How to fix the Biden problem of aging....


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My mother is Biden's age, but she's as coherent and vibrant as any 50 year old. I never find conversations with her confusing, but she's not running a country. Its being reported that Biden over the last year or so has in fact had many moments of confusion and freezing up in mid conversations, we just never hear about it. Yet another example of failings the party is trying to cover up and hide. There is nothing and I mean nothing wrong with aging and having senior moments....however, IF YOU ARE RUNNING A NATION, GOVERNING THE MOST POWERFUL NATION IN THE WORLD, well, you have to do better, be better, act better and then more.

Biden should now, should come before the American Stupid, addressing, with full old people gear in play....having this man with these tiny fucking slinty eyes, barely able to see, let alone read shit, is just insane. I don't give a fuck how much BOTOX you squeeze into that forehead, Biden needs glasses, bifocal thick so he can fuckin see, that's number one. He also needs to be walking with the aide of a cane. You want to pimp it up, put a little bling on it, go for it, but Biden needs a cane. Once geared up, admit, yes America I am old and yes I'm having bad days, but let me tell you what I've been able to do for YOU....and its at this point, his accolades and accomplishments should be noted. Abortion rights, immigration, Israel and Urkrane and gun violence. If Biden can not achieve the most basics of communication to his base, than its dire that he step down and allow someone in the game to take his place.

This tough guy bullshit he's trying to muster up, no one is buying it. He should fire all his handlers and call on AARP consultants and learn how to be a fuckin old man, the proper way, with dignity and resolution. This country can not, must not allow Trump any where near the oval office ever again in our lifetime. To much is at stake
explain abortion rights for me please

he first was pissed they got rid of it - campaigned to return Roe v Wade

eventually the polls changed, so he did too

but he hasn't done a damn thing to brag on abortion as far as I can tell
explain abortion rights for me please

he first was pissed they got rid of it - campaigned to return Roe v Wade

eventually the polls changed, so he did too

but he hasn't done a damn thing to brag on abortion as far as I can tell
Thank you for your response....listen, I have to be frank with you...I can't stand the sound or sight of Biden, so I admit, what little he's done, other than whine about it, is all I see. Now that he has complete immunity, perhaps he can do something aggressive now. But I agree, I don't know of anything he's done so far.
Thank you for your response....listen, I have to be frank with you...I can't stand the sound or sight of Biden, so I admit, what little he's done, other than whine about it, is all I see. Now that he has complete immunity, perhaps he can do something aggressive now. But I agree, I don't know of anything he's done so far.
he has the same immunity he always has.

For instance, past presidents killed American Citizens they believed were aiding terrorists and were immune from prosecution

much like Biden's mental state, the media was totally silent on this. why the selective outrage now?
My mother is Biden's age, but she's as coherent and vibrant as any 50 year old. I never find conversations with her confusing, but she's not running a country. Its being reported that Biden over the last year or so has in fact had many moments of confusion and freezing up in mid conversations, we just never hear about it. Yet another example of failings the party is trying to cover up and hide. There is nothing and I mean nothing wrong with aging and having senior moments....however, IF YOU ARE RUNNING A NATION, GOVERNING THE MOST POWERFUL NATION IN THE WORLD, well, you have to do better, be better, act better and then more.

Biden should now, should come before the American Stupid, addressing, with full old people gear in play....having this man with these tiny fucking slinty eyes, barely able to see, let alone read shit, is just insane. I don't give a fuck how much BOTOX you squeeze into that forehead, Biden needs glasses, bifocal thick so he can fuckin see, that's number one. He also needs to be walking with the aide of a cane. You want to pimp it up, put a little bling on it, go for it, but Biden needs a cane. Once geared up, admit, yes America I am old and yes I'm having bad days, but let me tell you what I've been able to do for YOU....and its at this point, his accolades and accomplishments should be noted. Abortion rights, immigration, Israel and Urkrane and gun violence. If Biden can not achieve the most basics of communication to his base, than its dire that he step down and allow someone in the game to take his place.

This tough guy bullshit he's trying to muster up, no one is buying it. He should fire all his handlers and call on AARP consultants and learn how to be a fuckin old man, the proper way, with dignity and resolution. This country can not, must not allow Trump any where near the oval office ever again in our lifetime. To much is at stake
I think if Biden believed he had mental deficiencies, he would not be running. He is not like Trump and does not think the government exists to serve him. Biden has great and steady medical care. I am sure Biden has not been told he has mental problems.
The Supremes made a terrible decision that could radically change the country toward a dictatorship. Yet no reasonable person thought these powers would be dangerous with Biden in office. All the alarms were about what Trump would do with immunity.
he has the same immunity he always has.

For instance, past presidents killed American Citizens they believed were aiding terrorists and were immune from prosecution

much like Biden's mental state, the media was totally silent on this. why the selective outrage now?
1719952580590.png I am not outraged nor I said, I don't follow Biden like that, I didn't even watch the debates. I think what people found, was just how bad he was, like who knew this guy was this off the chain.
I think if Biden believed he had mental deficiencies, he would not be running. He is not like Trump and does not think the government exists to serve him. Biden has great and steady medical care. I am sure Biden has not been told he has mental problems.
The Supremes made a terrible decision that could radically change the country toward a dictatorship. Yet no reasonable person thought these powers would be dangerous with Biden in office. All the alarms were about what Trump would do with immunity.
Listen, Trump got unending cover ups while in office and we have the many many many tell all books to prove it. Biden is like most if not all these washed up old politicians in Washington, they don't ever want to leave. That's why this nation if it ever wants a return to normacy, we must, I repeat must inact TERM LIMITS...ITS THE ONLY SOLUTION. AND OUR SC SHOULD NOT BE FOREVER, THAT'S CRAZY....TERM LIMITS IS THE KEY HERE
View attachment 27524 I am not outraged nor I said, I don't follow Biden like that, I didn't even watch the debates. I think what people found, was just how bad he was, like who knew this guy was this off the chain.
I am frustrated and outraged that people just found out how bad he was.

the media - rather than shining a light into the inner workings as they should be doing, are actually trying to shield politicians from being exposed - but only one party gets this treatment. this is the best example of fascism you will ever see in your lifetime - where the media and one of the political parties works in tandem
So, you're voting for Trump again?
Hume, I am a straight shooter, I don't fluff up shit, just to get along. I am a equal opportunity hater of all parties. The sight of Trump makes me sick as does Biden. Two people who should leave politics and move on with thier lives. I am 65 years old, I want so bad to see a new generation of young people running this country, I'm sick of those who've been around when I was a teen...its not fair to them, this country or anybody. I voted for Reagan when I served the military in the 80's and after I got out and saw how fucked up our economy was with no jobs, I became a democrat but I found Obama to be effective but as always with the Dem's I am not a Independent and will vote for Biden bc I have no where else to go, but will do so holding my nose.

How to fix the Biden problem of aging....​

I am frustrated and outraged that people just found out how bad he was.

the media - rather than shining a light into the inner workings as they should be doing, are actually trying to shield politicians from being exposed - but only one party gets this treatment. this is the best example of fascism you will ever see in your lifetime - where the media and one of the political parties works in tandem
The media is all about money, money ratings and money.....Donald Dumb for 4 years was the most shielded president in US wasn't until the bastard lost that the books began to reveal just how fucked up crazy this man was.
Hume, I am a straight shooter, I don't fluff up shit, just to get along. I am a equal opportunity hater of all parties. The sight of Trump makes me sick as does Biden. Two people who should leave politics and move on with thier lives. I am 65 years old, I want so bad to see a new generation of young people running this country, I'm sick of those who've been around when I was a teen...its not fair to them, this country or anybody. I voted for Reagan when I served the military in the 80's and after I got out and saw how fucked up our economy was with no jobs, I became a democrat but I found Obama to be effective but as always with the Dem's I am not a Independent and will vote for Biden bc I have no where else to go, but will do so holding my nose.
Anyone who could vote for Reagan is a right winger.
The media is all about money, money ratings and money.....Donald Dumb for 4 years was the most shielded president in US wasn't until the bastard lost that the books began to reveal just how fucked up crazy this man was.
nonsense. he spent his term defending against Russian collusion. very fine people, kids in cages, and a bunch of other bullshit.

I see you have learned nothing and just get led around by those playing you
nonsense. he spent his term defending against Russian collusion. very fine people, kids in cages, and a bunch of other bullshit.

I see you have learned nothing and just get led around by those playing you
Sigh....this woke mentality you liberals have is exhausting.....Biden is a honest decent man, he's just too overwhelmed and fragile to continue on with being president...I don't make the damn news I just report get off my tits, will ya