How to Run for President as a Republican.

And there was no cleansing in Kerry's case. All of his records were made available and all of the documentation for all of his medals was present and available for the awards board to fully review. Bush's DoD said that Kerry earned every one of his medals, and, therefore, he deserves the gratitude of every American for his heroic service in harm's way on our behalf. Traitors like you would not offer him such... You should be shot.
actually, Kerry's military records were all released.... To the newspaper of record in the state capital of his state of residence. Oddly enough, during the Bush administration, the DoD was unable to locate a large portion of Dubya's military service records in the national guard archives... Including all documentation of the Texas Air National Guard's official response to Dubya's disobeying the direct order to report for his annual flight physical. Hmmmmm.... and that happened to be the first year that drug urinalysis was included in annual flight physicals. Coincidence? I think not.

When you trust GovCo to manage even a simple task like record keeping they fail. That's not Bush's fault.

Funny how Kerry didn't release his records to the public though, just his partner in crime at his local rag.
When you trust GovCo to manage even a simple task like record keeping they fail. That's not Bush's fault.

Funny how Kerry didn't release his records to the public though, just his partner in crime at his local rag.
funny how the incriminating documentation about TANG's handling of Dubya directly disobeying an order to report for a flight physical was somehow conveniently "misplaced" when questions started being raised about it during his first term. Contrast that with the fact that all Kerry's records were searchable on the Globe's website.
Must we go over this again? His commanding officer rejected at least one. At least one was self-inflicted. At least one required nothing more than a band aid.

Those are not about the means by wich he got the purple harts? The first is a simple fact which in and of its self, if true, is not nefarous. The Second, even if true, is not a factor when considering purple hart awards. The third, even if true, is not a factor when considering purple hart awards.

'But these claims of yours are NOT TRUE, they are simply lies made up by a group that was out to sink John Kerrys presidnetal asperations.
This is how the right treats war heros.

they don't give a damn about service they only love the troops when it serves their poltical purposes which usually involves worshipping war and the money it makes them.
Those are not about the means by wich he got the purple harts? The first is a simple fact which in and of its self, if true, is not nefarous. The Second, even if true, is not a factor when considering purple hart awards. The third, even if true, is not a factor when considering purple hart awards.

'But these claims of yours are NOT TRUE, they are simply lies made up by a group that was out to sink John Kerrys presidnetal asperations.
It's nefarious because he went around his CO and got the medal anyway. So you think blowing up a pile of rice and being so stupid to have a piece of rice burn your ass, or another which was nothing more than a scratch deserves a Purple Heart? Most men would be ashamed to do that since it belittles real war injuries.
This is how the
treats war heros.

they don't give a damn about service they only love the troops when it serves their poltical purposes which usually involves worshipping war and the money it makes them.​

...John McCain, who lived the life of luxury and singing like a bird while his fellow soldiers were being starved, beaten and tortured. Thanks, Daddy!
It's nefarious because he went around his CO and got the medal anyway. So you think blowing up a pile of rice and being so stupid to have a piece of rice burn your ass, or another which was nothing more than a scratch deserves a Purple Heart? Most men would be ashamed to do that since it belittles real war injuries.

I do not belive those allegations are true, I do not know the requirement for a purple hart, but if he met the requirements I dont care how he was injured.

Now, I do agree that having recieved a purple hart is not important when determining if the person would be a good president. I do find it funny that Kerry was bashed for how he recieved his purple harts while running against George W. Bush who was able to get himself into the Alabama National Guard and keep himself out of harms way.
I do not belive those allegations are true, I do not know the requirement for a purple hart, but if he met the requirements I dont care how he was injured.

Now, I do agree that having recieved a purple hart is not important when determining if the person would be a good president. I do find it funny that Kerry was bashed for how he recieved his purple harts while running against George W. Bush who was able to get himself into the Alabama National Guard and keep himself out of harms way.

Kerry joined the Swifties because he believed it would keep him from harm's way. So he did the same thing that you bash Bush for, but he failed. So he got out by nefarious means, and you like that.
Actually, Kerry didn't run away from anything. he served - with extraordinary bravery and courage... He was awarded the bronze star AND the silver star the third and fourth highest awards for battlefield bravery....he was wounded three times - and then he was transferred out. He saw more action in Vietnam while he was there than some supply clerk at Cam Ranh Bay saw in two years in country.

Bush, on the other hand, used political pull to bump his way to the head of the line for a cushy TANG position, he requested to be trained on an aircraft that he KNEW would never deploy out of CONUS, and then, he disobeyed a direct order to report for his annual flight physical, lost his flight status, and disappeared from the TANG and the documentation as to WHY he wasn't disciplined for that somehow disappeared along about 2004.
Actually, Kerry didn't run away from anything. he served - with extraordinary bravery and courage... He was awarded the bronze star AND the silver star the third and fourth highest awards for battlefield bravery....he was wounded three times - and then he was transferred out. He saw more action in Vietnam while he was there than some supply clerk at Cam Ranh Bay saw in two years in country.

Bush, on the other hand, used political pull to bump his way to the head of the line for a cushy TANG position, he requested to be trained on an aircraft that he KNEW would never deploy out of CONUS, and then, he disobeyed a direct order to report for his annual flight physical, lost his flight status, and disappeared from the TANG and the documentation as to WHY he wasn't disciplined for that somehow disappeared along about 2004.
You still buy into that shit that Dan Blather lost his cushy job at CBS over?? Talk about desperation from the Left.
and what would I be desperate about? My guy beat your guy the last two elections. The demographic trends show that the GOP is going to continue to get less and less of a share of the electorate as the white population declines and the black, hispanic and asian polulations increase. You old angry conservative white guys are the ones who ought to be feeling desperate!
