How to cure Covid19

Bullshit. That's an opinion based on misinformation. Most knowledgeable ppl thought it should have been 1) done earlier, and 2) included Europe as well. He didn't shut off travel from Europe till days later, and didn't include the UK till days after that.

Since you started your apology for #COVID45 with a lie, there is no point in reading or responding to the rest of your wasted electrons. Have a nice day.

Ignorant and feisty lol.

You are wrong. Most knowledgable people fought "Trump the great" AT THE TIME! Including your beloved Biden, the fake news, and the top dr's.

So follow me hear dumb dumb......if you are right and the WHO didn't lie as I mentioned above........then why did your demonrats bash and name call trump for stopping travel from china when he did?

If your "Most knowledgeable people" say that trump didnt act fast enough why are most of them on record bashing trumps decision back then?
With the way this bug is evolving onto a non human killing form it looks like Trump was essentially right that it will go away. This is turning into a normal coronavirus, of which there are many, and all of them we barely care about because they dont cause humans very many problems.

nearly 120,000 dead and you write that? Trump was wrong ,over and over and over.
nearly 120,000 dead and you write that? Trump was wrong ,over and over and over.

How was trump wrong? He followed the advice of the experts except when he banned travel from china. That decision to break from your party and the experts saved hundreds of thousands.

The virus is weakening as most do. Saw a doctor saying that most viruses soften to be less likely to kill the needed host. If the hosts die so do the virus.