How the LGBT made this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage

Your perception of what makes a marriage real is only recognized by commies like you. It is not recognized by those who commies like you tried to copy when you hijacked the word that describes a real marriage. Lefties can call "up" the new "down", or red as the new blue, and you can even make laws that make it legal, but up will not actually be down and red will not actually be blue.

Queer weddings will NEVER be recognized as anything more than perverted by the people who the marriage term was hijacked from. Queer gay homosexual faggot weddings are not legit.


Married, just like you and pimp. :rofl2:
Peanut butter, and chocolate is considered a marriage. The little bitch semantics always bugged me. Who cares what the secular world wants to do. No one owns marriage. Give gays the same rights as marriage, and you losers can call it whatever you want. So far they get excluded from family only hospital visitation, have issues with inheritance, and are often denied the quirks of being married. Grow up you pansies, they aren't hurting you, you're hurting yourselves.
Gay marriage is a real thing and you should applaud it. It has no impact whatsoever on the PP marriage. None at all. You just think you have the right to make marriage decisions for other people who are simply acting as god created them to be. They have the same rights you do . You are just another fake religious bigot who is not really religious. Would Jesus be like you? I don't think so. You are using religion to justify ypour hat and bigotry. That is abusing the entire concept. But it is how it is used nowadays.
Words are difficult for you, aren’t they?

Fag marriage = PMP marriage :rofl2:

not true.....if I was in a relationship with Evmetro it would be a gaything, not a marriage.......just like if you were in a relationship with Nordnerd, it would be bestiality.......
Peanut butter, and chocolate is considered a marriage. The little bitch semantics always bugged me. Who cares what the secular world wants to do. No one owns marriage. Give gays the same rights as marriage, and you losers can call it whatever you want. So far they get excluded from family only hospital visitation, have issues with inheritance, and are often denied the quirks of being married. Grow up you pansies, they aren't hurting you, you're hurting yourselves.

Lefties had to gut the meaning of marriage in order to use the word to describe something besides a real marriage. This is why queer weddings are meaningless.
As I informed you, the complications of what determines sex are very complicated. Those who are in between are quite rare. That is fortunate for the progeny of mankind. There are so few that are in a mixed sexual situations that they are no threat to the continuing existence of mankind. You are fearing a manufactured problem.
The LGTB is absolutely no threat to your ill-crafted concept of marriage. Of course marriage was originally a business bargain in a legal sense. The royals merged their countries or assured they would be safe from attack by marrying the princes of another country. It was a leagal and bnding contract. It still is. get a divorce and the courts will teach you that lesson.
Nobody makes a mockery of marriage by marrying who they love. And it does absolutely nothing to you.
What gives you the right and the power to decide how other people live their lives. You are crapping all over those who are acting exactly how god made them.

Facts which reveal LGBT lies and deceptions on the foundation of this primary issue, of which you cower from contesting wih even so much as a shred of validiy, are what give me the right and power to restore marriag a respectable state.

Marriage isn't about marrying who you love (as clearly revealed within the composition beginning this very thread) it is about honouring the uniy of the one sexual union to which we all owe our very existence and that unity deserving of recognition of the significance are quite obviously and exclusively heterosexual unions as thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves.

The LGBT crapping all over society with a slew of lies and deceptions because they do no want to accept homosxuals for what homosxuals are is not anyone else crapping all over society when it comes to the foundaion of this issue. To no surprise you cower from factual evidence proving that marriage is about honouring exclusively heterosexual unions and desperately scramble to try and make irrelevant rhetoric the issue as the composition beginning this very thread already reveals of LGBT sickly behavior.

Gays can marry and there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it.

Notice this one quotes what I am doing about restoring marriage to a respctable state while also revealing themslves a liar claiming I can't do anything ~ They just quoted what I am doing LMFAO. They are that obiivious and desprate to lie because they have no validity, just more transparent lies and deceptions and no respect for anything else because they do not even want to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are in the first place.
Why do you care if members of the LGBTQ community can now get married? If you don't want to marry anyone that is the same sex or gender as you, then don't. Pretty simple.

Because using lies and deceptions to make a mockery of marriage because you do no want to accept homosexuals for what homosxuals are is not acceptable.
I'll be back to ease through more responsss in good time. Been a rough day for me feeling under the weather and the poor quality / weak responses I am finding here are putting me to sleep. I'll be back soon enough ;) My pleasure

One thing I will say is read the composition beginning this very thread, then read the responses and notice not one of the responses contests the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves that marriage is exclusively about honouring the significance of the unity of the one sexual union to which we all owe our very existence which are quite obviously heterosexual unions tha stand alone. Instead as mentioned within the composition beginning this very thread they are still desperately scrambling to try and make thir irrelevant rhetoric the issue because they have no validity, they never did have any validity, just more lies and deceptions because they do not want to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are in the first place.

Goodnight everyone, I'll be back ;)