How sad it must be for Trump supporters

Way different. He lies at a level no other politician has ever done. He has ensconced crooks and businessmen into his cabinet to fleece the system and gut the agencies. He has lost 40 percent of those he put in positions and has not bothered filling many more. Trump is off the scoreboard . No president has been this self serving and crooked, while proudly bragging about it. If you think Trump is like all our presidents, you must have stopped watching at Nixon.

You are correct.

Anyone who thinks that Trump is just "more of the same" is a goddam fool.

His election was one of the most disgusting things ever to happen to this country. We ought all to be ashamed that it happened.
I can understand that a very great number of people in America, like a great number of people over here, feel totally left behind by the way capitalism has been developing, and, lacking any serious analysis of what's going on, can easily be led to take some destructive action like voting Brexit or supporting Trump. What frightens me is the way that they find it impossible, apparently, to step back from what they've done and examine the consequences. Instead, they retreat into their dream-worlds and encourage one another to believe utter nonsense, especially about their pretend-opponents. I wonder seriously if democracy can survive a great deal of this: it's what happens, I suppose, when masses of working people have been brainwashed out of supporting their own interests. It has been quite a trick for the powers-that-be, but I fear that even they will soon regret it. To live under idiocy is not an encouraging prospect even for them.
I can understand that a very great number of people in America, like a great number of people over here, feel totally left behind by the way capitalism has been developing, and, lacking any serious analysis of what's going on, can easily be led to take some destructive action like voting Brexit or supporting Trump. What frightens me is the way that they find it impossible, apparently, to step back from what they've done and examine the consequences. Instead, they retreat into their dream-worlds and encourage one another to believe utter nonsense, especially about their pretend-opponents. I wonder seriously if democracy can survive a great deal of this: it's what happens, I suppose, when masses of working people have been brainwashed out of supporting their own interests. It has been quite a trick for the powers-that-be, but I fear that even they will soon regret it. To live under idiocy is not an encouraging prospect even for them.

You are questioning the talents and values of Donald Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Trump? Idiocracy is coming true with these dorks.
Kasich is running assuming he can raise the money. He has a shot because Trump will be dealing with the courts and not able to run.
You want to put money on it.
Kasich got 13.8% of the vote and only 161 out of 2,472 delegates.
What has changed to make him so popular.
What a dumb shit. I’m going to bed. I can’t take anymore of this stupidity.

There is a definite chance Trump will be in jail or in court when the next election comes. He is a self-aggrandizing thief who sees every government function as a way for power and money for himself. He and his people conspired with Russians and oligarchs to poison the well for Hillary and to flood Americans with pro Trump and Russian propaganda.
There is a definite chance Trump will be in jail or in court when the next election comes. He is a self-aggrandizing thief who sees every government function as a way for power and money for himself. He and his people conspired with Russians and oligarchs to poison the well for Hillary and to flood Americans with pro Trump and Russian propaganda.

Or...he may have worked his way into a dictatorship.

His supporters are stupid enough to help him achieve that.

I think we WILL be rid of him on January 20, 2021.

Good fucking riddance.
these hillbots can't comprehend that they put up the worst candidate humanly possible. and they're going to do it again with prison industrial complex whore, kamala hairass.

Clinton got 3,000,000 more votes than Trump.

"I won on a technicality" is the classiest boast ever.
How sad it must be for Trump supporters!

I mean, they selected a Liar, and a proven Traitor who worked a Quid Pro Quo with Russia, for their help in winning the election and is now Obstructing Justice to try and keep it all covered up! Yes, he got caught red handed and will now face Impeachment hearings!

Wow, that has to be disappointing for the idiots that didn't even care what a liar, traitor, and cheater Donald Trump was and voted for him anyway because they wanted an attack dog insult artist and Reality TV Show host to stick it to the nation and it's people with racist policies, tax breaks for the rich, and turning the Supreme Court into a Kangaroo Court!

And now their little playhouse is sinking into the swamp!

No wonder all these Trump ass-kissers are upset and napping at everyone's heels like the little Chihuahua's they are!

Just read through any thread here in the forum and see them bark! Poor little things!
