How much money would it take for desh to give someone a blowie?

It's inappropriate and unmanly to spend time being concerned about someone else's sex life... especially when you're insinuating that they get paid for it. Maybe you should invite Jack to stop by. He enjoys this sort of thing.

You mean like all the BS you've posted, regarding Top!!

Look up the word hypocrisy; because your picture is probably there, as an example. :good4u:
you know what, you are right. I shouldn't have directly copied and pasted desh's comment about ivanka trump (who is married and who desh obviously knows wouldn't want to blow random strangers for 12k).

I was initially confused because desh's comment seemed to be very open minded. Hey, if people like sex work, they like sex work, right? That's what desh alleged, so I thought it would be ok to allege the same thing about her, using her exact words.

In retrospect, it's not a very feminist thing to say, it's actually kinda rather disgusting for someone to say when they purport themselves to be pro-women, wouldn't you agree?

I promise to not copy and paste desh's disguising hypocritical comments anymore. I don't know what I was thinking. :thinking:


That sure as fuck shut Owl up. :good4u:
Oh, so this is where the rejected males hang out. Please turn out the lights when you're done.

Are you sure they are all men? I am pretty sure there are some rejected women here who are desperate for any action they can get. I am betting Dark Soul is a transgender. Still has a tiny dick and saving up for snip snip. She thinks she has a chance of being Wife No. 4.
Yes, I've reached that conclusion too.
I find it amusing that they accuse us of being racist, having low IQ's and worship Trump.
Losing for them has it's consequences. TDS has become an epidemic.

Have you republicunts accepted the Dems won back the House in November? Heck you KKKunts refused to accept President Obama winning two elections in a landslide. And unlike trump, President Obama won the popular vote AND the electoral college.

And despite the thousands of racial slurs and death threats, President Obama NEVER had a fucking tantrum like the orange cunt does EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.
Have you republicunts accepted the Dems won back the House in November? Heck you KKKunts refused to accept President Obama winning two elections in a landslide. And unlike trump, President Obama won the popular vote AND the electoral college.

And despite the thousands of racial slurs and death threats, President Obama NEVER had a fucking tantrum like the orange cunt does EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.

What does this have to do with the Threads OP of Desh giving head?? :dunno:
Are you sure they are all men? I am pretty sure there are some rejected women here who are desperate for any action they can get. I am betting Dark Soul is a transgender. Still has a tiny dick and saving up for snip snip. She thinks she has a chance of being Wife No. 4.

Bowel Woman has run away and sent her sock instead, how predictable!!
Are you sure they are all men? I am pretty sure there are some rejected women here who are desperate for any action they can get. I am betting Dark Soul is a transgender. Still has a tiny dick and saving up for snip snip. She thinks she has a chance of being Wife No. 4.

I stung ya good, obviously lol
Yep, but Grind is saying that a JPP poster -- who has stated more than once that she's happily married -- is a sex worker. In other words, if you can't debate with the person's political POV, start a thread bashing them for something non-political.

e-vince is married? To a person? Will wonders never cease?
Yes, I've reached that conclusion too.
I find it amusing that they accuse us of being racist, having low IQ's and worship Trump.
Losing for them has it's consequences. TDS has become an epidemic.

If you want to know what a lib is up to, pay attention to what they accuse others of.