How To Deal With A Deadly Worldwide Pandemic

That's really, really dumb, Gardner. Millions died from smallpox, and in 1796 a vaccine was developed for it. 225 years ago. It was eradicated because we all got vaxxed. The last case of smallpox was in 1977, 44 years ago.

That shows that even with concentrated effort, it took centuries to eradicate smallpox. How long will it take to end Fauci plague? Bet it won't be months. So, let's end the bullshit measures get back to living and deal with it.
That shows that even with concentrated effort, it took centuries to eradicate smallpox. How long will it take to end Fauci plague? Bet it won't be months. So, let's end the bullshit measures get back to living and deal with it.

Let's stop slitting our own throats.

The West really is Dying, the New Chinese Empire really is romping....we have existanal problems to deal with.....which are not being dealt with.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

She was. Her husband was not. He infected all the babysitter's clients.

That is the greatest evidence in support of mandates which has been posted.

It is more than a convincing argument.

It is a real verifiable viable reason why we need mandates.

That entire infection line would likely not have occurred if the husband had been required to get vaccinated.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Some people have no choice; they HAVE to shop when it's busy. They HAVE to send their kids to school. They HAVE to work in an office, plant, or other setting with other ppl around. Even if they are completely immunized, they can still possibly get sick from one of the stupids, like my kids did. They likely won't get *that* sick, and they likely will not die -- but they *will* miss time from work. Not everyone gets paid for being off sick for 10 days. Do you think it's fair for Sheldon Stupid to infect his whole office because he's an anti-vaxxing moron?

Of course it is not fair. He has cost them money. It should not have occurred. It occurred because of his negligence. It would be a viable lawsuit.

Mandates would likely have prevented that.

Mandates save lives and could prevent costly lawsuits.
The way to learn to live with a pandemic is to use all of the tools available for staying safe and avoiding transmission of the disease.

You can't do good work without good tools.

Vaccines, masks, distancing, testing, quarantining, approved treatments and mandates are all good tools.
There seem to be two schools of thought on how to get through the pandemic.

A) Take it very seriously. Take proper precautions. Adjust lifestyle to protect oneself and others. Change plans. Avoid large groups. Listen to experts and authorities, heed their advice. Practice safe measures to try to eliminate transmission of the disease. Take the vaccine. Avoid sharing air by use of distancing and masks. ( Thanks to ThatOwlWoman: ) "If you come down with a respiratory illness, get tested and if positive, stay home till well again."

B) Call it all fake news. Blow off any advice from experts or authorities. Make up derogatory terms for the pandemic. Blame China. Claim no fear. Continue life as normal. Get an attitude of animosity towards experts, authorities, and others who are heeding government directives. Doubt the numbers and reports. Call it just the flu. Latch onto unverified fake treatments and prevention techniques. When others die, call them weak or claim they would have died anyway. Make fun of those who are following safety measures. Refuse the vaccine, but take credit for it if it helps your politics. Advocate for politicians to avoid taking any action to reduce deaths. Forge fake vaccine documentation if needed and try to lie your way past checkpoints. Claim that business/money is more important than lives.

I think that just about covers the two sides. Discuss?

Prosecute the assholes that created the virus (along with variants) as well as the other assholes who patent the fake shit they try and pass off as a vaccine before other assholes even release the deadly virus to the fullest extent.
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That is the greatest evidence in support of mandates which has been posted.

It is more than a convincing argument.

It is a real verifiable viable reason why we need mandates.

That entire infection line would likely not have occurred if the husband had been required to get vaccinated.

Agree. We have better tools now than we did when this began, to treat a COVID infection and save lives. But that's not the point. The point is the damage that being out of work for 10-14 days can do to both a family's finances and to the nation's as a whole. Our economy runs on consumption of goods. How are consumers going to be able to spend if they've been out sick, and can barely pay their necessary bills?
The way to handle it was known at the beginning but of course the right wing lacks the education and the mental capacity to do it.
The first step is to quarantine absolutely every single person.
The second step is to use the war Powers act to make available masks and test kits on a massive scale.
The third step is do testing on a massive scale and only allow negative tests out of their house.
This was something that was known and understood from the very beginning.
Agree. We have better tools now than we did when this began, to treat a COVID infection and save lives. But that's not the point. The point is the damage that being out of work for 10-14 days can do to both a family's finances and to the nation's as a whole. Our economy runs on consumption of goods. How are consumers going to be able to spend if they've been out sick, and can barely pay their necessary bills?

During the 2008 recession the Germans would not allow any companies to lay people off instead the government provided money to keep those people on the payroll so that when the economy returned they would be in a position to be productive.
So? Life is full of risks. You have to weigh these and make a decision. Fauci plague isn't the end of the world and as diseases go it's not particularly nasty by comparison. Small pox, as one example was far more virulent and deadly and went on for centuries. People learned to live with it rather than live in fear of it.

Wrong. We vaccinated it away. Same for 14 other diseases we vaccinate against. This is not working as well because rightys are stopping us from achieving herd. they are keeping the Trump virus alive and mutating. It did not have to be this way.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Agree. We have better tools now than we did when this began, to treat a COVID infection and save lives. But that's not the point. The point is the damage that being out of work for 10-14 days can do to both a family's finances and to the nation's as a whole. Our economy runs on consumption of goods. How are consumers going to be able to spend if they've been out sick, and can barely pay their necessary bills?

Excellent point in addition to the irresponsible risk to human lives. Who knows what secondary infection could result in a death?

COVID is like Pandora. Once you let it outta the box, it ain't goin back in.
There seem to be two schools of thought on how to get through the pandemic.

A) Take it very seriously. Take proper precautions. Adjust lifestyle to protect oneself and others. Change plans. Avoid large groups. Listen to experts and authorities, heed their advice. Practice safe measures to try to eliminate transmission of the disease. Take the vaccine. Avoid sharing air by use of distancing and masks. ( Thanks to ThatOwlWoman: ) "If you come down with a respiratory illness, get tested and if positive, stay home till well again."

B) Call it all fake news. Blow off any advice from experts or authorities. Make up derogatory terms for the pandemic. Blame China. Claim no fear. Continue life as normal. Get an attitude of animosity towards experts, authorities, and others who are heeding government directives. Doubt the numbers and reports. Call it just the flu. Latch onto unverified fake treatments and prevention techniques. When others die, call them weak or claim they would have died anyway. Make fun of those who are following safety measures. Refuse the vaccine, but take credit for it if it helps your politics. Advocate for politicians to avoid taking any action to reduce deaths. Forge fake vaccine documentation if needed and try to lie your way past checkpoints. Claim that business/money is more important than lives.

I think that just about covers the two sides. Discuss?

It has been nearly two years since we began the war on Covid. Two years of shutdowns, masking, social distancing and shutting down businesses.

After two years, we are still hearing the same bullshit arguments from morons in the Democraic Party of the Jackass, our government and idiots on the left who think that if we just keep doing what hasn't worked in two years, it will finally really work.

This, my friends, is the definition of retarded.
Tolerance of the intolerable has never been and will never be a virtue.

The anti-vaxxers must be purged in swift, Draconian fashion
or Covid will wipe out as significant a percentage of the overall popultion as the Bubonic Plague did centuries go.

Once again America's most tragic failing flagrantly reveals itself: the belief that moderate measures can solve immoderate problems.


Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Excellent point in addition to the irresponsible risk to human lives. Who knows what secondary infection could result in a death?

COVID is like Pandora. Once you let it outta the box, it ain't goin back in.

It's a great wedge issue for the QOP. Notice how they're the ones drumming up the anti-mandate, anti-mask, anti-vax dance songs? It's advantageous to them politically to keep their idiots fired up about what isn't even a valid political issue.
There seem to be two schools of thought on how to get through the pandemic.

A) Take it very seriously. Take proper precautions. Adjust lifestyle to protect oneself and others. Change plans. Avoid large groups. Listen to experts and authorities, heed their advice. Practice safe measures to try to eliminate transmission of the disease. Take the vaccine. Avoid sharing air by use of distancing and masks. ( Thanks to ThatOwlWoman: ) "If you come down with a respiratory illness, get tested and if positive, stay home till well again."

B) Call it all fake news. Blow off any advice from experts or authorities. Make up derogatory terms for the pandemic. Blame China. Claim no fear. Continue life as normal. Get an attitude of animosity towards experts, authorities, and others who are heeding government directives. Doubt the numbers and reports. Call it just the flu. Latch onto unverified fake treatments and prevention techniques. When others die, call them weak or claim they would have died anyway. Make fun of those who are following safety measures. Refuse the vaccine, but take credit for it if it helps your politics. Advocate for politicians to avoid taking any action to reduce deaths. Forge fake vaccine documentation if needed and try to lie your way past checkpoints. Claim that business/money is more important than lives.

I think that just about covers the two sides. Discuss?

There's Politalker's way, and then there's this: