How much has Obamacare saved the American people?

I'm comparing what he inherited to what he left. Now, granted, the fact that his predecessor was a really shitty president who left the nation in a terrible state did mean a lot of statistics, including deficits, were left in a place where it would have been hard for things not to get better. But you could say the same about, say, the elder Bush inheriting a record deficit from his shitty predecessor, Reagan. And yet deficits went higher still during Bush's presidency. So, it's not really foreordained that things would get so much better under Obama.

Clinton left Bush with a terrible mess too. Quit pretending Obama didn't lie and know what he was getting into, only to whine when criticized about what a shitty deal he was handed. He was supposed to be the smartest man in the room, yet he lied and passed a really shitty bill.

On top of that; he declared that we should get used to malaise as that was our future. You're a dunce.
Spending growth was below normal. If you can keep spending growth below normal while revenues grow at something closer to a normal pace, deficits will fall. That was the formula for deficit reduction under both Obama and Clinton.

Spending growth was way above normal which is why you had the massive RECORD deficits during Obamunism you moron. Good lord; you're an idiot.
The CBO predicted Obamacare would put downward pressure on the deficit.... even as the wingnuts were shrieking that it would raise it. Then the deficit fell at an incredible pace. Now the wingnuts are still shrieking, but have had to alter their shriek to be a freeform assertion that the deficit fell despite Obamacare, not because of it. Understandably, nobody really takes them seriously any more.

CBO is never right in their predictions and they were wrong here. Spending continue skyward. The deficits lowered as a result of REVENUE growth. Dunce.
Spending growth was way above normal which is why you had the massive RECORD deficits during Obamunism you moron. Good lord; you're an idiot.

I do wish she could remain employed and save the forum her suppositions and partisan opinions masquerading as fact.
Citation required.

In American history, the longest we ever went without setting a new record for revenues was 18 years, through the early part of the Great Depression. Since then, we've never gone more than six years without a new revenues record. Similarly, the longest we've gone without setting a new spending record is 23 years, basically from the end of WWI through the start of WWII. We had another longish run attributable to WWII demoblization, but since that was over, the longest we've gone without setting a new spending record was just four years (under Obama, as you might have guessed).

Over any significant period of, say, a quarter century or more, revenues and incomes both tend to grow. And since 1960, the large majority of years have involved setting a new record for both revenues and spending. What matters for deficits, though, is which is growing faster. When we hamstring revenue growth with upper-class tax cuts, deficits tend to expand. When we don't they tend to contract.
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Your quote:

""Even when the economy eventually slipped into recession, during Bush's first term, it was an unusually short and shallow recession, because the fundamentals were strong. It was basically just an engineered recession from Greenspan raising rates to try to get Bush into office... and even then, it may have been avoidable if not for the 9/11 attacks.""

The economy went into recession before 9/11 and went into recession because of the dot com bubble. And Greenspan didn't drive it into recession. The dot com bubble was unsustainable. You're young, are you familiar with the companies at the time that were getting funded?

So, as you can see, no mention of the dotcom bubble or Y2K. What made you think I'd mentioned those things?
I did, indeed, and I provided it.

Reread. There's no reference to a proof in anything you quoted. If you're telling us you'd like to move the goalposts to a new location, that's fine, but first shouldn't you admit that I never claimed anything had been proven?H

Is it your contention that Obamacare caused health care costs to decline? Yes, or no?

Of course not. Healthcare costs rose, so by definition nothing made them decline. Go back and reread. You clearly missed the point.
In American history, the longest we ever went without setting a new record for revenues was 18 years, through the early part of the Great Depression. Since then, we've never gone more than six years without a new revenues record. Similarly, the longest we've gone without setting a new spending record is 23 years, basically from the end of WWI through the start of WWII. We had another longish run attributable to WWII demoblization, but since that was over, the longest we've gone without setting a new spending record was just four years (under Obama, as you might have guessed). Over any significant period of, say, a quarter century or more, revenues and incomes both tend to growth. And since 1960, the large majority of years have involved setting a new record for both revenues and spending. What matters for deficits, though, is which is growing faster. When we hamstring revenue growth with upper-class tax cuts, deficits tend to expand. When we don't they tend to contract.

So you extrapolated a conclusion unsupported by data and manipulated the meaning of "significant" in an attempt to justify your opinion?
Clinton left Bush with a terrible mess too

If by "mess" you mean record high GDP, record high incomes, near-record-low poverty, record budget surpluses, the lowest murder rates since the mid-1960s, sky-high approval ratings abroad, and a situation of peace, then yes, it was quite a mess.

Quit pretending Obama didn't lie

Here's a challenge for the moron: quote any material from me in this thread claiming Obama didn't lie. Good luck, dumb dumb.
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So, as you can see, no mention of the dotcom bubble or Y2K. What made you think I'd mentioned those things?

I mentioned them because your belief that a recession might have been avoidable if not for 9/11 is wrong on two different levels. The recession started before 9/11 and the dot com bubble and build up to Y2K wasn't on solid footing.

You're trying to craft a positive political narrative except it ignores and is wrong about the actual economic facts of the time.

Obamacare did, in fact, greatly reduce the rate of healthcare inflation -- to the point that prices have risen much less since Obamacare passed than in ANY comparably lengthy period before Obamacare. You can confirm that yourself with the data link I provided.

So you aren't pretending that Obamacare caused a decrease in prices. OK, then.

If by "mess" you mean record high GDP, record high incomes, near-record-low poverty, record budget surpluses, the lowest crime rates since the early 1960s, sky-high approval ratings abroad, and a situation of peace, then yes, it was quite a mess.

Citation required.
Spending growth was way above normal which is why you had the massive RECORD deficits during Obamunism you moron. Good lord; you're an idiot.

What do you think the average spending growth rate was before Obama -- let's say, in the half century leading up to his taking office? What do you think it was during his presidency?

Since we've established you can't do junior-high-level math, I'll do it for you. In FY 2009, spending was $3,517,677 million. In FY 1959, it was $92,098 million. So, the annualized growth rate was about 7.56% in that era. By FY 2017, the spending was $3,981,554 million. So, the annualized growth rate was 1.56% on Obama's watch. So, we're talking about spending growth being about one fifth its normal level when Obama was president. Was that "way above normal"?

Facts matter, pumpkin.
CBO is never right in their predictions and they were wrong here. Spending continue skyward. The deficits lowered as a result of REVENUE growth. Dunce.

Since you wrongly thought that spending growth was "way above normal" when, in fact, it was vastly below normal, why should anyone take you seriously?
I do wish she could remain employed and save the forum her suppositions and partisan opinions masquerading as fact.

I know it hurts your feelings to find you have no intelligent rebuttals to offer. But only you can change that. Whether I'm here pointing out your howling ignorance or not, your ignorance remains. Only education will alter it.
I know it hurts your feelings to find you have no intelligent rebuttals to offer. But only you can change that. Whether I'm here pointing out your howling ignorance or not, your ignorance remains. Only education will alter it.

So you say.

Is it a fact that Obamacare saved the American people money, or not?
