he is using kids. trump is a nasty ,petty man and the sooner we get him out, the better we will all be. The hate is yours. When the nasty people like CFM and Trurh Deflector posted, I ended up putting them on ignore because i don't want to get in the gutters with haters. I don't feel the anger. just sadness at what you rightys have done to America by following a conman.

I'm guessing that the irony of your post is lost on you.
Quote Originally Posted by Micawber View Post
Whatever it takes to get you past the revulsion and self loathing you must feel for being a supposed Christian who turns the other cheek Republican style. LOL
Your party is presently so Satanic it almost make me believe in that type of shit. What the fuck in heaven and hell could possibly make a person
like you find a moral compass? You people are shit. Total human excrement. Sadly there are no eternal rewards and you are free to live a disgusting
filthy evil unethical compassionless life without other than consequence based on your breeding and the teaching of Jesus, who you supposedly revere.
Let's refrain from the extensive vocabulary descriptors and just call them what they are; Nazis. Every response to them should start, "Listen Nazi...". When you see them in public, refer to them as Nazis. Call your racist, Conservative relatives Nazis to their face. Tell their employers. Tell their neighbors. Tell anyone with two ears.

Let's make them go back in the closet. Let's make them afraid to put on their jackboots. Let's do what we did to Nazis 75 years ago. Let's make America great again.

you are both starting to foam at the mouth a bit......its obvious listening to both of you that it is far better to distance ourselves from demmycrat leadership for at least another decade........perhaps by then you will stop being lunatics......
you are both starting to foam at the mouth a bit......its obvious listening to both of you that it is far better to distance ourselves from demmycrat leadership for at least another decade........perhaps by then you will stop being lunatics......

When Trump flees to Russia, you know he's not taking you with him, right?