How OBL bankrupted the US

I was asking if you were kidding because you clearly couldn't make a connection between our response to 9/11 & the cost of that, and our overall economy.

I actually went to a few lengths in later posts to say that it was just one factor, and that OBL is not solely responsible by any means.

Yet, in Yurtle-world, I guess that's "repeating like a mantra."

Man, just when I thought your debating skills couldn't possibly be any weaker...

you never answered the question, had you clearly answered it, you could have cleared up any confusion. i also said you back clear from this explanation that you did not explain yourself clearly. had you, i would have left you out of the mantra.

i am glad to know you disagree with the article that obl is solely responsible. see, explaining yourself more fully wasn't so bad was it. but do keep up the weak ad hominems, you only make me look better :clink:
When you lie, it really doesn't look good at all. Regardless of how admiittedly confused you were, I didn't repeat anything regarding the idea of "solely responsible" like a mantra on this thread, or anywhere as it relates to the economy.
When you lie, it really doesn't look good at all. Regardless of how admiittedly confused you were, I didn't repeat anything regarding the idea of "solely responsible" like a mantra on this thread, or anywhere as it relates to the economy.

i asked for an example, you laughed and gave iraq as your only NOW clarify that answer...nice try
Back that is just what OBL did to Russia in Afganistan, he then turned that same tactic on us. Do you really think we were not lulled into attacking Afganistan?

Then Bush being a complete idiot liar saw it as hiw chance to go into Iraq , he doubled down and Im sure OBL ( if he was still alive at the time) must have laughed hisw ass off.


We were NOT lulled into Afghanistan, we wanted to attack Afghanistan. In fact, plans to attack Afghanistan were drawn up BEFORE 9/11 .. which has still NOT been proven that Bin Laden had any hand in it.


That's been the plan all along and I've presented plenty of evidence to that fact.

We were NOT lulled into Afghanistan, we wanted to attack Afghanistan. In fact, plans to attack Afghanistan were drawn up BEFORE 9/11 .. which has still NOT been proven that Bin Laden had any hand in it.


That's been the plan all along and I've presented plenty of evidence to that fact.

I recall having arguments on here about the pipleline tinfoil hat theory and being ridiculed by some prominent members of this board about it.
I recall having arguments on here about the pipleline tinfoil hat theory and being ridiculed by some prominent members of this board about it.

Proves that you were more knowledgable about this issue than they were.

The good news is that you didn't allow their ignorance on this to deter you from speaking the truth. That is admirable.
Proves that you were more knowledgable about this issue than they were.

The good news is that you didn't allow their ignorance on this to deter you from speaking the truth. That is admirable.

Since you oppose the Afghanistan, what should we do when AQ inevitably knocks down more of our buildings? Whack off - in unison?
Since you oppose the Afghanistan, what should we do when AQ inevitably knocks down more of our buildings? Whack off - in unison?


Oh, you believe the fairy tale.

I can't help you sir .. best consult Mother Goose to figure out how that story ends. Feel free to "whack off" while reading it.

Even if one believes the fairy-tale, murdering innocent Afghans does not and will not stop terrorism .. it only creates more terrorists.

If you want to stop terrorism .. stop using it.
OBL bankrupted the world then.

Seriously, this crap was coming down the pipe because we used the facilities and then flushed, OBL didn't make it happen, it's been building up for decades.