Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
it's about 99.999% positive that he's not a fucking karen, like you, nor is he as stupid to report any post he doesn't fucking like, like you.
Or Kellye?

it's about 99.999% positive that he's not a fucking karen, like you, nor is he as stupid to report any post he doesn't fucking like, like you.
It's funny (well, not really) that some here think that members of the gun clubs across America are white supremacist groups. Only cowards and libturds believe that.
Why were they rioting in Australia, Europe, and the UK about it, fucktard?
It's because they were internationally organized to riot and just waiting for a catalyst.
That's why they have the same professionally printed signs worldwide. Derp!
i don't condone or promote violence.
maga is winning through the election process.
only the deep state fascists like you need violence and cheating, fuckjar.
Glad you want to see the shitheads from Jan 6th go to prison and the MAGA shitheads lost the last election as much as you can't admit that to yourself.
White Supremacist always defend Gun Clubs!
Gun clubs don't' defend supremacists.
Not all gun clubs.
OTOH, I've seen a couple gun clubs with bigoted, conspiracy theorist members, but that doesn't make the club bad.
oh so there's some very fine people on both sides?
Most people are good. You're in a minority of violent racist dumbasses, Fredo. You're being set up as a patsy, son.
Sometimes.You're an idiot.
The real reason Fredo hates "the Deep State" is because African-Americans and Jewish Americans have the freedom to vote:
This is a January 21, 2021 article from Brookings noting the rise and the problems caused by WSE groups:
How to counter right-wing armed groups in the United States
DHS also recognizes that WSEs, specifically lone wolf attacks as our nation has seen over the past year, are the biggest terrorist threat facing our nation as identified in their 2020 report: https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/2020_10_06_homeland-threat-assessment.pdf
They will murder people for trump
Just like they already have
Not according to Trump appointed Chris Wrey Director of the FBI!
He told Congress that the single most threat to the USA is now domestic terrorism caused by EXTREME RIGHT WING SUPREMACIST ORGANIZATIONS!
The most dangerous threat to peace in America is trying to go forward with the United States.
People who genuinely loathe each other should never be forced to share a government.
Nothing good will come of it.
Only worsening dystopia awaits, and we're pretty fucked up already.
And what lie has he told then?
The real reason Fredo hates "the Deep State" is because African-Americans and Jewish Americans have the freedom to vote: