I've never seen a Lefty who wanted to ban porn, but I've seen countless Alt-Righters and other Incels who want to do so.
An INCEL is a degenerate freak to whom the ONLY purpose of existence is porn and masturbation; many of them likely moonlight as NAMBLA members and wish they could rape and molest children as well.
They are the LOWEST FORM OF LIFE KNOWN TO MAN, on par with viruses and bacteria and shouldn't be allowed to EXIST anymore than CORNAVIRUS; Hitler's polices would have been entirely just and admirable had SCUM like incels been the ones in the death camps.
Being AGAINST porn is merely something that anyone with a remotely normal sex drive who isn't incredibly undeniable would be, to some extinct.
It's not a "left/right issue", so much as an "ugly, desperate, and stupid people who can't afford to be choosy when it comes to sex or find any more intellectually stimulating desire" versus healthy, fit, and desirable people who can be choosers, and who are motivated by higher-intellectual pursuits, not solely banal and physical ones.
Much as the concept of VOLUNTARY celebacy is the polar opposite, the notion of "voluntary celebacy" has always been an intellectual one, or one for improving the intellect and fitness of the race and tribe; much as intelligent and thinking people are already "more celebate" than less intelligent and thinking ones; since intelligent men and women have fewer children and spend less time on purely banal and physical pursuits, than less intelligent and creative ones, who already have 5 babies with 5 different baby mommies/daddies by age 16.
(Example from history - St. Paul was a wealthy, intellectual elite of his day and age - having women, concubines, prostitutes would not have been hard for one of his social status and prestige, however he wished to promote notions of "celebacy" and valuing the higher-intellectual ideals and pursuits over the merely physical, and instant gratifying ones.
One can find both "religious" and "secular" variants of said thing, such as John Stuart Mill's treatise on civilization, and how civilization represents a cultural "evolution" up from barbarism and 3rd world savagry where the physical and primal (e.x. fighting, hunting, polygamy, child marriage) is valued over the intellectual (e.x. institutions of law, courts, virtues, and so forth) - in his own words, better a man disatisfied, than a pig satisfied.
Even the far-right version of YouTube, Gab, has banned porn despite being founded as a "free speech" platform for Fascists.
Good, "frees peach" is trash, and should be outlawed except for nationalist, intellectual elite, not for leftist degenerates, peasants, and mouth-breathing rabble who shouldn't be allowed to vote or participate in politics at at all, let alone having any pretense to "frees peach rights", or rights of any kind other than to a speedy trial and execution for heresy and high treason against God and state.
It's actually pretty fitting. Fascists talk endlessly about how these imaginary Liberals are taking away their free speech. But the moment Fascists get the power to eliminate free speech, they will.
There's no reason nationalists should allow or care about anyone's right to "frees peach" other than their own, as if feral dogs, peasants and mongrels are worthy of the same rights or notions of "humanity" to begin with as enlightened, philosopher kings and queens.
If they can use propaganda about "frees peach" to advance their cause, then good, as long as it works.