"Sobers"? Freudian slip?
You can almost always tell when someone has little acquaintance with science and how science works. They are OUTRAGED when a prior conclusion or set of data is changed or updated when new information becomes available.
Note the name of the virus. NOVEL coronavirus. What does novel mean? So, it's new, it's never been seen (or at least studied) before, and humans have no immunity. When a new disease arises, do scientists know everything about it in the first weeks after its discovery? Nope. Do they continue to release new findings as they are known, even though they may conflict with previous findings? Yes. Does this make *all* their findings false? Nope.
We rely (relied) on WHO to assist our own CDC with IDing emerging viruses and other pathogens that affect humans. But your snowflake #COVID45 got his feels hurt because of the backlash against his dithering and golfing while America died, and decided to blame WHO for his failures. Are you willing to fund CDC so that it can open facilities around the world to do what WHO has been doing? If not, sit down and be quiet.