How to Make a Negro Christian (posted by L.P. on Facebook)



RELIGION DEFINED ! John Henrik Clarke
Spirituality is a way of accepting the fact,that is a spiritual force in the universe" LARGER THAN ALL OF MAN KIND"... But someone had to come alone and invent a word called "GOD!

And someone had to say that other Gods,mine is better than yours, and someone had to create FAITH" some said I have the true Faith."



My main point here is that you are the child of God AND GOD IS A PART OF YOU" THEN IN YOUR IMAGINATION( MIND)GOD SUPPOSE TO LOOK LIKE YOU!..



About The Christian Black Codes of 1724 . The Christian Black Codes of 1724 are the resulting list of 54 Christian Protocols and Acts, written to augment and institutionalize the William Lynch Theories of ‘Suppression and Control Methodologies’. These socialization tools are generally referred to as, ‘The Black Codes’.​apps/blog/show/​4664494-christian-black-codes-o​f-1724 Christian black codes of 1724 Promulgated by Louis XIV in 1685, the Black Code ruled the black men slavery Article 2 All the slaves who will be in our islands will be baptized and educated in the catholic, apostolic and roman church. Order the inhabitants who buy Negroes newly arrived to inform the governor and quartermaster of the islands within eight days the latest, on pain of arbitrary fines; that will give order to baptize and educate them in adequate time. Article 14 The masters are required to bury in holy land in a cemeteries intended to this aim their baptized slaves; and for those who will die without receive baptism, they will be buried by night in some field close to where they’ll deceased. [NB: the black men “holy land” is quite different to the whites “holy land”.] Article 33 The slave, who hit his master, his mistress or his mistress husband or their children with contusion or bloodshed, or at the face, will be punished by death.​Slave_codes Religion and Slavery Except for the Society of Friends, all religious groups in America supported slavery. In the South black people were not usually allowed to attend church services. Those churches that did accept them would segregate them from white worshipers. One of the main reasons why masters did not want their slaves to become Christians involved the Bible. They feared that slaves might interpret the teachings of Jesus Christ as being in favour of equality. This was one of the main reasons why most plantation owners did what they could to stop their slaves from learning to read. Slaves were also forbidden from continuing with African religious rituals. Drums were also banned as overseers worried that they would be used to send messages. They were particularly concerned that they would be used to signal a slave uprising. Black people in the North were much more likely to attend church services. In 1794 Richard Allen founded the first church for black people in Philadelphia. Two years later Peter Williams, a wealthy tobacco merchant who felt unwelcome in the local Methodist Church, established a similar church in New York. In 1816 a group of churchmen led by Richard Allen formed the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Allen became the church's first bishop. Slaveholders hide themselves behind the church. A more praying, preaching, psalm-singing people cannot be found than the slaveholders at the south. The religion of the south is referred to every day, to prove that slaveholders are good, pious men. But with all their pretensions, and all the aid which they get from the northern church, they cannot succeed in deceiving the Christian portion of the world. Their child-robbing, man-stealing, woman-whipping, chain-forging, marriage-destroying, slave-manufacturing, man-slaying religion, will not be received as genuine; and the people of the free states cannot expect to live in union with slaveholders, without becoming contaminated with slavery. The American slave-trader, with the constitution in his hat and his license in his pocket, marches his gang of chained men and women under the very eaves of the nation's capitol. And this, too, in a country professing to be the freest nation in the world. They profess to be democrats, republicans, and to believe in the natural equality of men; that they are "all created with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." They call themselves a Christian nation; they rob three millions of their countrymen of their liberties, and then talk of their piety, their democracy, and their love of liberty. Slave Marriages Most slave-owners encouraged their slaves to marry. It was believed that married men was less likely to be rebellious or to run away. Some masters favoured marriage for religious reasons and it was in the interests of plantation owners for women to have children. Child-bearing started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women slaves would be expected to have four or five children. To encourage childbearing some plantation owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. Several slaves recorded in their autobiographies that they were reluctant to marry women from the same plantation. As John Anderson explained: "I did not want to marry a girl belonging to my own place, because I knew I could not bear to see her ill-treated." Moses Grandy agreed he wrote: "no colored man wishes to live at the house where his wife lives, for he has to endure the continual misery of seeing her flogged and abused without daring to say a word in her defence." As Henry Bibb pointed out: "If my wife must be exposed to the insults and licentious passions of wicked slave-drivers and overseers. Heaven forbid that I should be compelled to witness the sight." A study of slave records by the Freedmen's Bureau of 2,888 slave marriages in Mississippi (1,225), Tennessee (1,123) and Louisiana (540), revealed that over 32 per cent of marriages were dissolved by masters as a result of slaves being sold away from the family home. http://​​USASmarriage.htm Slave Breeding:The death-rate amongst slaves was high. To replace their losses, plantation owners encouraged the slaves to have children. Child-bearing started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women slaves would be expected to have four or five children. To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. Young women were often advertised for sale as "good breeding stock". To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. One slave trader from Virginia boasted that his successful breeding policies enabled him to sell 6,000 slave children a year. http://​​USASbreeding.htm Slave marriages and family ties were not recognized by American law. Any owner was free to sell husbands from wives, parents from children, and brothers from sisters. Many large slaveholders had numerous plantations and frequently shifted slaves, splitting families in the process. http://​​database/​article_display.cfm?HHID=76 House Slaves House slaves usually lived better than field slaves. They usually had better food and were sometimes given the family's cast-off clothing. However, not all slave-owners took this view, Harriet Jacobs reports that her mistress "would station herself in the kitchen, and wait till it was dished, and then spit in all the kettles and pans" to make sure that the slaves did not eat what was left over. Their living accommodation was also better than those of other slaves. In some cases the slaves were treated like the slave-owners children. When this happened close bonds of affection and friendship usually developed. Even though it was illegal, some house slaves were educated by the women in the family. Trusted house slaves who had provided good service over a long period of time were sometimes promised their freedom when their master's died. However, there are many cases where this promise was not kept. http://​​USASdomestic.htm Mulattoes Child-bearing amongst slaves started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women would be expected to have four or five children. To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. The fathers of these children were sometimes the slave-owner or his white friends. As slaves were the property of the plantation owner, the rape of a black woman by whites was not considered a crime. First-generation children of mixed race were called mulattoes. Some of the most important slave narratives were written by mulattoes. This included Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Moses Roper, Lewis Clarke and William Wells Brown. http://​​USAmulatto.htm

by: L.P.
[_] Loved it...
[X] Wall of Text
[X] Needs paragraphs

2 = The number of people who will read this, unless you add some paragraphs.


RELIGION DEFINED ! John Henrik Clarke
Spirituality is a way of accepting the fact,that is a spiritual force in the universe" LARGER THAN ALL OF MAN KIND"... But someone had to come alone and invent a word called "GOD!

And someone had to say that other Gods,mine is better than yours, and someone had to create FAITH" some said I have the true Faith."



My main point here is that you are the child of God AND GOD IS A PART OF YOU" THEN IN YOUR IMAGINATION( MIND)GOD SUPPOSE TO LOOK LIKE YOU!..


About The Christian Black Codes of 1724 . The Christian Black Codes of 1724 are the resulting list of 54 Christian Protocols and Acts, written to augment and institutionalize the William Lynch Theories of ‘Suppression and Control Methodologies’. These socialization tools are generally referred to as, ‘The Black Codes’.​apps/...o​f-1724 Christian black codes of 1724 Promulgated by Louis XIV in 1685, the Black Code ruled the black men.

slavery Article 2 All the slaves who will be in our islands will be baptized and educated in the catholic, apostolic and roman church. Order the inhabitants who buy Negroes newly arrived to inform the governor and quartermaster of the islands within eight days the latest, on pain of arbitrary fines; that will give order to baptize and educate them in adequate time.
Article 14 The masters are required to bury in holy land in a cemeteries intended to this aim their baptized slaves; and for those who will die without receive baptism, they will be buried by night in some field close to where they’ll deceased. [NB: the black men “holy land” is quite different to the whites “holy land”.]

Article 33 The slave, who hit his master, his mistress or his mistress husband or their children with contusion or bloodshed, or at the face, will be punished by death.​Slave_codes Religion and Slavery
Except for the Society of Friends, all religious groups in America supported slavery. In the South black people were not usually allowed to attend church services. Those churches that did accept them would segregate them from white worshipers. One of the main reasons why masters did not want their slaves to become Christians involved the Bible. They feared that slaves might interpret the teachings of Jesus Christ as being in favour of equality. This was one of the main reasons why most plantation owners did what they could to stop their slaves from learning to read. Slaves were also forbidden from continuing with African religious rituals. Drums were also banned as overseers worried that they would be used to send messages. They were particularly concerned that they would be used to signal a slave uprising.

Black people in the North were much more likely to attend church services. In 1794 Richard Allen founded the first church for black people in Philadelphia. Two years later Peter Williams, a wealthy tobacco merchant who felt unwelcome in the local Methodist Church, established a similar church in New York. In 1816 a group of churchmen led by Richard Allen formed the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Allen became the church's first bishop. Slaveholders hide themselves behind the church. A more praying, preaching, psalm-singing people cannot be found than the slaveholders at the south. The religion of the south is referred to every day, to prove that slaveholders are good, pious men. But with all their pretensions, and all the aid which they get from the northern church, they cannot succeed in deceiving the Christian portion of the world. Their child-robbing, man-stealing, woman-whipping, chain-forging, marriage-destroying, slave-manufacturing, man-slaying religion, will not be received as genuine; and the people of the free states cannot expect to live in union with slaveholders, without becoming contaminated with slavery.

The American slave-trader, with the constitution in his hat and his license in his pocket, marches his gang of chained men and women under the very eaves of the nation's capitol. And this, too, in a country professing to be the freest nation in the world. They profess to be democrats, republicans, and to believe in the natural equality of men; that they are "all created with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." They call themselves a Christian nation; they rob three millions of their countrymen of their liberties, and then talk of their piety, their democracy, and their love of liberty.

Slave Marriages
Most slave-owners encouraged their slaves to marry. It was believed that married men was less likely to be rebellious or to run away. Some masters favoured marriage for religious reasons and it was in the interests of plantation owners for women to have children. Child-bearing started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women slaves would be expected to have four or five children. To encourage childbearing some plantation owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. Several slaves recorded in their autobiographies that they were reluctant to marry women from the same plantation. As John Anderson explained: "I did not want to marry a girl belonging to my own place, because I knew I could not bear to see her ill-treated." Moses Grandy agreed he wrote: "no colored man wishes to live at the house where his wife lives, for he has to endure the continual misery of seeing her flogged and abused without daring to say a word in her defence." As Henry Bibb pointed out: "If my wife must be exposed to the insults and licentious passions of wicked slave-drivers and overseers. Heaven forbid that I should be compelled to witness the sight." A study of slave records by the Freedmen's Bureau of 2,888 slave marriages in Mississippi (1,225), Tennessee (1,123) and Louisiana (540), revealed that over 32 per cent of marriages were dissolved by masters as a result of slaves being sold away from the family home.

Slave Breeding:The death-rate amongst slaves was high. To replace their losses, plantation owners encouraged the slaves to have children. Child-bearing started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women slaves would be expected to have four or five children. To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. Young women were often advertised for sale as "good breeding stock". To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. One slave trader from Virginia boasted that his successful breeding policies enabled him to sell 6,000 slave children a year.

Slave marriages and family ties were not recognized by American law. Any owner was free to sell husbands from wives, parents from children, and brothers from sisters. Many large slaveholders had numerous plantations and frequently shifted slaves, splitting families in the process.

http://​​d...ay.cfm?HHID=76 House Slaves
House slaves usually lived better than field slaves. They usually had better food and were sometimes given the family's cast-off clothing. However, not all slave-owners took this view, Harriet Jacobs reports that her mistress "would station herself in the kitchen, and wait till it was dished, and then spit in all the kettles and pans" to make sure that the slaves did not eat what was left over. Their living accommodation was also better than those of other slaves. In some cases the slaves were treated like the slave-owners children. When this happened close bonds of affection and friendship usually developed. Even though it was illegal, some house slaves were educated by the women in the family. Trusted house slaves who had provided good service over a long period of time were sometimes promised their freedom when their master's died. However, there are many cases where this promise was not kept.

http://​​USASdomestic.htm Mulattoes
Child-bearing amongst slaves started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women would be expected to have four or five children. To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. The fathers of these children were sometimes the slave-owner or his white friends. As slaves were the property of the plantation owner, the rape of a black woman by whites was not considered a crime. First-generation children of mixed race were called mulattoes. Some of the most important slave narratives were written by mulattoes. This included Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Moses Roper, Lewis Clarke and William Wells Brown.
6,000 per year? I hope he exaggerated, but fear he didn't.

Slavery was one of the grossest misapplication of the ideals of freedom on which this nation was founded that ever existed and ever will, along with the treatment of the Native Americans, and ethnic camps (including Germans and Italians) during WWII, it should never be forgotten.
Crap, don't let me forget the treatment of women, the last to receive the right to vote in a nation built on "equality"...

RELIGION DEFINED ! John Henrik Clarke
Spirituality is a way of accepting the fact,that is a spiritual force in the universe" LARGER THAN ALL OF MAN KIND"... But someone had to come alone and invent a word called "GOD!

And someone had to say that other Gods,mine is better than yours, and someone had to create FAITH" some said I have the true Faith."



My main point here is that you are the child of God AND GOD IS A PART OF YOU" THEN IN YOUR IMAGINATION( MIND)GOD SUPPOSE TO LOOK LIKE YOU!..



About The Christian Black Codes of 1724 . The Christian Black Codes of 1724 are the resulting list of 54 Christian Protocols and Acts, written to augment and institutionalize the William Lynch Theories of ‘Suppression and Control Methodologies’. These socialization tools are generally referred to as, ‘The Black Codes’.​apps/blog/show/​4664494-christian-black-codes-o​f-1724 Christian black codes of 1724 Promulgated by Louis XIV in 1685, the Black Code ruled the black men slavery Article 2 All the slaves who will be in our islands will be baptized and educated in the catholic, apostolic and roman church. Order the inhabitants who buy Negroes newly arrived to inform the governor and quartermaster of the islands within eight days the latest, on pain of arbitrary fines; that will give order to baptize and educate them in adequate time. Article 14 The masters are required to bury in holy land in a cemeteries intended to this aim their baptized slaves; and for those who will die without receive baptism, they will be buried by night in some field close to where they’ll deceased. [NB: the black men “holy land” is quite different to the whites “holy land”.] Article 33 The slave, who hit his master, his mistress or his mistress husband or their children with contusion or bloodshed, or at the face, will be punished by death.​Slave_codes Religion and Slavery Except for the Society of Friends, all religious groups in America supported slavery. In the South black people were not usually allowed to attend church services. Those churches that did accept them would segregate them from white worshipers. One of the main reasons why masters did not want their slaves to become Christians involved the Bible. They feared that slaves might interpret the teachings of Jesus Christ as being in favour of equality. This was one of the main reasons why most plantation owners did what they could to stop their slaves from learning to read. Slaves were also forbidden from continuing with African religious rituals. Drums were also banned as overseers worried that they would be used to send messages. They were particularly concerned that they would be used to signal a slave uprising. Black people in the North were much more likely to attend church services. In 1794 Richard Allen founded the first church for black people in Philadelphia. Two years later Peter Williams, a wealthy tobacco merchant who felt unwelcome in the local Methodist Church, established a similar church in New York. In 1816 a group of churchmen led by Richard Allen formed the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Allen became the church's first bishop. Slaveholders hide themselves behind the church. A more praying, preaching, psalm-singing people cannot be found than the slaveholders at the south. The religion of the south is referred to every day, to prove that slaveholders are good, pious men. But with all their pretensions, and all the aid which they get from the northern church, they cannot succeed in deceiving the Christian portion of the world. Their child-robbing, man-stealing, woman-whipping, chain-forging, marriage-destroying, slave-manufacturing, man-slaying religion, will not be received as genuine; and the people of the free states cannot expect to live in union with slaveholders, without becoming contaminated with slavery. The American slave-trader, with the constitution in his hat and his license in his pocket, marches his gang of chained men and women under the very eaves of the nation's capitol. And this, too, in a country professing to be the freest nation in the world. They profess to be democrats, republicans, and to believe in the natural equality of men; that they are "all created with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." They call themselves a Christian nation; they rob three millions of their countrymen of their liberties, and then talk of their piety, their democracy, and their love of liberty. Slave Marriages Most slave-owners encouraged their slaves to marry. It was believed that married men was less likely to be rebellious or to run away. Some masters favoured marriage for religious reasons and it was in the interests of plantation owners for women to have children. Child-bearing started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women slaves would be expected to have four or five children. To encourage childbearing some plantation owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. Several slaves recorded in their autobiographies that they were reluctant to marry women from the same plantation. As John Anderson explained: "I did not want to marry a girl belonging to my own place, because I knew I could not bear to see her ill-treated." Moses Grandy agreed he wrote: "no colored man wishes to live at the house where his wife lives, for he has to endure the continual misery of seeing her flogged and abused without daring to say a word in her defence." As Henry Bibb pointed out: "If my wife must be exposed to the insults and licentious passions of wicked slave-drivers and overseers. Heaven forbid that I should be compelled to witness the sight." A study of slave records by the Freedmen's Bureau of 2,888 slave marriages in Mississippi (1,225), Tennessee (1,123) and Louisiana (540), revealed that over 32 per cent of marriages were dissolved by masters as a result of slaves being sold away from the family home. http://​​USASmarriage.htm Slave Breeding:The death-rate amongst slaves was high. To replace their losses, plantation owners encouraged the slaves to have children. Child-bearing started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women slaves would be expected to have four or five children. To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. Young women were often advertised for sale as "good breeding stock". To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. One slave trader from Virginia boasted that his successful breeding policies enabled him to sell 6,000 slave children a year. http://​​USASbreeding.htm Slave marriages and family ties were not recognized by American law. Any owner was free to sell husbands from wives, parents from children, and brothers from sisters. Many large slaveholders had numerous plantations and frequently shifted slaves, splitting families in the process. http://​​database/​article_display.cfm?HHID=76 House Slaves House slaves usually lived better than field slaves. They usually had better food and were sometimes given the family's cast-off clothing. However, not all slave-owners took this view, Harriet Jacobs reports that her mistress "would station herself in the kitchen, and wait till it was dished, and then spit in all the kettles and pans" to make sure that the slaves did not eat what was left over. Their living accommodation was also better than those of other slaves. In some cases the slaves were treated like the slave-owners children. When this happened close bonds of affection and friendship usually developed. Even though it was illegal, some house slaves were educated by the women in the family. Trusted house slaves who had provided good service over a long period of time were sometimes promised their freedom when their master's died. However, there are many cases where this promise was not kept. http://​​USASdomestic.htm Mulattoes Child-bearing amongst slaves started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women would be expected to have four or five children. To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. The fathers of these children were sometimes the slave-owner or his white friends. As slaves were the property of the plantation owner, the rape of a black woman by whites was not considered a crime. First-generation children of mixed race were called mulattoes. Some of the most important slave narratives were written by mulattoes. This included Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Moses Roper, Lewis Clarke and William Wells Brown. http://​​USAmulatto.htm

by: L.P.

It is shocking and shameful.
Right up the board racists alleys. They're probably yearning for the "good ol' days", when blacks were seen( working) and not heard. I'm here now.


I am yearning for the good old days when blacks were seen working, instead of robbing and raping and living off the government like you do now.

I am yearning for the good old days when blacks were seen working, instead of robbing and raping and living off the government like you do now.

There you go, talking about your family values again. Robbing and raping and "laying up", seem to be "white enterprises" least for some.

I have never "robbed", "raped", and I worked for everything I have. You?
Right up the board racists alleys. They're probably yearning for the "good ol' days", when blacks were seen( working) and not heard. I'm here now.

Oh my yes. You're such a freedom fighter, you big manly man.
Someone wrote "How to Make Negros Into Democrats" and it was very successful.

When ever a word has "o" as an ending, to make it plural you add "es", you dummie. And Negroes are going to stay Democrats, for the most part. Jealous?
Again, an irrelevant and nonsensical response from one of the resident racists and bigots.
6,000 per year? I hope he exaggerated, but fear he didn't.

Slavery was one of the grossest misapplication of the ideals of freedom on which this nation was founded that ever existed and ever will, along with the treatment of the Native Americans, and ethnic camps (including Germans and Italians) during WWII, it should never be forgotten.

The Germans probably deserved it.
One of my great uncles was in the camp at Georgetown, while my grandfather fought in the war in Europe. The Grandfather that later adopted my father...

And, of course, the Italians would just be running around conducting mob activities and harming the general public, so we might as well have locked them up as well, but they are decended from a great history, while the Germans will always be a barbarian horde. This is why almost 1/4 of me wants to run around destroying all of the civilized things in my vicinity.
When ever a word has "o" as an ending, to make it plural you add "es", you dummie. And Negroes are going to stay Democrats, for the most part. Jealous?
Again, an irrelevant and nonsensical response from one of the resident racists and bigots.

Like just about everything in English there are exceptions, mangos, pedalos and innuendos spring to mind.
When ever a word has "o" as an ending, to make it plural you add "es", you dummie. And Negroes are going to stay Democrats, for the most part. Jealous?
Again, an irrelevant and nonsensical response from one of the resident racists and bigots.

Jealous of what? That you've become dependent on your former slavers?