How the LGBT made this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage

Really? And how do those married guys affect your marriage? Yours must be very tenuous for you to be so threatened.

There are lots of things that don't affect me personally that are wrong and should be addressed as wrong.

I can't say I've personally known anyone that was murdered. Does that mean I shouldn't think murder is wrong?
I think the thread author missed the REAL reason for the purpose of marriage; and that is to ensure that the children created from this bond can rely on committed parents to raise and teach them what is right which benefits the society.

The effort by the Progressive left to demean the meaning of marriage is just another part of their greater agenda which is to turn this nation into a third world shit hole. Along with legalized drugs, Government dependency and a Fascist regime in Washington DC that is assured of holding onto power to implement this third world shit hole agenda.
I call it what it is ,a marriage. A legal and binding marriage just like yours and mine.

Your perception of what makes a marriage real is only recognized by commies like you. It is not recognized by those who commies like you tried to copy when you hijacked the word that describes a real marriage. Lefties can call "up" the new "down", or red as the new blue, and you can even make laws that make it legal, but up will not actually be down and red will not actually be blue.

Queer weddings will NEVER be recognized as anything more than perverted by the people who the marriage term was hijacked from. Queer gay homosexual faggot weddings are not legit.