How to Run for President as a Republican.

It would have been a waste of my talent to enlist during peacetime. Although I could have burdened the government with the cost of my education. Is that what you did?
John Kerry chose the Navy, and specifically the swift boats, because he thought it offered the least chance for him to be anywhere near land. Yeah, he was yellow.

John Kerry went to Vietnam, he did not use his political connections to get him into the Alabama National Guard. He did win Purple Harts.

I consider that service Heroic.
John Kerry went to Vietnam, he did not use his political connections to get him into the Alabama National Guard. He did win Purple Harts.

I consider that service Heroic.
What I said was exactly true. Since you mentioned it, at least two of those Purple Hearts were obtained through nefarious means. Then he took advantage of a little-used rule, three and you're out, to get discharged after a mere four months of service. Not exactly a profile in courage...
It would have been a waste of my talent to enlist during peacetime. Although I could have burdened the government with the cost of my education. Is that what you did? once again:

John Kerry DID serve...but to you he's still a coward.

Y-O-U DID NOT serve...which means we can logically conclude that you are an even BIGGER coward than those who DID serve. once again:

John Kerry DID serve...but to you he's still a coward.

Y-O-U DID NOT serve...which means we can logically conclude that you are an even BIGGER coward than those who DID serve.
Zippy, I never said he was a coward for serving. He was a coward for the way that he served.

You're not too swift at this logic game...
What I said was exactly true. Since you mentioned it, at least two of those Purple Hearts were obtained through nefarious means. Then he took advantage of a little-used rule, three and you're out, to get discharged after a mere four months of service. Not exactly a profile in courage...

And yet STILL a better profile in courage than you displayed during the Vietnam war.
John Kerry chose the Navy, and specifically the swift boats, because he thought it offered the least chance for him to be anywhere near land. Yeah, he was yellow.

Bullshit. It's far more honorable than John McCain, who lived the life of luxury and singing like a bird while his fellow soldiers were being starved, beaten and tortured. Thanks, Daddy!

It would have been a waste of my talent to enlist during peacetime. Although I could have burdened the government with the cost of my education. Is that what you did?

So now the GI Bill is a "burden" to the government? I'm not surprised you feel that way, given the fact that you're a coward and cheat.

Just think, however, of all the Twinkies you could have had if you joined the military.
What I said was exactly true. Since you mentioned it, at least two of those Purple Hearts were obtained through nefarious means. Then he took advantage of a little-used rule, three and you're out, to get discharged after a mere four months of service. Not exactly a profile in courage...

What were the naferious means?
Must we go over this again? His commanding officer rejected at least one. At least one was self-inflicted. At least one required nothing more than a band aid.
and decades later, the official navy awards board said that none on Kerry's medals were inappropriately awarded. Imagine that.
Do you agree with Skippy Dick that a POW camp is 'luxurious'?
. Not at all. John McCain is every bit as heroic in my estimation as John Kerry is, even though he was not awarded medals for bravery like Kerry was. That is something that the right always looks really silly bringing up, in my estimation..... John Kerry was awarded the Bronze Star and the fucking Silver Star, yet those faux patriots on the right would rather glorify a Texas rich kid who used his daddy's connections to avoid Vietnam, and who disobeyed a direct order to report for his annual required flight physical the very year that the DoD started doing drug testing as a part of thse physicals. He never flew again and he never reported for duty again, but chickenshit fake flag waving assholes like DY still attack a real hero like Kerry and give assholes like Bush a free ride just because of their party. They are all nothing better than traitors, in my opinion, and a simple firing squad is the preferred resolution to the problem of their using good air.
and decades later, the official navy awards board said that none on Kerry's medals were inappropriately awarded. Imagine that.

Isn't it amazing that a man of privilege and power can cleanse his old records like that. How come he didn't make all of his records public like Bush did?
Isn't it amazing that a man of privilege and power can cleanse his old records like that. How come he didn't make all of his records public like Bush did?
actually, Kerry's military records were all released.... To the newspaper of record in the state capital of his state of residence. Oddly enough, during the Bush administration, the DoD was unable to locate a large portion of Dubya's military service records in the national guard archives... Including all documentation of the Texas Air National Guard's official response to Dubya's disobeying the direct order to report for his annual flight physical. Hmmmmm.... and that happened to be the first year that drug urinalysis was included in annual flight physicals. Coincidence? I think not.