How on earth did Hillary lose?

Hillary was the worse candidate the Democrats could run,past her prime older by a bit than the man she was replacing.Plenty of baggage, poor campaigner.
Her chance to be President was to run against Bush in his second term!That was her real chance to win.

Who would have been a better candidate?
Just how "stupid" are the lefty's on this board? When a party loses over 1000 seats of political power over a course of 2 terms.....and runs a candidate that mirrors the same image that lost all those seats....and then cries in wonderment about how they lost a presidential election? Really? The real question is....when will WE THE PEOPLE ever trust that party again considering how they listened to and obeyed the one's that sent them to DC?

The answer: When that party ceases to allow a minority of elitists establish policies for 100% of THE PEOPLE. A good example is playing out in California where the people are about to revolt in mass. Its the same situation.....a couple of LARGE cities are establishing policy for the entire state, those cities never listen to the real people of that state as the politicians are concerned about only one thing, their own power and hell with THE PEOPLE who hired them. The simple answer: THE PEOPLE are tired and weary of being walked on by the POLITICAL SWAMP.
she won the popular vote but it was the uneducated pill popping drunk rust belt boomers that gave the EC to trump.
she didn't campaign in the states she needed......I don't care if she got 30 million more votes in California.........she got 11,000 too few votes in Michigan.......

You are using an 11,000 vote victory is a big state as proof that she had no chance? OK. When working from your level of math and logic, I can see where you get it. But it really shows how wrong and stupid you are. You use Michigan? The vote was 2,279,543 to 2,268,539 as proof that she had no chance? Honestly how fucking stupid are you?
Just how "stupid" are the lefty's on this board? When a party loses over 1000 seats of political power over a course of 2 terms.....and runs a candidate that mirrors the same image that lost all those seats....and then cries in wonderment about how they lost a presidential election? Really? The real question is....when will WE THE PEOPLE ever trust that party again considering how they listened to and obeyed the one's that sent them to DC?

The answer: When that party ceases to allow a minority of elitists establish policies for 100% of THE PEOPLE. A good example is playing out in California where the people are about to revolt in mass. Its the same situation.....a couple of LARGE cities are establishing policy for the entire state, those cities never listen to the real people of that state as the politicians are concerned about only one thing, their own power and hell with THE PEOPLE who hired them. The simple answer: THE PEOPLE are tired and weary of being walked on by the POLITICAL SWAMP.

Prove the russians didn't interfere with the tea tard election
You are using an 11,000 vote victory is a big state as proof that she had no chance?

I don't think I have ever said she had no chance......if black voters didn't hate her sorry ass.......if the union voters didn't hate her sorry ass........if the independents didn't hate her sorry ass, then she coulda been a contender..........
I don't think I have ever said she had no chance......if black voters didn't hate her sorry ass.......if the union voters didn't hate her sorry ass........if the independents didn't hate her sorry ass, then she coulda been a contender..........

yeah, you did. look at you childish list. Number 3. Think before you post. There you go again. "could have been a contender' She had 3 million more fucking votes. That is not contending? You have to stop posting stupid shit.
yeah, you did. look at you childish list. Number 3. Think before you post. There you go again. "could have been a contender' You have to stop posting stupid shit.

she had a chance of that demmycrat fantasy world where blacks, unions and independents didn't hate her sorry ass.........

She had 3 million more fucking votes. That is not contending?

nope, it wasn't contending in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania where she needed to be......
Just how "stupid" are the lefty's on this board? When a party loses over 1000 seats of political power over a course of 2 terms.....and runs a candidate that mirrors the same image that lost all those seats....and then cries in wonderment about how they lost a presidential election? Really? The real question is....when will WE THE PEOPLE ever trust that party again considering how they listened to and obeyed the one's that sent them to DC?

The answer: When that party ceases to allow a minority of elitists establish policies for 100% of THE PEOPLE. A good example is playing out in California where the people are about to revolt in mass. Its the same situation.....a couple of LARGE cities are establishing policy for the entire state, those cities never listen to the real people of that state as the politicians are concerned about only one thing, their own power and hell with THE PEOPLE who hired them. The simple answer: THE PEOPLE are tired and weary of being walked on by the POLITICAL SWAMP.

it's the exact opposite of what you say. That was a tactic that goebbels used in nazi germany. Is he a relative of you? I think so.
It is pathetic that she actually lost this election, considering how much it was rigged in her favor.

Easy. The democratic party is crooked as hell, so is she, and people know. We have "two"corrupt parties to "choose" from. It's that simple. "Super" delegates is corrupt and the DNC stated in court that they have no legal requirement to NOT rig their primaries.

We have "two" parties to represent the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class and none to represent the people. America doesn't so much need a third party as it needs a second party.
she had a chance of that demmycrat fantasy world where blacks, unions and independents didn't hate her sorry ass.........

nope, it wasn't contending in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania where she needed to be......

Get real, the entire system is corrupt, which is why we have to export our "way of life" via endless pre-emptive wars and violence. Half the population doesn't even bother to participate in the charade.
na its was the Russian and republican party cheating

If we ever get evidence, perhaps we'll see that. As of now, I'll thus far go with Richard Engel's assessment, he made this assertion on Rachel Maddow's show - just before she got him off the set quickly. After looking into it extensively he concluded that until I see more evidence, "it doesn't yet rise to the level of rumor".