How the Mortgage Interest Deduction Could Change

Exclusions from Taxable Income
Capital gains on assets transferred at death * 3 15 17 65 100 10 6 28 21

You're better off looking at the preferential treatment of capital gains and dividends, the benefits of which accrue largely to the top 1% (nearly 70%).
the sweat and toil of a human being is worth rewarding.

Daddy leaving you a trust is NOT taking hours of your life away
Well, it depends on how you're defining "rich." Most of the benefits accrue to those in the top quintile of household income, but the lower bound for the top quntile is $102,000 (roughly). I don't think $102,000 in annual househodl income is rich. It's a hell of a lot more than the median, but it's not exactly fuck you money.

Well, it doesn't matter what you define as rich. The gobblement calls the shots and they define $102,000 as rich. Now they always talk about Warren Buffett, but is those making $102,000 that get the big fuck you. Desh don't care because it is little indian big indian for her. Party over principle for Desh
the sweat and toil of a human being is worth rewarding.

Daddy leaving you a trust is NOT taking hours of your life away

are you jealous because you didn't get a trust? you do realize that not all passive income is from daddy leaving someone a trust right? I know you spend a lot of time watching Bravo Network and O and We and the Hallmark Channel, but not everyone is Paris Hilton. It may come as a shock to you that many people living off of passive income saved that money through hardwork and that passive income carries them through retirement. I guess fuck them right?
you people seem to think this country was built on trust funds.

It was built by human sacrafice and hard work.
why do you refuse to admit that humans giving hours of their lives is far more sacracfice than cashing daddys checks?
you people seem to think this country was built on trust funds.

It was built by human sacrafice and hard work.

You seem to think that all passive income is from trust funds. You do realize that the money you gouge your renters for is considered passive income right? You do know that right? Right? So if you think you should pay a higher tax on YOUR passive income, then why don't you? I bet you don't. I bet you squeeze every gosh danged deduction you can trying to limit your tax liability. So spare your feigned indignation about the tax code. You are all wet baby
Dung, can you help me out please. What is the connection between trust funds and capital gains because I'm embarrassed to say I'm not getting it.
Well, it doesn't matter what you define as rich. The gobblement calls the shots and they define $102,000 as rich. Now they always talk about Warren Buffett, but is those making $102,000 that get the big fuck you. Desh don't care because it is little indian big indian for her. Party over principle for Desh

I'm aware of no such governmental definition of the term "rich." Please cite your source for that one.
you scream and scream about people doing work.

then you rewards fat ass sitting by wealthy progeny
why do you refuse to admit that humans giving hours of their lives is far more sacracfice than cashing daddys checks?

I see Desh is spinning that wheel faster than she can type her ad homs.

So all passive income is from cashing daddy's checks? Please leave your daddy issues out of this. We are discussing finance
You seem to think that all passive income is from trust funds. You do realize that the money you gouge your renters for is considered passive income right? You do know that right? Right? So if you think you should pay a higher tax on YOUR passive income, then why don't you? I bet you don't. I bet you squeeze every gosh danged deduction you can trying to limit your tax liability. So spare your feigned indignation about the tax code. You are all wet baby

nope I have to maintain those homes.

I clean and repair them.

Now go prove I charge above market on those houses or retract your lie about it you cockroach fucker
Dung, can you help me out please. What is the connection between trust funds and capital gains because I'm embarrassed to say I'm not getting it.

I'm not getting into the weeds of this thread per se. I'm not sure what the connection is between trust funds and capital gains except to note that trust funds generally operate by having a trust corpus (the loot) which is invested in various things, which things include investments that produce capital gains and dividends, and that the trust funds perpetuate themselves by making money on investments which are taxed at preferrential rates.
why is it you refuse to compensate people for sacrificing hours and days of their lives yet you want passive income made into a giveaway
I'm aware of no such governmental definition of the term "rich." Please cite your source for that one.

Look at the IRS tables. In 2010, you were considered top 10% if you made $116,000 a year. No you can split hairs if you choose, but $102,000 a year is considered rich by the gobblement. Unless of course you think earning more than 90% of the population is poor. Your choice :)

Have a blessed day
Look at the IRS tables. In 2010, you were considered top 10% if you made $116,000 a year. No you can split hairs if you choose, but $102,000 a year is considered rich by the gobblement. Unless of course you think earning more than 90% of the population is poor. Your choice :)

Have a blessed day

Uh, that's not a definition, ILA. That's just math.
nope I have to maintain those homes.

I clean and repair them.

Now go prove I charge above market on those houses or retract your lie about it you cockroach fucker

It is still passive income sweetie. I know you like to think of yourself as an entrepreneur, but you are just greedy and ripping people off. It's OK. I understand. Don't be bitter about your capitalist natures. Embrace it
This is proving what we knew all along.

the republican crap lines about hard work are just crap to them.

They want the already rich to be rewarded for doing nothing but having money to heave arround