How masturbation and porn can now be regulated on a national level

As terrible as your views are, I will give you credit for one thing. You're probably the only Fascist here with the balls to admit that you don't believe in free speech.
If you even really are a Fascist. I think it's also possible that you're just a trolly boi.
The bare minimum standards of literacy have dropped enough, to the point that even an idiot with an average 6th grade reading/writing level (who is far from FLUENT in English or any language) can meet the bare min required to vote and participate in politics.

There is no reason that people who read and write at post-graduate levels (like me) should have the same "frees peach" rights as people who are stuck at such a lower level of reading/writing; this is one of the most SOCIALIST things I have ever had the audacity to encounter.

It may have been better back when written language was much rarer except for people who came from well-educated families (e.x. America's framers and most significant political individuals in the history of modern Europe); since this meant that the bare min required to participate was much higher!

Example: THIS is the bare min which can vote in this country today and gets the SAME votes as me or people even smarter than me - what a joke!


An INCEL is a degenerate freak to whom the ONLY purpose of existence is porn and masturbation; many of them likely moonlight as NAMBLA members and wish they could rape and molest children as well.

They are the LOWEST FORM OF LIFE KNOWN TO MAN, on par with viruses and bacteria and shouldn't be allowed to EXIST anymore than CORNAVIRUS; Hitler's polices would have been entirely just and admirable had SCUM like incels been the ones in the death camps.


Being AGAINST porn is merely something that anyone with a remotely normal sex drive who isn't incredibly undeniable would be, to some extinct.

It's not a "left/right issue", so much as an "ugly, desperate, and stupid people who can't afford to be choosy when it comes to sex or find any more intellectually stimulating desire" versus healthy, fit, and desirable people who can be choosers, and who are motivated by higher-intellectual pursuits, not solely banal and physical ones.


Much as the concept of VOLUNTARY celebacy is the polar opposite, the notion of "voluntary celebacy" has always been an intellectual one, or one for improving the intellect and fitness of the race and tribe; much as intelligent and thinking people are already "more celebate" than less intelligent and thinking ones; since intelligent men and women have fewer children and spend less time on purely banal and physical pursuits, than less intelligent and creative ones, who already have 5 babies with 5 different baby mommies/daddies by age 16.

(Example from history - St. Paul was a wealthy, intellectual elite of his day and age - having women, concubines, prostitutes would not have been hard for one of his social status and prestige, however he wished to promote notions of "celebacy" and valuing the higher-intellectual ideals and pursuits over the merely physical, and instant gratifying ones.

One can find both "religious" and "secular" variants of said thing, such as John Stuart Mill's treatise on civilization, and how civilization represents a cultural "evolution" up from barbarism and 3rd world savagry where the physical and primal (e.x. fighting, hunting, polygamy, child marriage) is valued over the intellectual (e.x. institutions of law, courts, virtues, and so forth) - in his own words, better a man disatisfied, than a pig satisfied.

Good, "frees peach" is trash, and should be outlawed except for nationalist, intellectual elite, not for leftist degenerates, peasants, and mouth-breathing rabble who shouldn't be allowed to vote or participate in politics at at all, let alone having any pretense to "frees peach rights", or rights of any kind other than to a speedy trial and execution for heresy and high treason against God and state.

There's no reason nationalists should allow or care about anyone's right to "frees peach" other than their own, as if feral dogs, peasants and mongrels are worthy of the same rights or notions of "humanity" to begin with as enlightened, philosopher kings and queens.

If they can use propaganda about "frees peach" to advance their cause, then good, as long as it works.

you're a moron. but I support your free speech so everybody can see how deranged you are.
nobody wants your mass murder, senor insane.
So what should happen to MONSTERS who want to rape and molest children? (Which is what the INCEL CULT / FREAKSHOW IS, it's just a re-branding of NAMBLA and the individuals known for it on the internet admit to being pedophiles or pro-pedophilia; this can be varied by google)

In PRISONS they would be murdered in brutal fashion; this would just be EVOLUTION taking its natural course! (Even convicted murderers in prison despise monsters who want to rape and molest children).

(I'm not saying YOU are a pedophile, but your promoting something which has documented links to that sick shit whether you KNOW it or NOT!)
you're a moron. but I support your free speech so everybody can see how deranged you are.
Frees peach (aka frozen peach) is dangerous in the hands of subversives who use it to pollute and corrupt the nation!

(Such as the bloody idiots who use it to promote social ills such as pedophilia, degeneracy, deviance, leftist degeneracy, freakery, heresy, and so on!)
The bare minimum standards of literacy have dropped enough, to the point that even an idiot with an average 6th grade reading/writing level (who is far from FLUENT in English or any language) can meet the bare min required to vote and participate in politics.

There is no reason that people who read and write at post-graduate levels (like me) should have the same "frees peach" rights as people who are stuck at such a lower level of reading/writing; this is one of the most SOCIALIST things I have ever had the audacity to encounter.

It may have been better back when written language was much rarer except for people who came from well-educated families (e.x. America's framers and most significant political individuals in the history of modern Europe); since this meant that the bare min required to participate was much higher!

Example: THIS is the bare min which can vote in this country today and gets the SAME votes as me or people even smarter than me - what a joke!

Everyone should have free speech, but only people with an IQ of 100 or higher should be able to vote. I think that's fair. Everyone gets to present their ideas, but only intelligent people decide on which ideas become laws. That also isn't a perfect system, since we'd still have NPC cucks voting, but it would be a much better system than we have now.
Frees peach (aka frozen peach) is dangerous in the hands of subversives who use it to pollute and corrupt the nation!

(Such as the bloody idiots who use it to promote social ills such as pedophilia, degeneracy, deviance, leftist degeneracy, freakery, heresy, and so on!)
Examples of things which should NOT be free speech:

1. Using the the term "white (people" ("white" is a nonsense term invented for US census purposes; it is not recognized by any court of law, and is not a "race" or "culture" but merely descriptive (e.x. like terms such as "old people"; terms such as "black / Hispanic" arguably have different origins)

2. Using the term "heterosexual" (everyone is heterosexual by default, so this term is absurdist, or other nonsense terms such as "cis" which don't even need to be pointed out)

3. Using terms such as "man / woman" in a nonsense context; under the LAW the terms are irrelevant and merely descriptive)

4. Terms such as "gay/straight/transgender/lesbian/LBGT" if they are misrepresented as having some type of "legal" standing or validity; when in reality they have none at all and are not recognized by any court of law (nor other nonsense terms/slang/jargon that I see fools like incels and related ilk using such as "toxic masculinity" as if such nonsense and bullshit terms have any validity or recognition at ALL outside of various invented nonsense on Urban Dictionary which will NEVER have any recognition by anyone that matters and be laughed out of any court of law if someone was stupid enough to attempt to use to begin with.

This is good for starters...
Examples of things which should NOT be free speech:

1. Using the the term "white (people" ("white" is a nonsense term invented for US census purposes; it is not recognized by any court of law, and is not a "race" or "culture" but merely descriptive (e.x. like terms such as "old people"; terms such as "black / Hispanic" arguably have different origins)

Black is as meaningless as White. Caucasian and African maybe... But even those aren't particularly accurate because of racial mixing. As for "Hispanic" that's a language not a race.
No idea who that is, but point remains:

1. Porn is a form of sexual SOCIALISM and AFFIRMATIVE ACTION which encourages weak and undesirable men (and some women) to be UNPRODUCTIVE.

2. In ancient, traditional cultures - porn was not as easy to access as it is now; so if a man wanted the company of an 'attractive' woman, he had to prove himself EVOLUTIONARILY FIT to the tribe; if he couldn't then he would be forced to prove himself fit, or if unable to do that, made into a slave or eunuch (which 99% of those INCEL SCUM would have been if we were governed by ancient, traditional notions of evolutionary fitness and meritocracy).


So NO, porn is a threat to men (and women) of the more attractive and desirable variety; it encourages emotionally-stunded man-babies (and some women) to simply wallow and subsist in their addiction at the expense of societal fitness; fitter men and women obviously have less of an "overwhelming need" for sex or porn, since by virtue of their superiority, physically, intellectually or otherwise, they can afford to be more "choosy", like a wealthy person who takes his time to find the best cuisine to suit his palate, as opposed to a starving, undesirable, and desperate "man" who would eat rotten meat out of a dumpster because he is so desperate.

Tell me what social benefit at all porn for FITTER MEN AND WOMEN who don't need it - it has no benefit for them, and only benefits WASTRELS and other anti-intellectual, idish idiots who arrested in development and believe that purile instant gratification is the only reason de'tre for existence, just like any feral dog or cat awaiting euthanasia.

There is NO REASON that Hitler, Mussolini or any other nationalist would have allowed porn addiction for the weakest members of society; if anything he would have been considering putting them in DEATH CAMPS, not satiating their degnerate desires and addictions.

Dude. You actually have a point. And, I can't argue the point you are making other than to point out 'we are a Market based economy'.
'Porn' is an industry, like the Tobacco Industry or the Gambling Industry, it's all about 'The Money'.
So, even though I may agree with some of your comments, I believe your premise misses the target.

Marcus: "Tell me what social benefit at all porn for FITTER MEN AND WOMEN who don't need it"
Jack: Our society tells us that a Man and Woman, having biological children, is the best way to raise a Family. But, our Desires opt for sexual variety (maybe some primitive way to 'spread the seed'?). So, which is more conducive for a 'faithful' Marriage, the Man or Woman having physical affairs over 40 years, or the Man and Woman having 'virtual' affairs with their favorite Porn Stars as they lay in bed together.
It's pretty obvious huh?

Of, course, I haven't ruled out Arminius or PostProphet either.

Could be all the same Troll!

I think so.... Between them they don't have enough sense of humor to laugh @ moreless come up w/ this..

To old pale pieces of bread sitting out on the patio waiting for the birds to come along.........
Ironically, modern technology may make this a good and workable possibility:

1. Children have a microchip installed into their genitals upon birth, which also serves as a contraceptive device.

2. Upon masturbating or arousal, a mild electric shock is generated which causes the genitals to go numb and prevents masturbation; their location is also electronically sent to authorities for monitoring.

3. Individuals who wish to procreate can visit a clinic and have the device de-activated for a period of time, and reactivated later.


This would allow us to potentially stop masturbation and promiscuous sexual liasons on a national level, and would likely run the pornography industry out of business in the process without need for legislation (since people who cannot masturbate likely would have no need for pornography); I see this as a win-win!

As a side note, male circumcision was historically promoted throughout America as a way to reduce masturbation. It clearly didn't work.
Ironically, modern technology may make this a good and workable possibility:

1. Children have a microchip installed into their genitals upon birth, which also serves as a contraceptive device.

2. Upon masturbating or arousal, a mild electric shock is generated which causes the genitals to go numb and prevents masturbation; their location is also electronically sent to authorities for monitoring.

3. Individuals who wish to procreate can visit a clinic and have the device de-activated for a period of time, and reactivated later.


This would allow us to potentially stop masturbation and promiscuous sexual liasons on a national level, and would likely run the pornography industry out of business in the process without need for legislation (since people who cannot masturbate likely would have no need for pornography); I see this as a win-win!

I am not quite sure what Marcus has against sexual arousal. Without any ability to become sexually aroused, there would be no new births.

Beyond that, to provide electricity for an electrical shock, and to power the "microchip", you would need a battery. That would mean the whole deal is much bigger than you expect. You would need to recharge the battery from time to time.

This really seems like a national solution to what is a personal, individual problem of just Marcus'.
I am not quite sure what Marcus has against sexual arousal. Without any ability to become sexually aroused, there would be no new births.

Beyond that, to provide electricity for an electrical shock, and to power the "microchip", you would need a battery. That would mean the whole deal is much bigger than you expect. You would need to recharge the battery from time to time.

This really seems like a national solution to what is a personal, individual problem of just Marcus'.
I think he needs a lot of help.
I am not quite sure what Marcus has against sexual arousal. Without any ability to become sexually aroused, there would be no new births.

Beyond that, to provide electricity for an electrical shock, and to power the "microchip", you would need a battery. That would mean the whole deal is much bigger than you expect. You would need to recharge the battery from time to time.

This really seems like a national solution to what is a personal, individual problem of just Marcus'.

Good, point, Walt. I finally agree with you on something.;)