How To Deal With A Deadly Worldwide Pandemic

Hello ThatOwlWoman,

It's a great wedge issue for the QOP. Notice how they're the ones drumming up the anti-mandate, anti-mask, anti-vax dance songs? It's advantageous to them politically to keep their idiots fired up about what isn't even a valid political issue.

It's more than advantageous. It is essential. Without it, they are nothing. Powerless. And they know it.

When a party absolutely depends on the votes of deplorable people, it is a deplorable party.

It is the death party. The party which embraces death becomes the party of death.
It's more than advantageous. It is essential. Without it, they are nothing. Powerless. And they know it.

When a party absolutely depends on the votes of deplorable people, it is a deplorable party.

It is the death party. The party which embraces death becomes the party of death.

I've pondered on the ironic fact that for a party who claims to be "pro-life," their stance on pandemic mitigation measures is anything but.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I've pondered on the ironic fact that for a party who claims to be "pro-life," their stance on pandemic mitigation measures is anything but.

The Trump Party is the party of irony.

They are only pro-life when it gets them votes.

Then they become pro-death when it gets them votes.

There is no concern for principles.

The only concern is getting votes.

Nothing else matters.

"You can feel free to use my words against me." (Lindsey Graham)

Lotta good that did.

Maybe everybody in Congress should be under oath at all times!
That shows that even with concentrated effort, it took centuries to eradicate smallpox. How long will it take to end Fauci plague? Bet it won't be months. So, let's end the bullshit measures get back to living and deal with it.

See this is why you should have gotten education it would have saved you from embarrassing stupid comments like this smallpox was vaccinated away this is like civics 101
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

The Trump Party is the party of irony.

They are only pro-life when it gets them votes.

Then they become pro-death when it gets them votes.

There is no concern for principles.

The only concern is getting votes.

Nothing else matters.

"You can feel free to use my words against me." (Lindsey Graham)

Lotta good that did.

Maybe everybody in Congress should be under oath at all times!

Funny you explain the democrat party then claim it as republican which makes it transparent rubbish (they always pull this crap because they have no validity)
Funny you explain the democrat party then claim it as republican which makes it transparent rubbish (they always pull this crap because they have no validity)

Trump had 60 anti-LGBTQ executive orders and Biden overturned them all so yeah Republicans are vile disgusting pus brains
There seem to be two schools of thought on how to get through the pandemic.

A) Take it very seriously. Take proper precautions. Adjust lifestyle to protect oneself and others. Change plans. Avoid large groups. Listen to experts and authorities, heed their advice. Practice safe measures to try to eliminate transmission of the disease. Take the vaccine. Avoid sharing air by use of distancing and masks. ( Thanks to ThatOwlWoman: ) "If you come down with a respiratory illness, get tested and if positive, stay home till well again."

B) Call it all fake news. Blow off any advice from experts or authorities. Make up derogatory terms for the pandemic. Blame China. Claim no fear. Continue life as normal. Get an attitude of animosity towards experts, authorities, and others who are heeding government directives. Doubt the numbers and reports. Call it just the flu. Latch onto unverified fake treatments and prevention techniques. When others die, call them weak or claim they would have died anyway. Make fun of those who are following safety measures. Refuse the vaccine, but take credit for it if it helps your politics. Advocate for politicians to avoid taking any action to reduce deaths. Forge fake vaccine documentation if needed and try to lie your way past checkpoints. Claim that business/money is more important than lives.

I think that just about covers the two sides. Discuss?

Paradox V. Paradox M.
Spetch and birdman just play opposites. You explain why they are wrong and they say it is the opposite side doing it, not the right. Tell that they are being dishonest, and they say "no, it is you". Then pat themselves on the back what they think is a profound retort.
They will never leave the kiddie pool.
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Trump had 60 anti-LGBTQ executive orders and Biden overturned them all so yeah Republicans are vile disgusting pus brains

what's disgusting by puss brains is supporting factually proven foundations of sick and filthy low life scum bag lgbt lies and deception's. What's also disgusting when it comes to trump and this issue is the disgusting thing he did with the pageant by allowing one of those sick and filthy low life lgbt scum bags in it!

Sick and filthy pieces of shit = lgbt



14 minute amazing video intellectually kicking the fuckin shit out of your peon mentality along with the entire lgbt
Spetch and birdman just play opposites. You explain why they are wrong and they say it is the opposite side doing it, not the right. Tell that they are being dishonest, and they say "no, it is you". Then pat themselves on the back what they think is a profound retort.
They will never leave the kiddie pool.

oh here you are trying to make it a blame game because you obviously have no validity as you yourself so eagerly reveals.
There is no logic in the individual approach to the pandemic. Clearly, since the virus feeds on social interaction, the best response is for individuals to limit social interaction. But this is a challenge, because we are social animals. We normally have freely available social interaction, we thrive on it, and it would be difficult for our nation to function without it.

Logically, the state takes the position that individuals should avoid large groups, avoid 'sharing air.'

But this is easier said than done.

For some, it is a piece of cake. For others, their life depends on it.

Those who normally work with lots of other people would be unable to work and stay away from lots of other people. If they love their work and do not wish to change, it is logical that they would take a position against distancing and masks. (vaccine avoidance is another matter.)

For those who could take or leave large groups, and their work does not require them to interface with lots of other people, they do not feel any internal pressure to be in large groups. It is logical that they would be more likely to support mandates and adherence to the guidelines.

Disregarding personal preference, the over-encompassing logic is that the virus depends on humans sharing air. If humans were able to stop interfacing closely, and do that for long enough to bring the R0 factor below 1.0, and then hold that condition for long enough to allow all the cases of the disease to run their course, the virus could be eliminated.

That is extremely unlikely.

Eventually, nearly everyone will either get the disease, or be successfully immunized from it.

We must avoid simply letting the disease run it's course. That would quickly overwhelm the hospitals and have catastrophic results.

Therefore, the state must take a position of advising the public to take measures designed to reduce the spread.

The arguments we are having are nothing new. They are a logical consequence of a pandemic in a human population. Every pandemic in the past has produced the same arguments we are having, the same two opposed positions.
Imagine a country is forced into a war.

And their army is not very well structured.

The soldiers do not take orders very well. Some of them understand the need for orders and willingly comply. Others don't want to be told what to do. They decide for themselves if they wish to follow the orders or simply not.

The country has good generals and good leadership. A good plan is conceived, leading to a very effective strategy for fighting the war. The strategy would certainly be successful if only they could get all the soldiers to comply.

But the Republican soldiers don't want to. They deny that the war needs to be fought. They refuse to do what it takes to fight it. They claim they deserve the freedom to be able to decide for themselves whether or not they want to fight.

Kind of a scary way to go into battle. It doesn't lead to a good outcome. (That is what happened to Afghanistan.)

The USA and the world have been drawn into a war, not of their choosing.

It's the humans against the bug.

Every human has become a soldier in the War On COVID.

The Chinese don't have much individual freedom. Chinese citizens do what their government tells them to do. In a pandemic, that yields a very good result. No arguing about it. The people do what needs to be done or else. China is having far fewer deaths than the USA.

The USA is all about individual freedom. Everybody decides for him or herself how to handle the pandemic. The results are tragic.

In a fight which demands unity of approach, lack of it is disastrous.

Americans have always been willing to die for our freedom.

The pandemic has exemplified the uglier side of that.

What we need is for more people to coordinate with the government plan to fight the bug.

The more who comply, the better our result will be.

Non-compliance can lead to death. Death of the individual, or the deaths of family, friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens.

Do the right thing.