How sad it must be for Trump supporters

I'm not defending Trump because he is just as bad as all the crooks in Washington. But if I'm not mistaken we have been lied to and mislead by the Washington elite for decades not just during the Trump years. So bitch about Trump all you want but he is no different that the crooks you all keep electing.
I'm not defending Trump because he is just as bad as all the crooks in Washington. But if I'm not mistaken we have been lied to and mislead by the Washington elite for decades not just during the Trump years. So bitch about Trump all you want but he is no different that the crooks you all keep electing.

Trump lies to the American people every single day, multiple times a day and you dont give a shit
No, a FUCKING IDIOT, is a piece of shit like you who listens to every Trump lie and couldn't care less.

See fuck stick you don't know me or what I believe, You are just some spinster who sits in a nursing home trying to desperately get some attention. Isn't it time for your meds?
No, a FUCKING IDIOT, is a piece of shit like you who listens to every Trump lie and couldn't care less.

history has been rewritten. truth is covered up. drug companies and doctors are hired to carry out the depopulation agenda. academics are groupthink slaves. you really are the fool here, dummytard.
I know you well, my little cunt.

Need I say more?
I'm not defending Trump because he is just as bad as all the crooks in Washington. But if I'm not mistaken we have been lied to and mislead by the Washington elite for decades not just during the Trump years. So bitch about Trump all you want but he is no different that the crooks you all keep electing.

But don't you have faith he's going to make you great again?