How to raise a kid.

I spanked mine once or twice before they turned 5 not for misbehaving but for doing something dangerous that they had been told not to do.. After that we just talked to them. They were pretty good kids.

Not all kids are the same. Some need to stick their hand in the fire, even though you warned them. Some kids need to be spanked. Some don't. But they all need discipline.
There is one thing you can do to help ensure you raise your kid to be a responsible adult. When they get to that age when they start to cry for attention, or because they don't get their way, give them a good spanking. Repeat as often as necessary. If you do this, your child will, more than likely, turn out better than they would have. At the very least, they will not grow up to be a whiny liberal. Trust me. It works.

This is child abuse you fucking idiot
There is one thing you can do to help ensure you raise your kid to be a responsible adult. When they get to that age when they start to cry for attention, or because they don't get their way, give them a good spanking. Repeat as often as necessary. If you do this, your child will, more than likely, turn out better than they would have. At the very least, they will not grow up to be a whiny liberal. Trust me. It works.

The best way to raise a kid is to not pay any attention to anyone who tells you how to raise a kid.
I fully support the spanking of girls though, so they can grow up to be strippers with daddy issues.
There is one thing you can do to help ensure you raise your kid to be a responsible adult. When they get to that age when they start to cry for attention, or because they don't get their way, give them a good spanking. Repeat as often as necessary. If you do this, your child will, more than likely, turn out better than they would have. At the very least, they will not grow up to be a whiny liberal. Trust me. It works.

Saving the duct tape you otherwise would put over their mouths for the good stuff like repairing the trailer roof?
Spanking is necessary between the ages of about 2-6 because kids can't understand reason, and the impact on their actions on time and money. Just like liberals.