How many MAGAs will lose their Medicaid coverage?

Montana among nine states poised to end Medicaid coverage amid Trump cuts​

With Donald Trump’s return to the White House and Republicans taking full control of Congress in 2025, the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion is back on the chopping block.

Recalls the “I don’t want no socialism and they better keep their hands off my Medicare”

Montana among nine states poised to end Medicaid coverage amid Trump cuts​

With Donald Trump’s return to the White House and Republicans taking full control of Congress in 2025, the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion is back on the chopping block.

Only nine?
Too bad Alaska isn't one of them.
The front desk lady I fired for forging Rx's was a chain smoker who could somehow afford about $900/mo. on cigs and ate greasy burgers for lunch every day became eligible for the expanded Medicaid.
Hold the phone! Are you saying that one individual incident is indicative of an entire program? Hmm, I would LOVE to see you harp on that premise with regards to the DOD failing years of audits by the GAO, or how Rick Scott is STILL a Florida senator ran a company that was found guilt of the biggest medicare fraud in American history!

So spare us all the MAGA mush, will ya please?
Only nine?
Too bad Alaska isn't one of them.
The front desk lady I fired for forging Rx's was a chain smoker who could somehow afford about $900/mo. on cigs and ate greasy burgers for lunch every day became eligible for the expanded Medicaid.
That's more a reflection of her salary than her eating habits.
Don't know, I don't smoke and I am not on medicaid ,
The program is for low income people that need medical help.
and there are some MAGA that get it and now they want to cut a program they use. And when they need it and they can't get what they need it is their own fault.
Low income people who need help? The majority of bankruptcies have a health component in them. Only in America do we allow this.
More than 3 million adults in nine states would be at immediate risk of losing their health coverage should the GOP reduce the extra federal Medicaid funding that's enabled states to widen eligibility, according to KFF, a health information nonprofit that includes KFF Health News, and the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. That's because the states have trigger laws that would swiftly end their Medicaid expansions if federal funding falls.

The states are Arizona, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia.

MAGAS don't give a fuck about anybody but them selves.
They are so dumb they will cut their own throats ear to ear just to show you they really can bleed.
As I said they voted for this shit show to come so when it bites them in the ass they shouldn't cry too much if at all.
To be clear, MAGA voters are just plain ignorant. They have no idea what Republicans have in store for them. They just love that trump 'owns the libs'. They will soon find out.

MAGA Republicans in Congress, and for that matter all Republicans in Congress want to get rid of the ACA because the pesky 3.8% tax on investment income over $200k/year is evidently a bridge too far. That tax funds the Medicaid expansion, so everyone in the South will now go back to the hospital ED for primary care.

The aforementioned ignorant voters don't even know what ACA means.

More than 3 million adults in nine states would be at immediate risk of losing their health coverage should the GOP reduce the extra federal Medicaid funding that's enabled states to widen eligibility, according to KFF, a health information nonprofit that includes KFF Health News, and the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. That's because the states have trigger laws that would swiftly end their Medicaid expansions if federal funding falls.

The states are Arizona, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia.

There are quite a few Red states that refused the Medicaid expansion because...Obama. Those states typically have income requirements that are so low, it is ridiculous.
To be clear, MAGA voters are just plain ignorant. They have no idea what Republicans have in store for them. They just love that trump 'owns the libs'. They will soon find out.

Agreed. The "Own the Libs" only goes so far when trying to pay for healthcare.

MAGA Republicans in Congress, and for that matter all Republicans in Congress want to get rid of the ACA because the pesky 3.8% tax on investment income over $200k/year is evidently a bridge too far. That tax funds the Medicaid expansion, so everyone in the South will now go back to the hospital ED for primary care.

That's the crazy thing about it. As you note a LOT of poor people use the Emergency Room as their PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN. Which, in turn drives up medical costs for EVERYONE.

The aforementioned ignorant voters don't even know what ACA means.

My favorite poll from back in the Aughts when Obama was trying to push ACA through. They did a poll of primarily Republican voters and when they presented the data to them as "Obamacare" they rejected all the provisions. But if they presented the SAME PROVISIONS as "ACA" they were largely accepted and even WANTED.

They truly and honestly rejected the ACA because it was called Obamacare and the GOP had demonized it to the point that they just knee-jerk rejected it. Meanwhile they all wanted the VERY THINGS THE ACA COVERED!!!!

It's truly bizarre.
Agreed. The "Own the Libs" only goes so far when trying to pay for healthcare.

That's the crazy thing about it. As you note a LOT of poor people use the Emergency Room as their PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN. Which, in turn drives up medical costs for EVERYONE.

My favorite poll from back in the Aughts when Obama was trying to push ACA through. They did a poll of primarily Republican voters and when they presented the data to them as "Obamacare" they rejected all the provisions. But if they presented the SAME PROVISIONS as "ACA" they were largely accepted and even WANTED.

They truly and honestly rejected the ACA because it was called Obamacare and the GOP had demonized it to the point that they just knee-jerk rejected it. Meanwhile they all wanted the VERY THINGS THE ACA COVERED!!!!

It's truly bizarre.
Agree on all points.
No, a benefit of retirement from an employer as contractually arranged. It isn't socialism. Socialism is a something for nothing form of economics. That describes Medicare.
You obviously know nothing about Medicare. And most vets find Tricare lacking in a number of ways. So much so that every year that goes by the govt. allows vets to use out of network providers.
No. Your previous employer (the military) is funded SOLELY BY OTHER AMERICANS. Sorry you didn't realize where your money was coming from.

WE paid you.

And WE are providing you with healthcare.

That is socialism.

I'm OK with it. And apparently you are too.
Silly Terry doesn't even know that he paid for Medicare via FICA withholding