^The dumbfuck doesn’t realize the world doesn’t need gays to sustain population. Gays have always been around and we have almost 8 billion people.
Numbers are hard for ignorant fucktards! Homeschooling will do that to you!
Fag marriage = your marriage.
Doesn't matter if gays have been around for thousands of years, that doesn't contest the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves that marriage is exclusively about honouring the significance of the one sexual unity towards which we all owe our very existence and that one sexual union again are heterosexual unions."
Now you see how desperate they are to ignore fact and instead spew irrelevant rhetoric and more lies even though this one even quoted those very facts while deliberately cowering from facing them because LGBT has not even so much as a shred of validity, just more lies and deceptions as this one so eagerly demonstrates.
Divorce doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions as clearly demonstrated within the composition you clearly ignore beginning this very thread. I notice a few of these members here appear desperate to try and make divorce the issue because they obviously have no validity.
Also notice they force a bunch of lies through legislation and upon society then go around claiming it's none of your business when it's everyone's business.
Marriage isn't about honouring if it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective, as thousands of years of exclusively heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage already proves beyond any shadow of doubt, marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual union that stands alone, the one sexual union to which we all owe our very existence and that one sexual union are quite obviously heterosexual unions.
LGBT deliberately ignores the factual evidence which clearly proves beyond any shadow of doubt that one union doesn't even come close to equaling the other and never will no matter what lies the LGBT force through legislation. No matter what lies the LGBT force through legislation i will never change the fact that thousands of years of heterosexual unions bing honoured with marriage proves that marriage is about honouring the significance of the one sexual unity to which we all owe our very existence and that one sexual unity are quite obviously heterosexual unions. The LGBT lies compulsively and obsessively because they quite obviously do not even want to accept themselves for what they themselves are in the first place yet have the nerve to go around slandering anyone ls as the hater, the bigot. I so sick of their lies and deceptions.
The equality of marriage is that anyone has the right to marry someone born with the opposite sex genital that the individual them self is born with because as thousands of years already prove marriage is about honouring exclusively heterosexual unions. Everyone has that right. The LGBT has not even so much as a shred of validity, just more lies and deceptions while they deliberately ignore the facts on the foundation of this primary issue that have been exposing LGBT lies and deceptions for well over a decade and my pleasure to keep exposing their lies and deceptions until the LGBT is wiped from the face of the planet and their lies and deceptions removed from school boards and legislation for the well being and sanity of current and future generations.,
I mean what kind of future are you handing your children if it is all based upon a factually exposed slew of lies and deceptions from any selfish interest group?!!! These people do not accept themselves for what they are and they have been disrespecting everyone else for what we are with a slew of lies and deceptions for decades. I had enough of such inexcusable behavior long ago.