How to Run for President as a Republican.

What I advocate is the GOP getting its shit together so that we DON'T become a one party country. but the right has to be willing to compromise... If they can't learn how to come to the middle and try to find public policy solutions that are acceptable to both sides of the fence, they are going to self destruct, imo.

How about this, the Democrat Party can have the entire federal government. All the elected GOP members of Congress will go home. In return though, the states can opt out and their citizens will no longer have to pay federal taxes. A clean break.
How about this, the Democrat Party can have the entire federal government. All the elected GOP members of Congress will go home. In return though, the states can opt out and their citizens will no longer have to pay federal taxes. A clean break.

That's not how our government was set up. Boo hoo for you.

Go make your own country.
No, you want the GOP to cave in and kowtow to every fucking thing you shitheads throw at us. It is the GOP's job to oppose the enemy Dumbocrats at every turn.
and you do that, big boy.... And, before you know it, the blacks and hispanics and the rest of the democrats will have YOUR sorry ass sitting at the back of the bus swallowing everything we feed you.
Did YOU serve, by the way, PiMP?

actually, prostitute, I know that we've already reached that level of camaraderie that permits us to jokingly refer to each other as workers in the sex industry, but I seriously doubt that I want an asshole such as yourself to have any personal information about me.......
see?.....even when I refuse to answer, liberals use it as an insult......

Actually, you hide behind the anonymity of a message board to insult ppl and when asked what branch of service you were in you cry about it?
Actually, it's exactly how the federal government was set up.

Sure...give me another Jefferson quote to disprove there Twinkie lover. He may have envisioned it but it didn't happen. Boo hoo for you and him.

lol. Dumbfuck. From your link:

Whatever the status of the states when they entered the Union, they perpetually gave up important attributes of sovereignty in doing so. Among these was--and is--a right of unilateral secession.

In this view, it is significant that Article VII sets out the provision for original ratification, and that Article IV empowers Congress to admit new States, but that no provision of the Constitution authorizes a state to leave the Union. The juxtaposition of what the Constitution says about states entering the Union and what it does not say about them leaving, indicates that the door to the Union swings in but not out.

Be sure to hang around for my next thread. You'll love it!
lol. Dumbfuck. From your link:

Whatever the status of the states when they entered the Union, they perpetually gave up important attributes of sovereignty in doing so. Among these was--and is--a right of unilateral secession.

Be sure to hang around for my next thread. You'll love it!

Nothing you posted negates this part of the article, that you ignored: " is settled law that the Constitution does not permit unilateral secession: A state or group of states cannot simply leave the Union over the objections of the national government. However, the arguments that led to this settled understanding are hardly unassailable, and the Constitution is probably best read as permitting the mutually agreed upon departure of one or more states."
I think it would be awesome for The South to leave, from Texas to Virginia. We'd control the flow of petrol to the northeast and impose some nice tariffs...
and you do that, big boy.... And, before you know it, the blacks and hispanics and the rest of the democrats will have YOUR sorry ass sitting at the back of the bus swallowing everything we feed you.
Which is exactly what you and the rest of your treasonous filth want. Total tyranny.