How Republicans bamboozle rural whites

This statement is a 'credit' to Democrats. To their 'credit' they've made even talking about the current condition of S.S. equivalent to one wanting to 'take away S.S.' which can work great for electoral politics but is overall very bad for the country. It's why Trump has stated entitlements won't be touched and attacked any Republicans who at any point in time have even acknowledged future challenges with S.S.

Everyone wants to put their head into the sand until it's too late.

Trump says he will protect SS, but as normal, he is lying. The Repubs have no interest in preserving it or Medicare. Their policy is to cut them as deep as possible.
are you stupid enough to think that if there are no other choices they won't choose public schools?......on the other hand, if the public school IS incompetent, maybe school choice will spur healthy competition......

Lower middle-class and lower can't afford private schools.
  • The national average private school tuition is $12,739 per year (2024).
  • The private elementary school average tuition cost is $11,822 per year and the private high school average is $16,276 per year.
  • The state with the highest average private school tuition is Connecticut with a $29,133 average tuition cost. The state with the lowest tuition cost is South Dakota with an average cost of $4,190.
2023 Middle-Class Salary

According to the Pew Research Center's guidelines (two-thirds to double the national media), middle-income Americans would thus have annual incomes between $38,133 and $114,400 in 2023, before adjusting for local cost of living and household size.
Lower middle-class and lower can't afford private schools.
  • The national average private school tuition is $12,739 per year (2024).
  • The private elementary school average tuition cost is $11,822 per year and the private high school average is $16,276 per year.
  • The state with the highest average private school tuition is Connecticut with a $29,133 average tuition cost. The state with the lowest tuition cost is South Dakota with an average cost of $4,190.
2023 Middle-Class Salary

According to the Pew Research Center's guidelines (two-thirds to double the national media), middle-income Americans would thus have annual incomes between $38,133 and $114,400 in 2023, before adjusting for local cost of living and household size.

They can in Arizona under a voucher program that the Democrats are desperately trying to stop...

Any school, paid for in full--or nearly so-- by the state instead of having to send your kid to the crappy local public school.
They can in Arizona under a voucher program that the Democrats are desperately trying to stop...

Any school, paid for in full--or nearly so-- by the state instead of having to send your kid to the crappy local public school.

Were Arizona schools crappy in your school days? I lived all across the US as a kid and had a mix of public and DOD schools on Army posts. They seemed fine to me. What changed?

IMO, the Republicans have been chipping away at public schools for 30 years now, mainly to put kids into parochial schools in order to push the Evangelista agenda.
IMO, the Republicans have been chipping away at public schools for 30 years now, mainly to put kids into parochial schools in order to push the Evangelista agenda.

Republicans are not responsible for the public schools of Washington DC, Buffalo NY or Detroit......

I wonder if you can identify ANY school in a Republican community that is run as badly as the average blue district public school.....
Republicans are not responsible for the public schools of Washington DC, Buffalo NY or Detroit......

I wonder if you can identify ANY school in a Republican community that is run as badly as the average blue district public school.....
About 92% of all school funding is local. Only about 8% is Federal. However, Republican attacks on teachers and their attempts to defund schools by allowing school vouchers affect all the states.
Were Arizona schools crappy in your school days? I lived all across the US as a kid and had a mix of public and DOD schools on Army posts. They seemed fine to me. What changed?

IMO, the Republicans have been chipping away at public schools for 30 years now, mainly to put kids into parochial schools in order to push the Evangelista agenda.

They often are today. Arizona leads the nation in charter schools, and is one of the only, if not the only, state that allows parents freedom of choice as to what schools their children will attend. That's how it should be. The government shouldn't be forcing your children, or anybody's, to attend a public school they run with no or few alternatives, particularly when the alternatives are only really open to the rich.
They often are today. Arizona leads the nation in charter schools, and is one of the only, if not the only, state that allows parents freedom of choice as to what schools their children will attend. That's how it should be. The government shouldn't be forcing your children, or anybody's, to attend a public school they run with no or few alternatives, particularly when the alternatives are only really open to the rich.
That explains why Americans are becoming dumber, poorly educated and losing ground against other modern nations.
That explains why Americans are becoming dumber, poorly educated and losing ground against other modern nations.

Wrong! It's because American parents don't put a high value on a K-12 education, as well as our public school system teaching for shit. There's too much politically correct bullshit in the curricula, like sex and gender education, as but one example. Then teachers are burdened with massive amounts of paperwork to justify everything they do. Handing out a bad grade to a 'student' is likely to get you sued. Toss in helicopter parenting. The list is long of fucked up shit in education and child rearing.

Many public schools teach fiction, like the 1619 Project or Zinn's A People's History... as historical facts. Common core math that nobody can figure out makes students unprepared for dealing with the real world on graduation. The disappearance of trade classes and useful things like what used to be called 'Home economics' where a student could learn how to balance a checkbook and cook a decent meal are a big issue. One reason these classes have largely disappeared is schools can't meet the safety and environmental laws that have become onerous checks on doing anything hands on.
Wrong! It's because American parents don't put a high value on a K-12 education, as well as our public school system teaching for shit. There's too much politically correct bullshit in the curricula, like sex and gender education, as but one example. Then teachers are burdened with massive amounts of paperwork to justify everything they do. Handing out a bad grade to a 'student' is likely to get you sued. Toss in helicopter parenting. The list is long of fucked up shit in education and child rearing.

Many public schools teach fiction, like the 1619 Project or Zinn's A People's History... as historical facts. Common core math that nobody can figure out makes students unprepared for dealing with the real world on graduation. The disappearance of trade classes and useful things like what used to be called 'Home economics' where a student could learn how to balance a checkbook and cook a decent meal are a big issue. One reason these classes have largely disappeared is schools can't meet the safety and environmental laws that have become onerous checks on doing anything hands on.

If that was true then why parochial schools?
About 92% of all school funding is local. Only about 8% is Federal. However, Republican attacks on teachers and their attempts to defund schools by allowing school vouchers affect all the states.

no Republican has ever voted to defund schools.......the spending per student through federal funding would actually increase.....granted, parents who were dissatisfied with their local schools might shift their support to a nonpublic school, but that would be because of the incompetence of local control not because of Republican federal action......

as far as I know some teachers have been "attacked" because of incredibly stupid decisions regarding CRT and DIE......that is not merely a Republican attack......Virginia made that obvious in 22......