How the Mortgage Interest Deduction Could Change

yeap the guy is a grover man who wants to kill the country

Again so random. The idea of eliminating or changing the mortgage interest rate deduction is not a new one although it has gained slightly more momentum recently. As the article showed there are many varying opinions on it from many different people and they don't fall on partisan lines. How you've picked this one person and think he is responsible for everything and thus you must try and discredit him is so strange.
I don't trust your scum covered assholes who would hold on high an man who has said right out loud he wants to END the government our founders left.

they are traitors to this country for doing so
So it doesn't bother you Desh that the majority of benefits of the mortgage interest deduction go to the rich?
So it doesn't bother you Desh that the majority of benefits of the mortgage interest deduction go to the rich?

Well, it depends on how you're defining "rich." Most of the benefits accrue to those in the top quintile of household income, but the lower bound for the top quntile is $102,000 (roughly). I don't think $102,000 in annual househodl income is rich. It's a hell of a lot more than the median, but it's not exactly fuck you money.
heres a clue

He signed the grover pledge.

I don't trust anything he claims he is going to do.

Look what the Bush admin did after after GLB was signed into law.
They will tailor laws in such a way that they can just NOT inforce the parts the corps don't like.

they are traitors to the American people
Well, it depends on how you're defining "rich." Most of the benefits accrue to those in the top quintile of household income, but the lower bound for the top quntile is $102,000 (roughly). I don't think $102,000 in annual househodl income is rich. It's a hell of a lot more than the median, but it's not exactly fuck you money.

Yeah, rich may not have been the best choice of words there. Better phrased would have been the majority of benefits are not accruing to lower middle class and working poor.
Yeah, rich may not have been the best choice of words there. Better phrased would have been the majority of benefits are not accruing to lower middle class and working poor.

Pretty much all of the tax expenditures, with the sole exception of refundable tax credits, accrue to higher income earners. That's why people like me often advocate for the creation of a specific tax expenditure budget. The budget always includes benefits that accruse to low income people because they consist of the governmetn actually shelling out money to them but the budget does not include the benefits that accrure to high income people because they don't consist of the government shelling out money it collected but taxes not that the government has elected not to collect in the first instance. However, the impact on the budget (and deficits) of each are the same. A dollar spent has the same deficit impact as a dollar not collected.