How to Run for President as a Republican.


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Up until the nomination..

Utter these words as much as possible... "Cut Taxes on the Rich", Ban Abortion", "American Values", "God", "Public Prayer", "intelligent design" and vaguely suggest that the leading Democrat is un-American and does not understand our values.

After the Nomination...

Utter these words, "American Flag", "Cut Taxes", "limit abortion", "American Values", "God", "Prayer", "elitism", Trash higher education and never acknowledge that you graduated from "Yale or Harvard", "lower gas, and grocery prices", if possible demonize a foreign enemy and call the Democrat soft on that enemy who is threatening the "American Values". (This is a bonus because you can say "American values" a few times while doing so.)
They will, they simply got burned by falling for GWB's LOGO campaign.

That burn will fade and another (prob another Bush) will be successful at the logo method of campaigning.
When I was a kid I ran for 6th grade class president.

My good friend also ran, we gave very similar speeches, but he someone shoot off fireworks after his speech, he won big time.
When I was a kid I ran for 6th grade class president.

My good friend also ran, we gave very similar speeches, but he someone shoot off fireworks after his speech, he won big time.

I gave everyone bubble gum, whole class of takers, lol
I do believe that the internet has made being informed easier if you want to be informed, but it also makes lying easier... remember all the email forwards claiming Obama was a communist, athist, AlQueda, Muslim, in support of the terrorists?
Free stuff?

jesus you people are stupid and sociopathic

What do you call it when you get something you didn't earn? Didn't Rana just say she "gave" them bubblegum? So she bought the election with free stuff. Don't blame me sugar tits. I am just going by waht Rana said
then prove the correlation was what you claim it was.

jumping to conlusions without proof is why zimmy killed his neighbors kid for nothing
everyone loves Santa Claus. that is why it is always easier to win as a democrat because they promise to give away free stuff

The Republians are promising free stuff. What do you think Lowering Taxes is when you don't propose any spending cuts.
Jarod you forgot to have the candidate say that he is a decorated Vietnam combat veteran with three Purple Hearts.
everyone loves Santa Claus. that is why it is always easier to win as a democrat because they promise to give away free stuff

Free stuff?

Sure, free stuff. Like this:

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the Republican leadership’s tether to the Tea Party, flutters the hearts of the government-bashing, budget-slicing faithful with his relentless attacks on runaway federal spending. To Cantor, an $8 billion high-speed rail connecting Las Vegas to Disneyland is wasteful “pork-barrel spending.” The Virginia Republican set up the “You Cut” Web site to demonstrate how easy it is to slash government programs. And he made the Department of Housing and Urban Development the poster child for waste when he disclosed that the agency was paying for housing for Ph.D.s.

But away from the cameras, Cantor sometimes pulls right up to the spending trough, including the very stimulus law he panned in public. Letters obtained by Newsweek show him pressing the Transportation Department to spend nearly $3 billion in stimulus money on a high-speed-rail project—not the one he derided in Nevada, but another in his home state. “Virginia ... will demonstrate that this historic investment in rail will create jobs, reduce congestion, spur economic growth and improve our environment,” says a letter he signed with other Virginia members in October 2009, cribbing President Obama’s own argument for the stimulus.

Cantor signed several such letters, including an earlier one seeking rail funds a month after he went on national television attacking the Vegas project. He also signed a letter in October 2009 seeking $60 million to build commercial ships, some likely along Virginia’s coastline. As for his bashing of HUD, until last year he owned as much as $50,000 in preferred stock in a real-estate company that receives federal housing assistance from the department.

As the government showdown over debt continues—the so-called congressional supercommittee negotiating cuts has been floundering for weeks—Newsweek found about five dozen of the most fiscally conservative Republicans, from Tea Party freshmen like Allen West to anti-spending presidential candidates like Rick Perry and Ron Paul, trying to gobble up the very largesse they publicly disown, in the time-honored, budget-busting tradition of bringing home the bacon for local constituents.

There's a lot more out there, Twinkie Lover. Wanna see?
you should be so yellow. You were too frightened to ever put yourself in harm's way.

John Kerry chose the Navy, and specifically the swift boats, because he thought it offered the least chance for him to be anywhere near land. Yeah, he was yellow.
More yellow than YOU? You couldn't muster the courage to even raise your hand in peacetime, you cowardly pussy.... Let alone when doing so was a sure bet to place yourself in harm's way. Shame on ALL You cowardly armchair warriors who would disparage the service of anyone who volunteered to serve when you were too chickenshit to do so. You make me sick.