How on earth did Hillary lose?

How did she lose? Enough people in the US think that she would be worse than Trump. Says something about Hillary.

I'm still glad each day when I wake up and not-Hillary is President. Too bad Trump is, yay it isn't Hillary.
lol. Said it better than i could have
A mandate is what a president claims when he wins an overwhelming victory. He claims the people are on his side and they want him to take charge. In Trumps case, most of the people voted for hillary. That should make a president reluctant to do extreme actions. It should make him more humble. A mandate is the power of the people that is bestowed upon the winner. In trumps case, it is the power of the electoral college members. Not the same thing.

When it comes to electing a President, the votes of the people that count in the final tally total 538. Trump received 304, Clinton received 227, Colin Powell received 3, John Kasich received 1, Ron Paul received 1, Bernie Sanders received 1, and Faith Spotted Eagle received 1.

Oh, you're still of the mindset that we have one BIG election when, in reality, we have 51 smaller ones where what you say about the most people voting for a candidate actually did take place. If you understood how it worked, you wouldn't keep bringing up a type of vote that isn't what is used.

It's not Trump's case. It's been EVERY case all the way back to G. Washington. In other words, it's the CONSTITUTION's case. Don't like it. Those that created the electoral college system established a method by which the system could be changed. I suggest that if you don't like the current system you start spending your time trying to get that amended. Until then, I suggest you do what Hillary whined so much about and accept the results.
Trump got lucky. He ran at just the right time when the right wing propaganda had achieved its goals. They had convinced enough low information voters that Hillary was a crook. They spent millions of tax dollars with showcase investigations that never found her guilty of any crimes. They actually exonerated her. But the people thought, there has to be some reason Hillary is being constantly investigated. Some of the Repubs admitted it,. McCarthy said Benghazi investigations were vehicles to drive down Hillarys poll numbers. Sad that you low level voters are unable to understand how you were played. But Rightys stay stupid. They cannot admit how they were played. Trump was in the right place at the right time. He was not actually running to win. He was on a plan to make his brand more famous and worth more. Trump is the accidental president.
It is pathetic that she actually lost this election, considering how much it was rigged in her favor.

the republican party has cheated in elections for decades now

All court documented

cold hard FACTS

there is no like record for the Democratic party

soon all the people will know these facts

we will end up with the Democratic party

Democratic party light

and the racist party

the republican party has gulped the tar and is eyebrows deep in the tar

they have stabbed their party to death with racism

they are bleeding out
Conservative anti-voter fraud fervor first arose around the same time as two turning points in American politics. The first was John F. Kennedy's narrow presidential win in 1960, which many Republicans attributed to voter fraud in Illinois and Texas. The second was the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which, by banning discriminatory voting practices, stoked fear in some quarters about the rising power of black voters. During the run-up to the 1964 presidential election, the Republican National Committee launched Operation Eagle Eye, the nation's first large-scale anti-voter fraud campaign.

As part of the program, the RNC recruited tens of thousands of volunteers to show up at polling places, mostly in inner cites, and challenge voters' eligibility using a host of tools and tactics, including cameras, two-way radios, and calls to Republican-friendly sheriffs. After this, anti-fraud campaigns became commonplace, but they could backfire, as the RNC learned in 1981. That year, the party hired a swashbuckling 29-year-old named John Kelly to organize "ballot security" for New Jersey's gubernatorial election. Kelly, who turned up in the state wearing cowboy boots and a 10-gallon hat, arranged to have hundreds of thousands of sample ballots mailed to voters in black and Latino neighborhoods. His team then compiled a list of people whose ballots were returned as undeliverable, and allegedly tried to have them struck from the rolls.

This technique, known as caging, is controversial because it can purge eligible voters. In this case, an outdated address roster was used -- meaning that an unusually large share of the people on Kelly's list may have been wrongly targeted. Kelly and his associates also recruited squadrons of men -- many of them off-duty police officers -- to descend on black and Latino precincts around New Jersey on Election Day. Wearing National Ballot Security Task Force armbands, walkie-talkies, and in some cases guns, the men posted signs warning in large red letters that the areas were being patrolled. They then stationed themselves around polling places and allegedly tried to stop those whose names appeared on the caging list from voting.

According to a Republican Party lawyer who was on the scene that day, before the polls closed, Kelly hightailed it out of the state in a Chevy Impala, armbands and signs stuffed in the trunk. When the Essex County prosecutor's office launched a statewide criminal investigation the following week, he was nowhere to be found. In the end, prosecutors didn't bring charges -- no would-be voters stepped forward to say they had been blocked from casting ballots -- but the Democratic National Committee filed a federal lawsuit accusing Kelly and the RNC of violating the Voting Rights Act.

To settle the case, in 1982 the RNC signed a consent decree, agreeing to end all "ballot security" programs targeting minority precincts. Four years later, the RNC was caught caging minority voters in Louisiana, an effort that was intended to "keep the black vote down," according to an internal RNC memo. The DNC filed suit again, and a chastened RNC agreed to a modified decree requiring it to submit all plans for anti-voter fraud campaigns to the court for approval.
Trump got lucky. He ran at just the right time when the right wing propaganda had achieved its goals. They had convinced enough low information voters that Hillary was a crook. They spent millions of tax dollars with showcase investigations that never found her guilty of any crimes. They actually exonerated her. But the people thought, there has to be some reason Hillary is being constantly investigated. Some of the Repubs admitted it,. McCarthy said Benghazi investigations were vehicles to drive down Hillarys poll numbers. Sad that you low level voters are unable to understand how you were played. But Rightys stay stupid. They cannot admit how they were played. Trump was in the right place at the right time. He was not actually running to win. He was on a plan to make his brand more famous and worth more. Trump is the accidental president.

It wasn't just right wing nut jobs who stayed stupid and were played. There are many on the left and center who fall for the right wing lies.

And he didn't get lucky, the election was stolen for him. It's a proven fact that the EC is there to make sure racist white men have an equal say in our democracy. You have some on the left and center who want to keep the EC.

Let's be clear. Americans overwhelming voted for Clinton..........
Gowdy said that the next hillary investigation was all primed to go, if she won. Millions more in tax dollars would have been used to keep her from governing. that is exactly what the Starr Commission was for. keep them in court and defending themselves. Repub playbook is overt.
The racist white men in the republican party was going to make sure not another nigga loving democrat was going to get into the white house.

They hated the fact that a Black man was in their white house.
Conservative anti-voter fraud fervor first arose around the same time as two turning points in American politics. The first was John F. Kennedy's narrow presidential win in 1960, which many Republicans attributed to voter fraud in Illinois and Texas. The second was the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which, by banning discriminatory voting practices, stoked fear in some quarters about the rising power of black voters. During the run-up to the 1964 presidential election, the Republican National Committee launched Operation Eagle Eye, the nation's first large-scale anti-voter fraud campaign.

As part of the program, the RNC recruited tens of thousands of volunteers to show up at polling places, mostly in inner cites, and challenge voters' eligibility using a host of tools and tactics, including cameras, two-way radios, and calls to Republican-friendly sheriffs. After this, anti-fraud campaigns became commonplace, but they could backfire, as the RNC learned in 1981. That year, the party hired a swashbuckling 29-year-old named John Kelly to organize "ballot security" for New Jersey's gubernatorial election. Kelly, who turned up in the state wearing cowboy boots and a 10-gallon hat, arranged to have hundreds of thousands of sample ballots mailed to voters in black and Latino neighborhoods. His team then compiled a list of people whose ballots were returned as undeliverable, and allegedly tried to have them struck from the rolls.

This technique, known as caging, is controversial because it can purge eligible voters. In this case, an outdated address roster was used -- meaning that an unusually large share of the people on Kelly's list may have been wrongly targeted. Kelly and his associates also recruited squadrons of men -- many of them off-duty police officers -- to descend on black and Latino precincts around New Jersey on Election Day. Wearing National Ballot Security Task Force armbands, walkie-talkies, and in some cases guns, the men posted signs warning in large red letters that the areas were being patrolled. They then stationed themselves around polling places and allegedly tried to stop those whose names appeared on the caging list from voting.

According to a Republican Party lawyer who was on the scene that day, before the polls closed, Kelly hightailed it out of the state in a Chevy Impala, armbands and signs stuffed in the trunk. When the Essex County prosecutor's office launched a statewide criminal investigation the following week, he was nowhere to be found. In the end, prosecutors didn't bring charges -- no would-be voters stepped forward to say they had been blocked from casting ballots -- but the Democratic National Committee filed a federal lawsuit accusing Kelly and the RNC of violating the Voting Rights Act.

To settle the case, in 1982 the RNC signed a consent decree, agreeing to end all "ballot security" programs targeting minority precincts. Four years later, the RNC was caught caging minority voters in Louisiana, an effort that was intended to "keep the black vote down," according to an internal RNC memo. The DNC filed suit again, and a chastened RNC agreed to a modified decree requiring it to submit all plans for anti-voter fraud campaigns to the court for approval.

Nixon said that kennedy in Illinois, just cheated better that the Republicans did. That is why he accepted the result.If they found Dem double dealing, they would also find Republican.
that is not what the facts say asshole

The facts also say that Russia hacking had nothing to do with CLinton's emails....Russia is accused of hacking the DNC and Podesta...but that
don't stop you from repeating your lies over and over and over ad nauseam.
The facts also say that Russia hacking had nothing to do with CLinton's emails....Russia is accused of hacking the DNC and Podesta...but that
don't stop you from repeating your lies over and over and over ad nauseam.

There is no evidence that anyone successfully hacked into Hillary's emails. All the right wing bleating is over nothing. Russia hacked the Dems and Podesta. They also created endless amounts of fake news to put on all kinds of American sites. They also sent emails with Russian pro Trump crap. I can see how well it worked of rightys and haters. It may have swayed some fence sitters and some leftys.
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