How to Run for President as a Republican.

and what would I be desperate about? My guy beat your guy the last two elections. The demographic trends show that the GOP is going to continue to get less and less of a share of the electorate as the white population declines and the black, hispanic and asian polulations increase. You old angry conservative white guys are the ones who ought to be feeling desperate!

Is that what you really want? Zero conservatives in the US? My how totalitarian of you.
. Totalitarian? hardly. If you all can figure out a way to capture the imaginations of the electorate, more power (literally) to ya. If not, I could give a shit.
No it is very totalitarian as all Communist shits like you are. We need a strong Conservative base in the US to defeat the Leftism you espouse. once again:

John Kerry DID serve...but to you he's still a coward.

Y-O-U DID NOT serve...which means we can logically conclude that you are an even BIGGER coward than those who DID serve.

So many chickenshit righty pols that the haters here can only lie about Kerry and the others who actually served. A sleazy ploy to distract attention from their cowardly ilk.
actually, Kerry's military records were all released.... To the newspaper of record in the state capital of his state of residence. Oddly enough, during the Bush administration, the DoD was unable to locate a large portion of Dubya's military service records in the national guard archives... Including all documentation of the Texas Air National Guard's official response to Dubya's disobeying the direct order to report for his annual flight physical. Hmmmmm.... and that happened to be the first year that drug urinalysis was included in annual flight physicals. Coincidence? I think not.

Back in 2004 we were arguing this on AOL and Kerry's military records were definitely all released. I can remember linking to them when arguing with some of the brain-dead righties on that board. I also remember the BDR's claiming Kerry's discharge was less than honorable.
funny how the incriminating documentation about TANG's handling of Dubya directly disobeying an order to report for a flight physical was somehow conveniently "misplaced" when questions started being raised about it during his first term. Contrast that with the fact that all Kerry's records were searchable on the Globe's website.

You're right, he's wrong. End of story.
Back in 2004 we were arguing this on AOL and Kerry's military records were definitely all released. I can remember linking to them when arguing with some of the brain-dead righties on that board. I also remember the BDR's claiming Kerry's discharge was less than honorable.

Gee I don't see them anywhere now. Why would such important records not still be available?
Military Records of Lieutenant (Junior Grade) John F. Kerry for U.S. Navy Military Service During The Vietnam War, 1968 - 1969 Note: Kerry was promoted to (Full) Lieutenant on Jan. 1, 1970 prior to requesting a discharge
Military Records of Lieutenant (Junior Grade) John F. Kerry for U.S. Navy Military Service During The Vietnam War, 1968 - 1969 Note: Kerry was promoted to (Full) Lieutenant on Jan. 1, 1970 prior to requesting a discharge

What? It's out there all in public? anyone can browse them from their own PC? available to anyone who cares to look? IT MUST BE A COVERUP!!! {grin}
Ahh, so you, Tekky, and all the other Leftist turds advocate one party rule. You are still a totalitarian scumbag.

What I advocate is the GOP getting its shit together so that we DON'T become a one party country. but the right has to be willing to compromise... If they can't learn how to come to the middle and try to find public policy solutions that are acceptable to both sides of the fence, they are going to self destruct, imo.
that guy who threw war hero decorations over a fence because he wanted to tell this country "up yours" wanted this country to make him president because he got war hero decorations.....

The guy who wisely disagreed with the stupid war in Vietnam that cost us 55K from my generation, was still proud to have served. His actions were in protest to a terribly wrong war.

Did YOU serve, by the way, PiMP?
What? It's out there all in public? anyone can browse them from their own PC? available to anyone who cares to look? IT MUST BE A COVERUP!!! {grin}

Check the bush records. What a guy, huh!

1. Order to report for annual physical examination.

2. Suspension of flight status due to failure to perform due to USAF/TexANG standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (flight) as ordered.

3. Phone call from bush on discussing options on how bush can get out of coming to drill from now through November.

4. Memo to the file from Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian titled "CYA", expressing concerning about "having trouble running interference and doing my job" concerning Bush's status, and that his superior officer, Col. Walter B. Staudt, was "pushing to sugar coat" Bush's officer evaluation.
What I advocate is the GOP getting its shit together so that we DON'T become a one party country. but the right has to be willing to compromise... If they can't learn how to come to the middle and try to find public policy solutions that are acceptable to both sides of the fence, they are going to self destruct, imo.
No, you want the GOP to cave in and kowtow to every fucking thing you shitheads throw at us. It is the GOP's job to oppose the enemy Dumbocrats at every turn.
Up until the nomination..

Utter these words as much as possible... "Cut Taxes on the Rich", Ban Abortion", "American Values", "God", "Public Prayer", "intelligent design" and vaguely suggest that the leading Democrat is un-American and does not understand our values.

After the Nomination...

Utter these words, "American Flag", "Cut Taxes", "limit abortion", "American Values", "God", "Prayer", "elitism", Trash higher education and never acknowledge that you graduated from "Yale or Harvard", "lower gas, and grocery prices", if possible demonize a foreign enemy and call the Democrat soft on that enemy who is threatening the "American Values". (This is a bonus because you can say "American values" a few times while doing so.)
And you don't think Democrats don't do the same? need to read your Machiavelli.