How the Mortgage Interest Deduction Could Change

hey go get that post and lets look at it.

I have some vauge memory of it.

I wonder what kind of things you said to make me think you were being false
How many times do I need to post this? I grew up in Oakland, California. That is a fact. You said I lied and did not grow up in Oakland because you believe I am a racist and hate blacks from the bottom of my soul and that no racists would live in Oakland.

First off there are racists in Oakland and they aren't all white. But that is really neither here nor there. You, for some unknown reason, lied about where I grew up. Now you won't admit it.

I think I said something like no one could live with that many black poeple around and think what you were saying about black people.

maybe Im wrong ?

I guess Ill go look for the post
hey go get that post and lets look at it.

I have some vauge memory of it.

I wonder what kind of things you said to make me think you were being false

How many times do I have to write it out for you? I wrote it twice in the other thread and once again here.
I think I said something like no one could live with that many black poeple around and think what you were saying about black people.

maybe Im wrong ?

I guess Ill go look for the post

Look at the South. Over half the black people in the U.S. live in the South. By your statement no one in the South would be racist. Look at cities like Boston and Philly with their good size black populations and the racial trouble they have.
the correction is no one should be that racist if they know real black people.

some people still are.

cawacko I don't think your a racist.

I cant fully remember the conversation and I cant find it.

If you can find it and I wrongly called you a racist I will say Im sorry.

was if during Katrina?
Wow, my timing sucks. First I bought a house exactly one year too late to get the home buyer credit, and now I might lose the home mortgage interest credit, too.

Only silver lining? I just consolidated my student loans with a substantially jacked-up interest rate!
heres a clue

He signed the grover pledge.

I don't trust anything he claims he is going to do.

Look what the Bush admin did after after GLB was signed into law.

LMAO... you don't even KNOW what the exclusions were for or what they mean. You don't even realize that AFTER the broker rules were put in place banks had MORE exemptions from regulation, NOT LESS.
the correction is no one should be that racist if they know real black people.

some people still are.

cawacko I don't think your a racist.

I cant fully remember the conversation and I cant find it.

If you can find it and I wrongly called you a racist I will say Im sorry.

was if during Katrina?

I appreciate the apology. It was during the last couple of years that you said it.

I'm aware there are not many Republicans in Oakland or San Francisco so I'm an anomaly in that sense. Kind of like Watermark and his beliefs in Mississippi. In the real world I rarely talk politics and am friends with many different people, many of whom have different political beliefs than me.
you people seem to think this country was built on trust funds.

It was built by human sacrafice and hard work.

You seem to think that those trusts magically appeared. They did not. Someone built them via human sacrifice and hard work. Why should their families get penalized because you are jealous their ancestors worked harder/more efficiently than yours?
Cawacko, seriously, I appreciate your putting up some threads that aren't war zone threads or about Zimmerman. I was literally thinking, man this board sucks.

Yet you encourage Desh to continue her nonsensical ranting. She has flipped out all over this thread and you do nothing about her vile behavior.
You seem to think that those trusts magically appeared. They did not. Someone built them via human sacrifice and hard work. Why should their families get penalized because you are jealous their ancestors worked harder/more efficiently than yours?

Doesn't that get into the whole inheritance tax debate far more than capital gains?
read it real slow.

I manage my own properties idiot

Rental income is considered passive income Desh.

Passive Income
Passive income can only be generated by a passive activity. Just because the taxpayer did not work for the income does not mean it is passive. There are only two sources for passive income:

  1. a rental activity; or,
  2. a business in which the taxpayer does not materially participate.
Gain on a partial or entire disposition of a passive activity generally is passive income. See Chapter 5 for a detailed discussion of passive income issues on disposition.
While the following may seem passive, generally none are passive income:

  • Portfolio income, including interest, dividends, royalties, annuities and gains on stocks and bonds; [SUP][1][/SUP]
  • Lottery winnings;[SUP][2][/SUP]
  • Salaries, wages, Form 1099-Misc. commissions and retirement income;[SUP][3][/SUP]
  • Guaranteed payments for services; and,[SUP][4][/SUP]
  • Income from any activity in which the taxpayer materially participates.[SUP][5][/SUP],-Passive-Income

So eat that Desh.
Yet you encourage Desh to continue her nonsensical ranting. She has flipped out all over this thread and you do nothing about her vile behavior.

I love desh, she is awesome, and her posts, well first of all, I agree with almost everything she says, and secondly, she's very funny. I have never in my life posted with a woman who posted with so little self-consciousness about being a woman. I doubt you will get that, but I'm in awe of it! She has zero interest in the male gaze or male approval. I freaking love it, and I admire her for it. I have tried to do that, and I have gotten much much better than I was when I first started on netscape, but I have never reached that level. My hat is off to her.

And that my dear, is why you don't like her.
Doesn't that get into the whole inheritance tax debate far more than capital gains?

I know Desh never is willing to actually elaborate, mainly because she just spews forth hate on things she doesn't understand and thus cannot explain. That said, I think she is bitching about the trust accounts earning money that goes to the benes of the trust who didn't 'work hard' or some such nonsense. Of course Desh owns rental properties and that is truly passive income. Her money that she worked for is invested in properties that are producing income. She thinks that is somehow different than those trusts who invest in securities/properties that produce income in terms of who is 'working' for it.
Yet you encourage Desh to continue her nonsensical ranting. She has flipped out all over this thread and you do nothing about her vile behavior.

By the way, is this a cry for help Superfreak? Are you begging me to protect you from the big bad Desh? Was it the flea thing that got you so upset?

Notice how Cawacko, a real man! can handle it himself and didn't come crying to Darla!