How Republicans bamboozle rural whites

I think the CIA killed zero Presidents of the USA. They were involved with killing a President of South Vietnam.

The CIA has always been a very conservative organization. How many liberal and moderate Presidents of the USA do you think they killed?

I suggest the book Harlots Ghost by Normal Mailer.

then you won't be so dumb.

Harlot's Ghost (1991) is a fictional chronicle of the Central Intelligence Agency by Norman Mailer. The characters are a mixture of real people and fictional figures. At over 1,300 pages, the book is Mailer's longest.'s_Ghost
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The above shows a complete--COMPLETE--ignorance of what it is to live in a small rural community. It is astounding how stupid and ignorant the above is, but I can accept that Leftist Progressives living in a major city might believe that since that's what they're told by their like-thinking friends.

This from a supporter of a party with members like Omar who HATES Jews. You morons realize the rest of us can see you, right?

are you trying to draw a parallel to the way Demmycrats treat blacks?......

are you stupid enough to think that if there are no other choices they won't choose public schools?......on the other hand, if the public school IS incompetent, maybe school choice will spur healthy competition......

I grew up in a town of 650 in the middle of Iowa.....I went to a parochial grade school because my parents chose to send me there.......I wonder where these rural areas without choice are.......

the irony is progressives hate the state of Israel

yet they bamboozled the retard op into thinking they are for him.

you're a self hating jew.

you will be protected from yourself.

Perfect examples of the kind of brainless rubes the OP talks about :lolup:
Guno צְבִי;5919717 said:
"They frankly laugh behind the backs of their own voters"

It's become a tedious trope, the Beltway journalist who goes on a red state safari to ask Donald Trump voters if they still like Trump. It frustrates smart readers because invariably the answer is "yes" yet the rationale is typically incoherent babble. Even that would be fine, if these reporters dug an inch deeper, to get at the various bigotries that are actually driving the MAGA movement. Instead, most of them seem too in awe of redhats sitting in diners, as though they've just encountered a rare species of bird in the wild, to bother interrogating them in a way that reveals anything genuinely valuable.

Nobody is more insulting to rural voters than the people who are giving them nothing and taking their votes. They claim Democrats are insulting, but Democrats are doing something for them and getting none of their votes. But nothing's more condescending than getting votes and doing nothing in return. J.D. Vance, Elise Stefanik and Tom Cotton: All these people were educated at Harvard and Yale. They frankly laugh behind the backs of their own voters to some degree, right? Those are the people who are really insulting. There's an old D.C. adage about stabbing people in the front. Republicans look you right in the eye and stab you right in the front

Well, they haven't gotten this rural white. Just think, I'm white, Christian, pro-life, male and I still won't vote for most of them. Maybe if they weren't always trying to take away Social Security and always using the Bible as a cudgel instead of an olive branch maybe they'd speak more to me.
Well, they haven't gotten this rural white. Just think, I'm white, Christian, pro-life, male and I still won't vote for most of them. Maybe if they weren't always trying to take away Social Security and always using the Bible as a cudgel instead of an olive branch maybe they'd speak more to me.

This statement is a 'credit' to Democrats. To their 'credit' they've made even talking about the current condition of S.S. equivalent to one wanting to 'take away S.S.' which can work great for electoral politics but is overall very bad for the country. It's why Trump has stated entitlements won't be touched and attacked any Republicans who at any point in time have even acknowledged future challenges with S.S.

Everyone wants to put their head into the sand until it's too late.
This statement is a 'credit' to Democrats. To their 'credit' they've made even talking about the current condition of S.S. equivalent to one wanting to 'take away S.S.' which can work great for electoral politics but is overall very bad for the country. It's why Trump has stated entitlements won't be touched and attacked any Republicans who at any point in time have even acknowledged future challenges with S.S.

Everyone wants to put their head into the sand until it's too late.

You can talk about fixing it all you want but talk of eliminating things is BS. I've rarely heard Republicans talk of fixing it. Not to mention all the crap that has been given out about people being moochers for taking government assistance being spewed by right-wingers. No one should bad mouth anyone for that until they've been in their shoes.
You can talk about fixing it all you want but talk of eliminating things is BS. I've rarely heard Republicans talk of fixing it. Not to mention all the crap that has been given out about people being moochers for taking government assistance being spewed by right-wingers. No one should bad mouth anyone for that until they've been in their shoes.

I've never heard a serious person in office talk about eliminating S.S. But anytime anyone brings up reforms they get accused of wanting to eliminate it.

Here are the facts. Life expectancy was much shorter when 65 was implemented as the retirement age. And we have not raised the retirement age in the same proportion that people are living longer (so you have now people who receive more money than they paid in). We don't have enough workers to equal number of retirees. And the trust fund is scheduled to be exhausted in 2034.

The facile answer is 'raise taxes'. That can certainly be part of reform, but not the only one (it will be a huge tax increase on the young and what the politicians won't tell us is it will also include the middle class, not just the wealthy). So we'll likely have to increase the age, raise taxes and reduce benefits. Most people probably won't be happy with that. And politicians being what they are, they just ignore that reality and accuse anyone who talks about it of wanting to eliminate S.S.

The gov't calls S.S. an entitlement but to many that term holds a negative connotation because they think it means it's something unearned. Those who want to simply raise taxes on the wealthy will turn S.S. into an actual entitlement (welfare) program and S.S. will be viewed in a very different light in that context.
You can talk about fixing it all you want but talk of eliminating things is BS. I've rarely heard Republicans talk of fixing it. Not to mention all the crap that has been given out about people being moochers for taking government assistance being spewed by right-wingers. No one should bad mouth anyone for that until they've been in their shoes.

Since tone can be difficult to deduce on here sometimes I'm not asking this in an attacking or gotcha manner. Based on the info in the response to your post here, how would you like to see a politician (regardless of their political party) address S.S. when speaking to the public?
Since tone can be difficult to deduce on here sometimes I'm not asking this in an attacking or gotcha manner. Based on the info in the response to your post here, how would you like to see a politician (regardless of their political party) address S.S. when speaking to the public?

Talk about how they can improve upon it without gutting it. Also, stop calling them freebies or handouts. They were paid for long ago so parents could ensure their offspring's future.
Talk about how they can improve upon it without gutting it. Also, stop calling them freebies or handouts. They were paid for long ago so parents could ensure their offspring's future.

To some, the idea that we would have to raise the retirement age or reduce benefits in any way equates to gutting it. It's never a fun conversation to say that we may have to raise the retirement age, increase taxes and reduce benefits. Very few want to hear that. (I'm asking this as if we were sitting down and having this conversation over a beer) How could a politician say those things and have it not seem like they want to 'gut it'?
To some, the idea that we would have to raise the retirement age or reduce benefits in any way equates to gutting it. It's never a fun conversation to say that we may have to raise the retirement age, increase taxes and reduce benefits. Very few want to hear that. (I'm asking this as if we were sitting down and having this conversation over a beer) How could a politician say those things and have it not seem like they want to 'gut it'?

Well, some are a little too obvious about it but I suppose they should talk about it by bringing everything to the table including tax increases. They always avoid that as it goes against the rights idea of tax breaks. They should be reassuring that they aren't on a partisan mission. It would help their cause if right-wing TV personalities would stop lambasting people who accept government assistance. If the person in question was ever on the news joining in it would make their attempts to an olive branch solution all but impossible though as they wouldn't seem sincere.
Well, some are a little too obvious about it but I suppose they should talk about it by bringing everything to the table including tax increases. They always avoid that as it goes against the rights idea of tax breaks. They should be reassuring that they aren't on a partisan mission. It would help their cause if right-wing TV personalities would stop lambasting people who accept government assistance. If the person in question was ever on the news joining in it would make their attempts to an olive branch solution all but impossible though as they wouldn't seem sincere.

To you point tone is definitely important as either attacking, or putting down, those you are talking/presenting to is rarely a good way to get them to listen to you (or do what you want). That said, I've heard those who have simply brought up the facts (challenges) facing S.S. get called names and told they want to eliminate the program etc. It's understandable people don't want to hear the challenges the program faces and the reaction as a result is often to attack the messenger.

(And yes, to many on the right tax increases are off the table and to many on the left increasing retirement age or having to reduce benefits is off the table. So when people are stuck to their ideological positions it prevents anything from getting done and the problem only gets worse.)
Well, they haven't gotten this rural white. Just think, I'm white, Christian, pro-life, male and I still won't vote for most of them. Maybe if they weren't always trying to take away Social Security and always using the Bible as a cudgel instead of an olive branch maybe they'd speak more to me.

You are hallucinating again, Sock.
I think the CIA killed zero Presidents of the USA.
You are certainly welcome to your personal speculation. When its unfalsifiable, yours is as valid as any other.

The CIA has always been a very conservative organization.
What do you believe you mean by this? The CIA was drunk on power until 2005; scrutiny of the CIA was prohibited. The CIA did whatever the fuck it wanted to do, and with complete impunity. They could assassinate any President, anywhere in the world, especially one who wanted to shake things up. Congress finally had to kick the CIA to the curb and create the ODNI in order to have oversight, accountability, and responsiveness.
To you point tone is definitely important as either attacking, or putting down, those you are talking/presenting to is rarely a good way to get them to listen to you (or do what you want). That said, I've heard those who have simply brought up the facts (challenges) facing S.S. get called names and told they want to eliminate the program etc. It's understandable people don't want to hear the challenges the program faces and the reaction as a result is often to attack the messenger.

(And yes, to many on the right tax increases are off the table and to many on the left increasing retirement age or having to reduce benefits is off the table. So when people are stuck to their ideological positions it prevents anything from getting done and the problem only gets worse.)

Excellent points. Yes, SSA is in real financial trouble (the whole 'federal' government is!). There really are no good options to fix it.

This program funds it's payments to retirees and those unable to work (for various specific reasons), through the tax payments of current workers. There is no 'stash box'. When those current workers retire, other workers coming into the field will pay the taxes for them. In other words, it's a pyramid scheme, but one funded by taxation.

The trouble comes with too few workers and a large number of retirees (what we have more and more of right now).

Like any pyramid scheme, it must eventually fail. There is no stopping it.

Should the government try to print it's way out of it's predicament, that creates inflation.
Should the government try to tax it's way out of it's predicament, that creates revolt (and there are simply not enough people to tax!).
Should the government try to borrow it's way out of it's predicament, that create enormous debt (already there and growing worse!) that can no longer be serviced without printing wads of money (back to inflation again!).

The loop is self destructive. The inflation caused raises prices the government must pay also, which puts pressure to borrow and/or print and inflate some more to cover it!

The end is a simple one, though not a pretty one. It means uncontrolled reduction of government. Programs MUST be ELIMINATED just to get back on some kind of financial footing again. It also means possibly the collapse of the government that did this to itself, and resulting civil war.

Civil war will probably come sooner than that, though, since the Democrats really want to start one to force their tyranny.