How right wing billionaires have corrupted the body politic and are destroying America

What nonsense. Even the Classic Athennian Democracy had a constituton.
Athens had no constitution when it was a democracy. Democracies have no constitution.
It was written by Aristotle (or one of his students). It's on a papyrus and is in display today at the British Museum..
Aristotle never wrote any constitution.
Look... dude... nothing personal but I'm going to have to stop reading your nonsense altogether.
Going to run away, eh?
You just make up watever nonsense you thnk up and post it.
Nah. That's you.
It's a waste of time so... thanks for playing....
I'm not playing anything. You're certainly trying to play semantics games though. Go learn English.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, in the video, below, explains how right wing billionaires, using dark money funneled through front groups such as the Federalist Society, the Judicial Crisis Network, have gained control over the courts using unelected justices to enact their agenda. And via the courts, they bypass democracy to exact their will on America, against the will of the people. Step by step, Whitehouse explains how they have done it, and are still doing it and how they have corrupted America to it's core.

A vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy and to end this right wing fascist takeover of America.

Don't be fooled, folks, they accuse Democrats of the very thing they have been doing for quite some time.

Summary of the video:

  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse accuses the Supreme Court of low legitimacy due to ethical misconduct and refusal to address it.
  • Justice Clarence Thomas is called out for sitting on cases involving efforts to overturn the 2020 election despite his wife's involvement.
  • The court has allegedly taken no real steps to address ethical issues, adopting a toothless ethics code with no mechanism for investigation or enforcement.
  • The Supreme Court is criticized for taking away women's right to an abortion, limiting government's ability to fight climate change and protect consumers, and inventing the idea of absolute immunity for former presidents.
  • The court has made it harder for ordinary people to vote while making it easier for billionaires and special interests to impose their will through unlimited dark money.
  • A decades-long scheme involving right-wing front groups like The Federalist Society and Judicial Crisis Network is described, with over $580 million estimated to have been spent.
  • Senate Republicans' blocking of Merrick Garland's confirmation set the stage for Donald Trump to fill that seat, with nominees influenced by billionaire operative Leonard Leo and right-wing dark money groups.
  • Justices have allegedly flouted federal law requiring recusal from cases with conflicts of interest.
  • Senator Whitehouse proposes bills to restore the Supreme Court's legitimacy, emphasizing a binding, enforceable code of conduct and stricter ethics rules.
  • Proposes term limits for Supreme Court justices, with new appointments every two years, supported by President Biden and Vice President Harris.
  • Bills include stricter disclosure of gifts and penalties for noncompliance, having passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and awaiting a Senate vote.
  • Reforms aim to make the court more representative of the American people and lower the political stakes of Supreme Court nominations.
  • Whitehouse supports Supreme Court reform, echoing President Biden and Vice President Harris's calls.
  • Acknowledges respect for the court but argues reform is necessary to save it from itself.
  • Faces opposition from the "big money right-wing apparatus" but expresses hope for a shift in national consciousness towards the need for reform.
  • Concludes by acknowledging Congress's responsibility to deliver on this issue.
You have it backwards...

A 93 year old guy living in Budapest is still your go-to mastermind? Give it a rest . it is ridiculous.
You're dishonest. He has set in place a massive network of NGOs to do his dirtywork all over the world and especially in the US. His son Alex has taken over the reigns of the empire. But you knew that you dishonest Rat.
You're dishonest. He has set in place a massive network of NGOs to do his dirtywork all over the world and especially in the US. His son Alex has taken over the reigns of the empire. But you knew that you dishonest Rat.
He has donated money. That is legal. he spends like a Repub. Or he used to.