How many MAGAs will see their Medicaid and disability benefits cut?

It's over fuckwad, you lost.

Some of 'em appear to think there's still a chance...

Making a claim about something that is common knowledge, is NOT the same as Goat's claim that Putin blew up a missile factory in Ukraine.

If I tell you that it rained today, you should be able to understand that it rained.

If you aren't aware that Musk made quite a bit of his money via U.S grants for EV, and taxpayer money for SpaceX, then perhaps this isn't the discussion for you.

Or is your Google button broken again?
Making a claim about something that is common knowledge, is NOT the same as Goat's claim that Putin blew up a missile factory in Ukraine.

A claim is a claim.

I accept your resignation from the discussion.
Enjoy the ride rubes

Trump’s Social Security Benefit Tax Repeal Would Lower Taxes, Accelerate Program Insolvency

Former president Donald Trump’s plan to repeal the tax on Social Security benefits would lower taxes for US households by an average of $550, according to a new analysis by the Tax Policy Center. But that tax cut would come with a big price: By reducing Social Security and Medicare hospital insurance (HI) revenues by $1.5 trillion over the next decade, Trump would drive both programs into insolvency faster, resulting in sharply reduced benefits for tens of millions of recipients.

Winners And Losers

TPC estimated that lower-income households would get little or no benefit from the tax cut in 2025. Those making $32,000 or less would receive no tax cut since most of their Social Security income already is untaxed. Those making between $32,000 and $60,000 would get an average tax cut of about $90.

It’s notable that Trump also proposed deporting millions of immigrants, many of whom improve Social Security’s finances because they work and pay payroll taxes but are unlikely to collect benefits. Now, he’d repeal the tax on Social Security benefits, without proposing any way to shore up the retirement system by either raising other taxes or otherwise restructuring benefits. It is the latest example of how his agenda inevitably would result in exactly the kind of Social Security cuts he vows to oppose.
like phase out insurance all together and go to a fee for service model?
That would be the opposite of universal coverage.

Even people who have a few hundred thousand to pay for a major health issue usually do not have it sitting around. So doctors, and hospitals would have to just take the word of patients that they could pay. Anyone who wanted healthcare would just lie, and claim to have the money... So doctors, and hospitals would go bankrupt.

Do not believe me, look at the third world where just that has happened.
No. I qualify but dumped it. It’s not mandatory to have Medicare. I don’t know where you got that.
It is free, so it is not particularly easy to "dump." More importantly, you are not billing it, the providers are, so again, not easy to "dump."

So walk us through how you pay for medical services.
As a person who depends on gubmint for everything from cradle to grave , I understand your position.
There’s such thing as private insurance.
That is called insurance fraud.

Private health insurance uses Medicare as your reinsurer. They bill Medicare for what they can, and then pay the rest. If you do not allow them to do this, you are stealing from them.
That is called insurance fraud. Private health insurance uses Medicare as your reinsurer. They bill Medicare for what they can, and then pay the rest. If you do not allow them to do this, you are stealing from them.

Is that so?
So my rental income from the properties I’ve invested in are entitlements? As well as my investment income? Wow.
Your rental income comes from the government?

Your rental income neither comes from the government, or is paid beyond budgetary constraints. It might be promised for a year, but in general would not be promised indefinitely.