Into the Night
Verified User
So now you admit we are a democracy?
There is no democracy.
So now you admit we are a democracy?
No shit, Fredo. If you really knew as much as you thought, you'd know that Biden can't wave a fucking wand and declassify whatever reading material he takes to the can.
Thanks for posting more of your venom against the FBI. Since, as your good friend and mentor, STY, keeps saying, all the Feds are the same, I guess it really doesn't matter which one you blow up, amirite???
An insanity defense may save you from the death penalty but not life at ADX Florence with the other terrorists. You could always blow yourself up or eat your gun when you're done to avoid capture, trial and your family name disgraced as child murdering terrorists.
LOL Good question!
It appears, that they only like "democracy" when they always win the vote. You know, like Donald "vote twice" Trump told them, the redistricting to ensure all states are One Party states, One Leader, yada, yada, yada. The whole fascista authoritarian thing.
Basically, you are wrong, Fredo. The President is King. The Presidency is an office, and that office is wrapped in a process. The same process that prevented Trump from joining his traitors and terrorists on 1/6 to assault the Capitol, murder Pence and all the Democrats, then crown Trump President-for-Life.
Remember your prayers in prison, son. You'll need all the help you can get.
You keep angrily posting how much you hate me, Jews/globalists and how the entire government and society is corrupt...then you expressly or, mostly, tacitly support the WSE agenda of violently overthrowing the US government just like in "The Turner Diaries".
It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that I think you, STY and your friends on JPP and IRL are nuts.
Fine. Who cares?....until someone gets killed, and it's materially traced back to you. That's when you'll get your day in court, just like it says in the Constitution!
...if you live that long. LOL
Why do you think so? If you are really as intelligent and articulate as you believe yourself to be, please explain your logic and provide at least two examples, sir.
If you cannot, I fully understand and appreciate your time, sir.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
It is DEMOCRATS that are white supremacists and violent. Inversion fallacy.
Yes it is, liar.
You think it's easier to reason with a dead person?![]()
Thanks for your justification of the mass murder of 168 Americans and 19 kids, Chief. Now tell me abortion is wrong because "every life is sacred".![]()
Covid did not cause inflation. Neither did Putin.
The more he posts the more he gives himself away
This is a January 21, 2021 article from Brookings noting the rise and the problems caused by WSE groups:
How to counter right-wing armed groups in the United States
DHS also recognizes that WSEs, specifically lone wolf attacks as our nation has seen over the past year, are the biggest terrorist threat facing our nation as identified in their 2020 report:
Word stuffing. Semantics fallacy.
Agreed, as do we all.
I love Ben Franklin's aphorism "Honesty is the best policy" then look at the lying fuckwads on JPP and which party they associate.
Why would I be nervous about your penis fetish, my little cock fetishist?Mr. Tiny Penis, are you nervous?
Please stop spamming.
you don't know shit about honesty though...............
Semantics fallacy. Argument by repetition fallacy (chanting).
What President?No he is not, this President was not even aware that the FBI was planning to search MAL.
I'd certainly not call it a hallucination. A Trump cultist just died two weeks ago trying to shoot up an FBI office.....